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Game on December 26, 2021 at 20:28, 6 players
1. 389 pts queen66
2. 363 pts moonmonkey
3. 362 pts Mycophot

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ainrtty   H4    26    26   yttria
 2. ?aggiks  10F    78   104   gasking
 3. abefpry   L8    34   138   fegary
 4. aadenrv   M2    81   219   veranda
 5. ?aeeilw   N8    81   300   weigela
 6. acehotv  O12    46   346   hote
 7. emorsuu   O4    60   406   mores
 8. denotux  11C    38   444   detox
 9. adeorvw   D5    88   532   reavowed
10. abeiltu   5D    40   572   rebuttal
11. efghnop   C5    36   608   poh
12. eeilnos   C9    27   635   lodens
13. eiiooqr  14A    24   659   qis
14. ablnouz   9G    50   709   za
15. bcijnor  15A    41   750   in
16. iimnoou   6H    26   776   tomo
17. cdiiltu  13E    69   845   lucidity
18. aefgjpr   B6    60   905   jap
19. beginns   F1    67   972   snebbing
20. efinruu   1B    42  1014   infuser

Remaining tiles: cu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7378 Filequeen66     5  7:28  -625  389     1.7378 queen66     5  7:28  -625  389 
  2.7726 Filemoonmonkey  4  8:59  -651  363     2.7726 moonmonkey  4  8:59  -651  363 
  3.7658 FileMycophot    5  7:57  -652  362     3.7658 Mycophot    5  7:57  -652  362 
  4.  -  Filerrrrrr1112  2  3:44  -946   68            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FilePPPPPP1115  1  1:56  -954   60     1.  -  rrrrrr1112  2  3:44  -946   68 
  6.  -  FileAAAAAA1117  1  1:23  -988   26     2.  -  PPPPPP1115  1  1:56  -954   60 
                                             3.  -  AAAAAA1117  1  1:23  -988   26 

On 1st draw, YTTRIA H4 26 --- YTTRIA a chemical compound [n]
Other tops: TYRANT H3 26
Other moves: NATTY H8 24, NITRY H8 24, NITTY H8 24, RAINY H8 24, RATTY H8 24
YTTRIA H4 26 AAAAAA1117, rrrrrr1112

On 2nd draw, GASKI(N)G 10F 78 --- GASKING a gasket [n]
Other moves: GASKI(N)G I9 70, GASKI(N)G G8 69, SKATI(N)G 5E 44, ASKI(N)G G7 32, GASTI(N)G 5E 32
SKATI(N)G 5E 44 moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66

On 3rd draw, FEGARY L8 34 --- FEGARY a whim [n]
Other moves: FYKE I8 32, GRAPEY L10 32, FAKERY I8 29, FY 11J 29, FAERY G9 28
FEGARY L8 34 queen66, Mycophot, moonmonkey

On 4th draw, VERANDA M2 81 --- VERANDA a type of porch [n]
Other moves: FAVA 8L 30, FAVE 8L 30, DEARN M11 27, DEAN M11 25, DEAR M11 25
FAVE 8L 30 moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66

On 5th draw, WEI(G)ELA N8 81 --- WEIGELA a flowering shrub [n]
Other moves: ALEWIVE(S) 2H 80, WEI(G)ELA N5 80, ALEWI(F)E N8 78, WATE(R)LINE 6F 71, (B)EWAILER 7A 65
WAIVE 2J 38 queen66, Mycophot, moonmonkey

On 6th draw, HOTE O12 46 --- HETE to command [v]
Other tops: HAET O12 46, HATE O12 46
Other moves: CHAVE 2J 38, OCTAVE 2I 34, VETCHY 4C 34, CHEVY 4D 32, EATH O12 31
HATE O12 46 Mycophot, moonmonkey
HOTE O12 46 queen66

On 7th draw, MORES O4 60 --- MORE a greater amount [n]
Other tops: MEOUS O4 60, MOERS O4 60, MOUES O4 60, MURES O4 60
Other moves: OMERS O4 54, ROUMS O4 54, RUMES O4 54, MORSE O5 53, MOUSE O5 53
MORES O4 60 moonmonkey, queen66, Mycophot

On 8th draw, DETOX 11C 38 --- DETOX to remove a toxin from [v]
Other moves: DOUX 11D 36, DUX 11E 34, DETOX 6F 33, DEOXY 4D 32, NOX 11E 32
DOUX 11D 36 Mycophot, queen66, moonmonkey

On 9th draw, REAVOWED D5 88 --- REAVOW to vow again [v]
Other moves: OVERAWED D5 82, OVERDRAW 7C 69, DOVER 12D 45, RAVED 12D 45, ROVED 12D 45

On 10th draw, REBUTTAL 5D 40 --- REBUTTAL an argument or proof that rebuts [n]
Other moves: BLIVE 2J 32, BLIVE 8A 30, ABAXILE G8 29, ELUVIA 8A 27, BADE C9 25

On 11th draw, POH C5 36 --- POH used to express disgust [interj]
Other tops: PEH C5 36
Other moves: HOPE C3 33, FOP C3 29, HEP C3 29, HOP C3 29, HO 6J 28
HOPE C3 33 moonmonkey

On 12th draw, LODENS C9 27 --- LODEN a thick, woollen fabric [n]
Other moves: LODEN C9 25, LODES C9 25, NODES C9 25, DONEES 12D 24, DENES 12D 23

On 13th draw, QIS 14A 24 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI M14 23, ERA 9F 19, REI 12F 18, REO 12F 18, OE 12F 16
QIS 14A 24 Mycophot

On 14th draw, ZA 9G 50 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other tops: ZAX G9 50
Other moves: LAZO N3 39, AZONAL J1 37, BLAZON J3 37, AZO N4 36, ZONAL J2 36
ZAX G9 50 Mycophot

On 15th draw, IN 15A 41 --- IN to gather in harvest [v]
Other tops: IO 15A 41
Other moves: QI A14 33, JIBB F2 31, BAJRI J4 30, CAJON J4 30, JOW 10B 29
IN 15A 41 queen66

On 16th draw, TOMO 6H 26 --- TOMO a shaft formed by erosion of rock [n]
Other moves: MOON 6J 24, T*M 6H 23, MI 6J 22, MO 6J 22, NOVUM 2K 20

On 17th draw, LUCIDITY 13E 69 --- LUCIDITY the quality of being lucid [n]
Other moves: CIVIL 2K 20, LIVID 2K 18, COED 6B 16, CRIM 4L 16, CURD 7F 16

On 18th draw, JAP B6 60 --- JAP to spatter [v]
Other moves: JAG B6 59, JAR B6 58, JA B6 57, FAP B6 36, FAG B6 35
JAP B6 60 queen66, PPPPPP1115

On 19th draw, SNEBBING F1 67 --- SNEB to snib [v]
Other moves: BINGES A1 44, BEGINS A1 41, BEINGS A1 41, BENNIS A1 38, BIGS H12 30

On 20th draw, INFUSER 1B 42 --- INFUSER one that infuses [n]
Other moves: NIFE 14H 35, FIER H12 33, FINE H12 33, FINI H12 33, FIRE H12 33
INFUSER 1B 42 moonmonkey, rrrrrr1112

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