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Game on December 15, 2021 at 22:12, 7 players
1. 276 pts HollyIvy
2. 201 pts sicilianc5
3. 168 pts queen66

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abegov   H4    26    26   bovate
 2. aaeilpt   4D    22    48   patible
 3. aeiorrt   D4    61   109   priorate
 4. ?begipu  12A    40   149   pubs
 5. aclmnos  A10    36   185   copalm
 6. adfgiis   E9    29   214   gif
 7. aeinrtu   8H    74   288   tainture
 8. acdhinw   B6    44   332   winch
 9. adeinoo   A4    35   367   anode
10. adefkow   F6    39   406   kawed
11. anorstv   O7    62   468   venators
12. eellmru   J6    64   532   reillume
13. efgioos   L1    78   610   goofiest
14. inqstuy   2J    70   680   quoins
15. denotyz   N8    71   751   rozet
16. ddeirxy   3E    45   796   yex
17. ddeisty  14A    80   876   lyddites
18. aghijnr  15H    63   939   hijra

Remaining tiles: gn

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7739 FileHollyIvy    5  8:44  -663  276     1.7739 HollyIvy    5  8:44  -663  276 
  2.7821 Filesicilianc5  2  3:34  -738  201     2.7821 sicilianc5  2  3:34  -738  201 
  3.7417 Filequeen66     3  7:44  -771  168     3.7417 queen66     3  7:44  -771  168 
  4.7460 FileMycophot    3  8:24  -771  168     4.7460 Mycophot    3  8:24  -771  168 
  5.  -  FileZZZZZZ1118  1  1:42  -868   71            Group: not rated
  6.  -  FileJJJJJJ1120  1  1:51  -876   63     1.  -  ZZZZZZ1118  1  1:42  -868   71 
  7.  -  FileHHHHHH1116  1  1:57  -895   44     2.  -  JJJJJJ1120  1  1:51  -876   63 
                                             3.  -  HHHHHH1116  1  1:57  -895   44 

On 1st draw, BOVA(T)E H4 26 --- BOVATE as much land as one ox could plough [n]
Other tops: ABOVE(S) H3 26, VO(C)AB H4 26, VO(L)AGE H4 26, VO(Y)AGE H4 26
Other moves: BEVO(R) H4 24, B(R)AVE H4 24, B(R)AVO H4 24, GA(N)EV H8 24, VAG(U)E H4 24
VAG(U)E H4 24 HollyIvy, Mycophot
VOG(U)E H4 24 queen66

On 2nd draw, PATIBLE 4D 22 --- PATIBLE capable of suffering [adj]
Other tops: LEPTA G7 22, PETAL G7 22, PIETA G7 22, TEPAL G7 22
Other moves: LEPT G7 21, LIPA G7 21, LIPE G7 21, PAAL G7 21, PATE G7 21
PATE G7 21 queen66, Mycophot, HollyIvy

On 3rd draw, PRIORATE D4 61 --- PRIORATE the office of a prior [n]
Other moves: OARIER 3H 30, TOEA 3G 25, OATER 3H 22, TOE 3G 22, IRATE 5B 20
TIRE 5C 18 HollyIvy
RARE 5C 18 queen66
TARE 5C 18 Mycophot

On 4th draw, PUB(S) 12A 40 --- PUB a public bar [n]
Other moves: BEG(S) 12A 38, BIG(S) 12A 38, BUG(S) 12A 38, PEG(S) 12A 38, PIG(S) 12A 38
PUB(S) 12A 40 Mycophot, queen66, HollyIvy

On 5th draw, COPALM A10 36 --- COPALM a hardwood tree [n]
Other tops: CLAMPS A8 36, CLOMPS A8 36
Other moves: MOANS 3G 34, CLAMP A8 33, CLOMP A8 33, MOAN 3G 33, SCAMP A8 33
CLAMPS A8 36 HollyIvy, Mycophot
CLOMPS A8 36 queen66

On 6th draw, GIF E9 29 --- GIF if [conj]
Other tops: DIF E9 29, DIFS G7 29, DIFS I7 29, FADS G7 29, FIDS G7 29
Other moves: DIF G7 28, DIF I7 28, FAD G7 28, FID G7 28, FOIDS 5G 28
DIFS I7 29 HollyIvy, queen66, Mycophot

On 7th draw, (T)AINTURE 8H 74 --- TAINTURE defilement [n]
Other moves: VAUNTIER 6H 65, URANITE G8 63, URINATE G8 63, RUINATE G9 62, RUINATE I9 62

On 8th draw, WINCH B6 44 --- WINCH to raise with a winch (a hoisting machine) [v]
Other moves: HAW C7 39, HWAN C6 36, WICH B7 35, DICH B7 33, INCH B7 32

On 9th draw, ANODE A4 35 --- ANODE a positively charged electrode [n]
Other moves: DOEN 3G 29, NODE A5 29, NODI A5 29, ADO A6 26, DOE 3G 26

On 10th draw, KAWED F6 39 --- KAW to cry like a crow [v]
Other moves: KOA 3G 38, FAKED F6 37, WAKED F6 37, AWOKE 3I 34, FADO 3E 33

On 11th draw, VENATORS O7 62 --- VENATOR a huntsman [n]
Other moves: SOVRAN 10H 28, SAVOR 10H 27, SAV 10H 25, SOAR 3G 25, SOV 10H 25

On 12th draw, REILLUME J6 64 --- REILLUME to light again [v]
Other moves: MERELS 14J 28, MERLES 14J 28, MULE N10 28, RUME N8 26, MEL N10 25
MERLES 14J 28 sicilianc5

On 13th draw, GOOFIEST L1 78 --- GOOFY silly [adj]
Other moves: FIGO N10 36, FEG N10 33, FIG N10 33, FIGO 3E 33, FIGOS 14F 32
FIGOS 14F 32 sicilianc5

On 14th draw, QUOINS 2J 70 --- QUOIN to secure with a type of wedge [v]
Other tops: QUOIST 2J 70, QUOITS 2J 70
Other moves: QUOIN 2J 68, QUOIT 2J 68, QUYTING 1F 60, QUINSY 14F 53, QUINS 14F 49
QUOITS 2J 70 sicilianc5

On 15th draw, ROZET N8 71 --- ROZET to rosin [v]
Other moves: ZED N10 69, REZ N8 65, DOZENS 14J 56, ZONED 14F 55, DOYENS 14J 44
ROZET N8 71 sicilianc5, ZZZZZZ1118

On 16th draw, YEX 3E 45 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other moves: DEX 3E 41, YEXED 13I 40, YDRED 14F 38, REX K11 37, EX 3F 36
YEX 3E 45 HollyIvy

On 17th draw, LYDDITES 14A 80 --- LYDDITE an explosive [n]
Other moves: DEISTS 14J 38, STEDDS 14J 33, STEDDY 14F 33, DRY 5C 32, DITED 14F 31

On 18th draw, HIJRA 15H 63 --- HIJRA an exodus [n]
Other moves: HAJI 15H 57, HIJRA 15G 56, HAJ 15H 54, HARING 15H 48, HANGI 15H 45
HIJRA 15H 63 HollyIvy, JJJJJJ1120

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