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Game on January 2, 2022 at 15:12, 6 players
1. 158 pts Chelsea
2. 128 pts moonmonkey
3. 123 pts HollyIvy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ainorsz   H4    48    48   zoris
 2. adeinrs   5D    86   134   aneroids
 3. afgimtv   4A    28   162   viga
 4. befilot   8A   101   263   botflies
 5. aiinopv   4K    20   283   avion
 6. ?enuwxy   6B    58   341   unsex
 7. aeenopt   O2    27   368   pentane
 8. aeeiltt   N8    70   438   ailette
 9. enpstuy  15L    41   479   yest
10. adegorr   A1    27   506   drave
11. abdilor   D8    80   586   forbidal
12. eginopt  C11    32   618   opine
13. ?akoosw   M9    55   673   kawas
14. ehjnruw  L12    33   706   hery
15. aghiotu   K9    32   738   tough
16. ejlmnor  J10    52   790   jo
17. cimouwy  J13    28   818   cwm
18. elmnoqr  14B    26   844   enarm
19. agilnqy   L8    29   873   qi
20. cglnouy   2A    38   911   rouncy

Remaining tiles: adfglu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7727 FileChelsea     1  4:08  -753  158     1.7727 Chelsea     1  4:08  -753  158 
  2.7728 Filemoonmonkey  3  5:14  -783  128     2.7728 moonmonkey  3  5:14  -783  128 
  3.7737 FileHollyIvy    2  4:00  -788  123     3.7737 HollyIvy    2  4:00  -788  123 
  4.7558 FileMycophot    1  1:53  -798  113     4.7558 Mycophot    1  1:53  -798  113 
  5.  -  FileJJJJJJ1121  1  1:57  -859   52            Group: not rated
  6.  -  FileOOOOOO1120  1  1:57  -873   38     1.  -  JJJJJJ1121  1  1:57  -859   52 
                                             2.  -  OOOOOO1120  1  1:57  -873   38 

On 1st draw, ZORIS H4 48 --- ZORI a type of sandal [n]
Other moves: NAZIRS H3 32, NAZIRS H4 32, NAZIRS H7 32, NAZIRS H8 32, AZONS H4 30
ZORIS H4 48 Chelsea

On 2nd draw, ANEROIDS 5D 86 --- ANEROID a type of barometer [n]
Other moves: ARIDNESS 8A 83, SARDINES 8A 83, SARDINES 8H 80, DONARIES 5G 68, SANDIER G7 66
DARES I3 27 Chelsea

On 3rd draw, VIGA 4A 28 --- VIGA a ceiling beam in Spanish architecture [n]
Other moves: GAM 6D 27, FAT 4D 26, FIAT 4A 26, FIT 4D 26, MAFIA D1 26

On 4th draw, BOTFLIES 8A 101 --- BOTFLY a type of fly [n]
Other moves: BLIVE A1 30, FER 6F 29, EF 6E 28, OF 6E 28, FILET 6B 27
FER 6F 29 Chelsea

On 5th draw, AVION 4K 20 --- AVION an aeroplane [n]
Other tops: AVION B2 20, PAVIN B1 20, POZ 4F 20
Other moves: INIA 9A 19, POI I3 19, PA 3B 18, PAVEN F2 18, PIA 9B 18

On 6th draw, UN(S)EX 6B 58 --- UNSEX to deprive of sexual power [v]
Other moves: U(L)EX 6C 55, (H)EX 6D 54, (L)EX 6D 54, (L)UX 6D 54, (O)XER 6E 54
(O)XER 6E 54 Chelsea

On 7th draw, PENTANE O2 27 --- PENTANE a volatile liquid [n]
Other tops: PENNATE O1 27, PENNATE O2 27
Other moves: NAEVE A1 24, NEPETA O4 24, PAEON 9B 24, PENNAE O1 24, POA 3M 22

On 8th draw, AILETTE N8 70 --- AILETTE a plate of armour for the shoulder [n]
Other moves: ALIVE A1 24, LEAVE A1 24, L*Z 4F 24, LIEVE A1 24, FLATTIE D8 20

On 9th draw, YEST 15L 41 --- YEST a fungi [n]
Other moves: UPSY 15L 38, POSY N3 36, NUTSY 15K 35, PEST 15L 35, SENVY A1 33
YEST 15L 41 moonmonkey

On 10th draw, DRAVE A1 27 --- DRIVE to urge or convey forward [v]
Other tops: DROVE A1 27, GRAVE A1 27, GROVE A1 27
Other moves: DERV A1 24, EARDROP 2I 24, FORAGED D8 24, GRAV A1 24, RADGER M6 24
DROVE A1 27 moonmonkey
GROVE A1 27 HollyIvy

On 11th draw, FORBIDAL D8 80 --- FORBIDAL the act of forbidding [n]
Other moves: ABORD 3C 31, DOAB N3 28, ABOIL 3C 27, LAZO 4F 27, BROADLY L9 26
DOAB N3 28 HollyIvy

On 12th draw, OPINE C11 32 --- OPINE to hold or state as an opinion [v]
Other moves: ELOPING 15C 30, PELTING 15B 30, POLTING 15B 30, OPEN C11 28, TOPOI N1 28
OPINE C11 32 HollyIvy

On 13th draw, KAW(A)S M9 55 --- KAWA protocol (Maori) [n]
Other tops: K(A)WAS M9 55
Other moves: KWELAS 15A 39, R(E)SOAK 2A 38, SKAW(S) M8 38, (S)KAWS M8 38, ASK(E)W M7 37
(B)OAK N3 36 HollyIvy

On 14th draw, HERY L12 33 --- HERY to praise [v]
Other tops: JEEL 15A 33
Other moves: JUN 14J 31, OBJURE 11C 30, WHENWE 11I 30, WRE(A)TH 12J 30, INJURE F8 29
OBJURE 11C 30 Mycophot

On 15th draw, TOUGH K9 32 --- TOUGH strong and resilient [adj] --- TOUGH to endure hardship [v]
Other moves: HAG B13 31, GATH K10 29, GOTH K10 29, HAT B13 28, UGH K11 28
HAG B13 31 Mycophot

On 16th draw, JO J10 52 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: JOMO N1 38, JEEL 15A 33, MOJO 10H 29, JOINER M2 28, OJIME M2 28
JO J10 52 Mycophot, JJJJJJ1121

On 17th draw, CWM J13 28 --- CWM a deep basin on a mountain [n]
Other moves: CIMEX F2 22, COWP 2L 22, MEW G7 22, MOBY 11B 22, WIMP 2L 22
YOMP 2L 22 moonmonkey

On 18th draw, ENARM 14B 26 --- ENARM to arm [v]
Other moves: ONE E11 25, ORE E11 25, L*Z 4F 24, REZ 4F 24, EON E10 23

On 19th draw, QI L8 29 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: GAINLY M2 28, RAYING 2A 28, YAG 15F 28, GYM 15H 27, LYAM 15G 27

On 20th draw, ROUNCY 2A 38 --- ROUNCY a riding-horse [n]
Other moves: CLINGY M2 32, YGO 15F 28, YUG 15F 28, GYM 15H 27, LINGY M3 26
ROUNCY 2A 38 moonmonkey, OOOOOO1120

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