Game on December 24, 2021 at 14:50, 2 players
1. 48 pts UUUUUU1115
2. 48 pts TTTTTT1113
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 68 68 


11D 90 158 


15B 107 265 


14A 28 293 


L5 70 363 


13B 42 405 


10K 49 454 


8A 74 528 


7B 49 577 


K4 33 610 


B3 67 677 


8K 32 709 


J2 36 745 


A1 36 781 


4D 36 817 


N10 30 847 


15J 48 895 


C1 32 927 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
1. -
UUUUUU1115 1 1:26 -879 48 1. - UUUUUU1115 1 1:26 -879 48
2. -
TTTTTT1113 1 1:56 -879 48 2. - TTTTTT1113 1 1:56 -879 48
On 1st draw, (S)TRIDOR H8 68 --- STRIDOR a strident sound [n]
Other tops: DORTI(E)R H4 68
Other moves: DORTI(E)R H2 66, DORTI(E)R H3 66, DORTI(E)R H6 66, DORTI(E)R H8 66, (S)TRIDOR H2 66
On 2nd draw, (G)OLFIANA 11D 90 --- GOLFIANA golfing items [n]
Other moves: FO(R)LANA(S) 8A 80, (S)AF(R)ONAL 8H 80, FORLANA(S) 10F 70, FORLANA(S) 14F 70, (S)AFRONAL 10E 64
On 3rd draw, BORAGES 15B 107 --- BORAGE a medicinal herb [n]
Other moves: BARGOOSE 13C 76, BORAGES L5 72, BORAGES G3 70, BEGROANS J5 65, BARGOOSE 13D 64
On 4th draw, FOP 14A 28 --- FOP to deceive [v]
Other tops: FAP 14A 28
Other moves: APE 14B 24, APO 14B 24, OPE 14B 24, ORFE 10G 23, FOP 12C 22
On 5th draw, DEITIES L5 70 --- DEITY a god or goddess [n]
Other moves: DEITIES G3 66, DIETINES J6 65, TIDIED 12C 28, DEIST L8 27, SITED L11 27
On 6th draw, HARDY 13B 42 --- HARDY a blacksmith's chisel [n] --- HARDY very sturdy [adj]
Other moves: AYWORD M2 40, AYWORD K2 37, ODAH 13A 37, HAW 13B 36, HAY 13B 36
On 7th draw, JEEZ 10K 49 --- JEEZ used as a mild oath [interj]
Other moves: JOG(G)ER D8 42, JEEZ 6K 40, JETTON 8J 39, TOZE 8L 39, JEEZ 6J 36
On 8th draw, TRIOLET(S) 8A 74 --- TRIOLET a short poem of fixed form [n]
Other moves: TORTILE G2 60, TRIOLET I2 60, ZLOTE N10 28, ZORIL N10 28, LOTTE K4 22
On 9th draw, AXMEN 7B 49 --- AXMAN a man who uses an axe [n]
Other moves: AXLE 7B 42, LANX K4 39, AX 7B 36, AXMEN K2 36, EX 7B 36
On 10th draw, HOWL K4 33 --- HOWL to cry like a dog [v]
Other moves: BOWL K4 31, DHOW 12H 31, BLOW K3 29, HOW K4 29, QI K4 28
On 11th draw, UNWEARIED B3 67 --- UNWEARIED not wearied [adj] --- WEARY to make or become weary [adj]
Other moves: WIZENED N8 40, REWIDEN 14H 38, WIDEN M3 35, DIENE J2 29, NEWED M2 29
On 12th draw, STIPE 8K 32 --- STIPE a slender supporting part of a plant [n]
Other tops: STIPA 8K 32, STOEP 8K 32, STOPE 8K 32
Other moves: ZOEAS N10 28, SPAE C2 27, APE J4 26, APO J4 26, OPE J4 26
On 13th draw, MACLE J2 36 --- MACLE a spot or discoloration in a mineral [n]
Other tops: CLAME J2 36
Other moves: MVULE J2 35, ACME A1 34, CAME A1 34, ALMUCE J1 33, ACME J3 31
On 14th draw, KAGU A1 36 --- KAGU a flightless bird [n]
Other tops: KAGO A1 36, KOA I3 36
Other moves: OKA I2 35, KUNA A1 32, KA I3 30, KO I3 30, ATOK 3J 28
On 15th draw, BESCORCH 4D 36 --- BESCORCH to scorch [v]
Other moves: CORE 12C 34, CORVES M1 34, CORBES M1 32, COVER M2 32, COVES M2 32
On 16th draw, ZEATIN N10 30 --- ZEATIN a chemical compound found in maize [n]
Other moves: ZANTE N10 28, NEAT 3H 22, WAIN 5B 22, WAIT 5B 22, WEAN 5B 22
On 17th draw, QUAINT 15J 48 --- QUAINT pleasingly old-fashioned or unfamiliar [adj]
Other moves: QUANT 15K 45, QUINA 15K 45, QUINO 15K 45, QUINT 15K 45, VANT 15L 33
On 18th draw, IVY C1 32 --- IVY a climbing vine [n]
Other moves: VIVO H1 30, GOV C1 28, G*YGOY C1 28, NOY C1 26, ONY C1 26
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