Game on December 20, 2021 at 12:27, 7 players
1. 162 pts moonmonkey
2. 162 pts Mycophot
3. 162 pts HollyIvy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


5E 24 46 


6B 38 84 


4B 38 122 


9B 61 183 


4H 29 212 


B9 28 240 


15B 80 320 


14D 33 353 


M3 32 385 


N8 74 459 


13H 76 535 


O6 55 590 


12A 50 640 


O12 36 676 


J11 38 714 


K10 27 741 


11E 30 771 


7B 24 795 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
moonmonkey 2 4:34 -633 162 1.7565 moonmonkey 2 4:34 -633 162
Mycophot 2 5:08 -633 162 2.7547 Mycophot 2 5:08 -633 162
HollyIvy 2 5:31 -633 162 3.7721 HollyIvy 2 5:31 -633 162
4. -
PPPPPP1115 1 0:48 -773 22 Group: not rated
5. -
TTTTTT1113 1 1:10 -773 22 1. - PPPPPP1115 1 0:48 -773 22
6. -
UUUUUU1115 1 1:36 -773 22 2. - TTTTTT1113 1 1:10 -773 22
7. -
NNNNNN1116 1 1:59 -773 22 3. - UUUUUU1115 1 1:36 -773 22
4. - NNNNNN1116 1 1:59 -773 22
On 1st draw, PLUTON H4 22 --- PLUTON the formation of igneous rock [n]
Other tops: PULTON H4 22, UPTORN H3 22
Other moves: POULT H4 20, PROUL H4 20, PRUNT H4 20, PUNTO H4 20, PUTON H4 20
On 2nd draw, HALLOW 5E 24 --- HALLOW to make holy [v]
Other tops: AWHIRL 5C 24, HALLOW 5F 24
Other moves: HAW I6 23, HORAL I6 23, HOW I6 23, HARO I6 22, HORA I6 22
WHORL 5D 22 moonmonkey
WHIRL 5D 22 Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 3rd draw, ABRAY 6B 38 --- ABRAY to awake [v]
Other moves: BRAY 6C 35, BAY 6D 34, GRAY 6C 34, GAY 6D 33, RAY 6D 32
ABRAY 6B 38 HollyIvy, Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 4th draw, BREAK 4B 38 --- BREAK to reduce to fragments [v]
Other moves: BEAK 4C 36, BRAK 4C 36, KEBAR 4B 34, KRAB 4C 34, KAB 4D 32
BREAK 4B 38 moonmonkey, HollyIvy, Mycophot
On 5th draw, ALEURONS 9B 61 --- ALEURON a protein found in some seeds [n]
Other moves: AUREOLAS B6 60, NEUROSAL 9H 60, AROUSE K1 38, LOUSER K2 38, ROSEAL K3 38
SOLAR K5 36 Mycophot
ORALS K1 36 HollyIvy
SOLER K5 36 moonmonkey
On 6th draw, PLOVER 4H 29 --- PLOVER a shore bird [n]
Other moves: HALLOWER 5E 28, VERGE D8 26, VETOER D8 26, TOG 3E 24, GOER 10B 22
HALLOWER 5E 28 moonmonkey, Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 7th draw, ACTI(N)G B9 28 --- ACTING the occupation of an actor [n]
Other moves: TRICI(N)G M3 24, T(O)C 3E 24, CIG(S) N1 23, T(O)G 3E 22, CIT(S) N1 21
On 8th draw, SOO(T)IER 15B 80 --- SOOTY covered with soot [adj]
Other moves: EROSIO(N) N1 78, (G)OOSIER N1 78, SOO(T)IER N4 72, SOO(T)IER 10H 71, SORORI(S)E M2 68
On 9th draw, WIPE 14D 33 --- WIPE to rub lightly in order to clean or dry [v]
Other tops: WEPT 14D 33
Other moves: EWT 3C 28, PEEWIT D8 28, TIPT 14D 27, WEPT 3L 27, PEWIT D8 26
On 10th draw, FREEMAN M3 32 --- FREEMAN one who is free [n]
Other moves: AFT 3C 28, EFT 3C 28, FAME 3L 27, FEME 3L 27, ENFRAME M1 26
On 11th draw, NOUGATS N8 74 --- NOUGAT a chewy candy [n]
Other tops: NOUGATS 13G 74
Other moves: NOUGATS L8 73, OUTSANG L9 72, OUTSANG N9 72, GOVS K2 42, GUVS K2 42
On 12th draw, IODYRITE 13H 76 --- IODYRITE a silver mineral [n]
Other moves: DORY O5 42, DREY O5 42, DEY O6 39, DOY O6 39, DREY O6 39
On 13th draw, QAID O6 55 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: QAID O5 54, QADI O5 51, VIAND O4 51, QAT O7 48, QAT O6 45
On 14th draw, JIVIEST 12A 50 --- JIVEY jazzy, lively [adj] --- JIVY lively [adj]
Other moves: JIVES 12A 46, VAVS K2 46, JIVE 12A 44, JEST N2 41, JEATS D8 40
On 15th draw, MEIN O12 36 --- MEIN to lament [v]
Other moves: DEME 12I 31, DIME 12I 31, ENEMA 12J 30, MEINED 11E 30, MENE 12I 28
On 16th draw, NUDZH J11 38 --- NUDZH to noodge [v]
Other tops: HAZY K10 38
Other moves: ZEREBA C2 36, ADZE J12 34, ADZ J12 33, ZANY K10 32, ZEA 12I 31
On 17th draw, CAGY K10 27 --- CAGY shrewd [adj]
Other moves: CANY K10 24, ENCAGE K6 22, TANREC L10 22, TEENY K9 22, TENREC L10 22
On 18th draw, FEED 11E 30 --- FEED to give food to [v]
Other moves: EFT 3C 28, FEEN 11E 28, FEET 11E 28, DEIF 11E 26, FEE 11E 26
On 19th draw, XI 7B 24 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: EX 8D 22, HEX 15J 21, NIXE 6J 21, EX 6J 19, EX 7A 18
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