Game on December 22, 2021 at 14:14, 5 players
1. 199 pts sicilianc5
2. 159 pts Mycophot
3. 151 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H6 80 80 


11D 86 166 


12A 38 204 


I2 76 280 


A7 42 322 


J3 38 360 


K1 42 402 


12K 55 457 


1K 81 538 


O12 39 577 


E4 68 645 


13I 36 681 


D1 37 718 


1A 33 751 


14H 68 819 


15D 45 864 


1A 36 900 


2B 20 920 


N1 34 954 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
sicilianc5 4 4:55 -755 199 1.7934 sicilianc5 4 4:55 -755 199
Mycophot 2 4:52 -795 159 2.7588 Mycophot 2 4:52 -795 159
moonmonkey 3 3:03 -803 151 3.7678 moonmonkey 3 3:03 -803 151
4. -
NNNNNN1116 1 1:47 -886 68 Group: not rated
5. -
UUUUUU1115 1 1:56 -899 55 1. - NNNNNN1116 1 1:47 -886 68
2. - UUUUUU1115 1 1:56 -899 55
On 1st draw, AM(E)NITY H6 80 --- AMENITY the quality of being pleasant or agreeable [n]
Other tops: AMIN(I)TY H6 80, AM(I)NITY H6 80, ANYTIM(E) H2 80, TYM(P)ANI H3 80
Other moves: AMIN(I)TY H3 78, AM(E)NITY H3 78, AM(I)NITY H3 78, ANYTIM(E) H7 78, TYM(P)ANI H2 78
On 2nd draw, AERATING 11D 86 --- AERATE to supply with air [v]
Other moves: ANERGIA I2 69, ANERGIA I1 67, ANEARING 9B 63, ANEARING 9G 62, GRATINE 11E 32
On 3rd draw, FISH 12A 38 --- FISH to catch or try to catch fish (cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates) [v]
Other tops: FASH 12A 38
Other moves: SHEAF 12A 33, FAHS 12A 32, FAHS 12B 32, FEHS 12A 32, FEHS 12B 32
On 4th draw, CAJONES I2 76 --- CAJON a steep-sided canyon [n]
Other moves: JOINS B10 56, JANE 10B 35, JEAN 10B 35, JANE G6 31, CAJON G4 30
On 5th draw, LEADOFF A7 42 --- LEADOFF an opening play or move [n]
Other tops: LEADOFF A6 42
Other moves: FJELD 4H 40, FOALED 13B 39, FAILED B10 36, FOILED B10 36, OFFED A11 36
On 6th draw, GOWNS J3 38 --- GOWN to dress in a gown (a long, loose outer garment) [v]
Other moves: OWNS J4 33, SWUNG 14A 33, GOWN J3 32, SWORN 14A 31, SWOUN 14A 31
On 7th draw, OVERT K1 42 --- OVERT open to view [adj]
Other tops: AVERT K1 42, OVATE K1 42
Other moves: VARE K2 40, VERT K2 40, VOTE K2 40, IRATE K1 36, ORATE K1 36
On 8th draw, UMIAQ 12K 55 --- UMIAQ an open Eskimo boat [n]
Other moves: QI B6 33, JORAM 4I 28, JORUM 4I 28, MILIA B6 26, QUALM B5 26
On 9th draw, OZ(E)KI 1K 81 --- OZEKI a champion sumo wrestler [n]
Other moves: Q(U)IZ O12 63, ADZ(U)KI B2 60, K(H)AZI N10 54, ZODIA(C) 1J 51, D(O)PIAZA N8 48
OZ(E)KI 1K 81 moonmonkey
On 10th draw, QUAT O12 39 --- QUAT a pimple [n]
Other tops: QUAI O12 39, QUIN O12 39, QUIT O12 39
Other moves: VALI 2K 38, WITAN 13I 36, NAUTILI 10D 31, ANTI 13L 29, UNAI 13L 29
QUIT O12 39 Mycophot, sicilianc5
On 11th draw, DATOLITE E4 68 --- DATOLITE a rock formed from boron and calcium silicates [n]
Other moves: VALID 2K 45, VALI 2K 38, VOLA 2K 38, AID 2M 24, ALOD 13J 24
TAD 13K 22 sicilianc5, Mycophot
On 12th draw, HELIO 13I 36 --- HELIO a signaling mirror [n]
Other moves: HIREE 13C 34, HEROE D1 32, HIREE D1 32, FOH 13A 30, HIRE 13C 30
HIREE 13C 34 Mycophot
On 13th draw, PAVED D1 37 --- PAVE to cover with material that forms a firm, level surface [v]
Other moves: PEDAL 14H 34, PAVED 14F 33, VALET D1 32, PALED D1 31, PATED D1 31
PAVED D1 37 sicilianc5, moonmonkey
VADE D1 30 Mycophot
On 14th draw, PURPORT 1A 33 --- PURPORT to profess or proclaim [v]
Other moves: TROPPO 1A 30, POUPT 1A 27, POUPT 1D 27, UPROOT 14E 25, POOP 1A 24
PURPORT 1A 33 moonmonkey, sicilianc5
On 15th draw, NIXY 14H 68 --- NIXY an undeliverable piece of mail [n]
Other moves: NIXE 14H 62, YEX 14H 59, ILEX 14G 57, LEX 14H 56, NIX 14H 56
NIXY 14H 68 sicilianc5, NNNNNN1116
On 16th draw, BOWIE 15D 45 --- BOWIE s in bowie knife, a type of hunting knife. [adj]
Other moves: BRIBE 15D 42, OWRIE 15D 33, BOWIE B9 31, WOE 15G 30, OWRE 15E 27
On 17th draw, PURPORTS 1A 36 --- PURPORT to profess or proclaim [v]
Other moves: GENIES B9 33, ES L3 31, GEARE 2B 30, RENIES B9 30, BES 11M 26
On 18th draw, GEAR 2B 20 --- GEAR equipment [n] --- GEAR to provide with gears (toothed machine parts) [v]
Other tops: GEAN 2B 20, KLUGE N1 20, KRENG N1 20, KUGEL N1 20
Other moves: KNURL N1 18, KNURR N1 18, KURRE N1 18, UNGLUE B1 18, GEN F5 17
On 19th draw, KERBED N1 34 --- KERB to provide a street with a concrete border [v]
Other moves: DENIER B9 33, RENIED B9 32, KERNED N1 30, DIEB B11 22, BED F5 21
KERBED N1 34 Mycophot
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