Game on December 29, 2021 at 14:25, 6 players
1. 271 pts Chelsea
2. 132 pts sicilianc5
3. 132 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 24 24 


I10 29 53 


8A 92 145 


G11 20 165 


D1 88 253 


15H 39 292 


14L 47 339 


3B 78 417 


O12 63 480 


B2 38 518 


13K 42 560 


J8 34 594 


5D 98 692 


1D 39 731 


6H 55 786 


L11 30 816 


4J 32 848 


N2 34 882 


O1 34 916 


14A 22 938 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 2 9:00 -667 271 1.7776 Chelsea 2 9:00 -667 271
sicilianc5 0 4:08 -806 132 2.7864 sicilianc5 0 4:08 -806 132
moonmonkey 0 4:15 -806 132 3.7733 moonmonkey 0 4:15 -806 132
HollyIvy 0 4:18 -806 132 4.7799 HollyIvy 0 4:18 -806 132
5. -
PPPPPP1115 1 1:19 -914 24 Group: not rated
6. -
OOOOOO1120 1 1:44 -914 24 1. - PPPPPP1115 1 1:19 -914 24
2. - OOOOOO1120 1 1:44 -914 24
On 1st draw, DELOPE H8 24 --- DELOPE to fire one's gun into the air during a duel [v]
Other tops: PELOID H4 24
Other moves: DELOPE H4 22, DIPLOE H4 22, DIPOLE H4 22, ELOPED H7 22, PELOID H7 22
On 2nd draw, AROHA I10 29 --- AROHA (Maori) love, compassion [n]
Other moves: HARE I9 28, HARO I9 28, HORA I9 28, HORE I9 28, AROHA G6 27
HARE I9 28 moonmonkey, HollyIvy
HORE I9 28 sicilianc5
On 3rd draw, GA(M)MONED 8A 92 --- GAMMON to mislead by deceptive talk [v]
Other moves: GAMONE(S) 15C 88, MANGOE(S) 15C 88, D(R)AGOMEN 8H 86, GAM(M)ONED 8A 83, MON(T)AGED 8A 83
G(E)NOME J6 32 sicilianc5, HollyIvy, moonmonkey
On 4th draw, TARN G11 20 --- TARN a small mountain lake [n]
Other tops: OURN G11 20, TARO G11 20, TURN G11 20
Other moves: NUR G11 19, OAR G11 19, OUR G11 19, TAR G11 19, URAO J9 19
On 5th draw, PYGIDI(U)M D1 88 --- PYGIDIUM the posterior region of certain invertebrates [n]
Other moves: PYGIDIA(L) B2 86, PYGIDI(U)(M) C1 76, Y*DsYID(S) J10 46, GIP(S)Y 15D 40, Y*DYID J10 40
GIP(S)Y 15D 40 Chelsea
P(U)DGY J6 39 moonmonkey, sicilianc5
P(O)DGY J6 39 HollyIvy
On 6th draw, ASWOON 15H 39 --- ASWOON swooning [adj]
Other tops: AWNS J9 39, OWNS J9 39
Other moves: WAS J10 38, WOS J10 38, SWONE 9D 36, NOWS J8 33, POWANS 1D 33
AWNS J9 39 Chelsea
NOWS J8 33 sicilianc5, HollyIvy, moonmonkey
On 7th draw, ZIMB 14L 47 --- ZIMB an Ethiopian insect [n]
Other moves: ZAMBO J7 39, ZOMBI J7 39, FOZY 2A 38, ZOA 14L 37, AZYM 2B 36
ZOA 14L 37 Chelsea
On 8th draw, VAGARIES 3B 78 --- VAGARY a whim [n]
Other moves: AVIARIES 6B 65, VAGARIES A6 63, AVIARIES 4B 62, VIATORES 11D 44, RAVE 13K 42
RAVE 13K 42 Chelsea
On 9th draw, JUBE O12 63 --- JUBE a platform in a church [n]
Other tops: JABS O12 63, JUBA O12 63
Other moves: JA 13M 42, JASPE 1A 42, JAUPS 1A 42, PUJAS 1D 42, SAFE 13K 42
JUBE O12 63 Chelsea
On 10th draw, EVERY B2 38 --- EVERY each without exception [adj]
Other moves: PEYTREL 1D 36, PELTRY 1D 33, PERTLY 1D 33, PRETTY 1D 33, TREY H1 33
PETTY 1D 30 Chelsea
On 11th draw, FAW 13K 42 --- FAW a gypsy [n]
Other moves: FETWA J7 37, TAW 13K 36, FITTE 4H 35, AW 13L 34, TAWT J8 33
AW A1 20 Chelsea
On 12th draw, TUBES J8 34 --- TUBE to provide with a tube (a long, hollow cylinder) [v]
Other moves: BES J10 32, BES 9B 29, BUS 9B 29, UTES 9A 29, NEBS J8 27
On 13th draw, DEVIATOR 5D 98 --- DEVIATOR one that deviates [n]
Other moves: TAVERT 8J 39, PIVOTER 1D 36, PRIVATE 1D 36, RIEVE H1 36, EREV H1 33
On 14th draw, PEGHED 1D 39 --- PEGH to pant [v]
Other moves: HEDGE 6J 35, DOH 6H 33, EHED 6I 33, OHED 6I 33, HEED 6J 31
On 15th draw, LOX 6H 55 --- LOX liquid oxygen [n] --- LOX to supply with lox (liquid oxygen) [v]
Other tops: NOX 6H 55
Other moves: OX 6I 52, NOX 2H 33, TUTORED 11E 32, DOUX 4J 29, OX 2I 29
On 16th draw, DIAZO L11 30 --- DIAZO a type of photocopy [n] --- DIAZO containing a certain chemical group [adj]
Other moves: LAZO L12 26, KID 2H 23, TOOLKIT E7 23, KILD 2H 22, LOID 4J 22
On 17th draw, CONF 4J 32 --- CONF an online conference [n]
Other tops: COFT 4J 32
Other moves: FOUNT 4J 31, FUTON 4J 31, FONT 4J 29, COUNT 4J 28, CUTTO 4J 28
On 18th draw, QIS N2 34 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: IRIS 9A 29, TIS 9B 25, IS 9C 22, SI 9D 21, TRIST N1 20
On 19th draw, KIT O1 34 --- KIT to equip [v]
Other tops: KIN O1 34
Other moves: KI O1 29, LIN O1 22, LIT O1 22, NIT O1 22, RIN O1 22
On 20th draw, LECTURN 14A 22 --- LECTURN a reading desk [n]
Other tops: CERITE 4A 22
Other moves: TURTLE 8J 21, LUCERN 14B 20, NOCTULE E7 19, ER 1A 18, LENITE 4A 18
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