Game on January 3, 2022 at 20:48, 4 players
1. 72 pts moonmonkey
2. 72 pts queen66
3. 72 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. ![f](./l/f1.png)
H6 76 76 ![r](./l/r1.png)
2. ![?](./l/bl1.png)
12D 74 150 ![d](./l/d1.png)
3. ![?](./l/bl1.png)
L8 100 250 ![w](./l/w1.png)
4. ![a](./l/a1.png)
D6 60 310 ![l](./l/l1.png)
5. ![a](./l/a1.png)
11C 46 356 ![s](./l/s1.png)
6. ![a](./l/a1.png)
14I 60 416 ![e](./l/e1.png)
7. ![d](./l/d1.png)
15D 44 460 ![h](./l/h1.png)
8. ![a](./l/a1.png)
15A 42 502 ![g](./l/g1.png)
9. ![n](./l/n1.png)
5H 82 584 ![p](./l/p1.png)
10. ![a](./l/a1.png)
8J 45 629 ![y](./l/y1.png)
11. ![a](./l/a1.png)
6H 39 668 ![r](./l/r1.png)
12. ![a](./l/a1.png)
E1 74 742 ![w](./l/w1.png)
13. ![b](./l/b1.png)
2D 64 806 ![e](./l/e1.png)
14. ![a](./l/a1.png)
1H 47 853 ![y](./l/y1.png)
15. ![c](./l/c1.png)
4L 68 921 ![j](./l/j1.png)
16. ![c](./l/c1.png)
1A 39 960 ![v](./l/v1.png)
17. ![c](./l/c1.png)
O1 36 996 ![m](./l/m1.png)
18. ![c](./l/c1.png)
O10 33 1029 ![i](./l/i1.png)
Remaining tiles: ![d](./l/d1.png)
Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
moonmonkey 1 0:39 -957 72 1.7711 moonmonkey 1 0:39 -957 72
queen66 1 1:21 -957 72 2.7488 queen66 1 1:21 -957 72
Mycophot 1 1:39 -957 72 3.7588 Mycophot 1 1:39 -957 72
4. -
UUUUUU1115 1 1:49 -961 68 Group: not rated
1. - UUUUUU1115 1 1:49 -961 68
On 1st draw, ROOFING H6 76 --- ROOFING material for a roof [n]
Other moves: ROOFING H2 74, ROOFING H3 74, ROOFING H4 74, ROOFING H7 74, ROOFING H8 74
On 2nd draw, DIVAGAT(E) 12D 74 --- DIVAGATE to wander [v]
Other moves: AV(O)IDANT 11B 72, VARIAT(E)D 6F 71, AVIAT(E)D G1 69, AVIAT(E)D I1 69, AVOIDA(N)T 7F 67
On 3rd draw, WIEL(D)ER L8 100 --- WIELDER one that wields [n]
Other moves: WIEL(D)ER 13I 88, EREW(H)IL(E) K5 86, OWLERIE(S) 8H 83, L(O)WERIER 6D 70, WIEL(D)IER E7 70
On 4th draw, LATITUDE D6 60 --- LATITUDE freedom from narrow restrictions [n]
Other tops: ALTITUDE D6 60
Other moves: TAWTIE 8J 27, TWILT 8K 24, TWITE 8K 24, AILETTE 13I 22, WAIL 8L 21
On 5th draw, SUQ 11C 46 --- SUQ a marketplace in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: QAIDS 10F 37, DEARNS 15G 35, DENARS 15G 35, REDANS 15G 35, QAID 10F 34
On 6th draw, EXTRAIT 14I 60 --- EXTRAIT an extract [n]
Other moves: ATWIXT 8J 48, NIXES C7 45, TAXES C7 45, TAXIS C7 45, TEXAS C7 45
On 7th draw, HOLDER 15D 44 --- HOLDER one that holds [n]
Other tops: YODLER 15D 44
Other moves: HYTE O12 42, HOLEY C3 41, HEY I7 40, HOY I7 40, DOWERY 8J 39
On 8th draw, GASHOLDER 15A 42 --- GASHOLDER [n]
Other moves: AGLEY C3 37, ESSAY C3 35, SWALY 8K 33, SWAYL 8K 33, SWAYS 8K 33
On 9th draw, PRONOUN 5H 82 --- PRONOUN a word that may be used in place of a noun [n]
Other moves: PRONOUN G1 66, PORNO 5H 28, PRONTO O10 27, UNWORN 8J 27, NOOP 5E 26
On 10th draw, YAWPED 8J 45 --- YAWP to utter a loud, harsh cry [v]
Other moves: DANCEY C2 43, PACEY C3 43, DECAY C3 41, DAWNEY 8J 39, PANDECT O8 39
On 11th draw, REHAB 6H 39 --- REHAB to restore to a good condition [v]
Other moves: BATH O12 36, BETH O12 36, HAEN 6J 34, HAIN 6J 34, BAH C7 33
On 12th draw, WASTRIE E1 74 --- WASTRIE reckless extravagance [n]
Other moves: TREWS O1 46, RAWEST O1 40, WRIEST O1 40, TEWITS O10 39, TWAES O1 37
On 13th draw, EARLOBES 2D 64 --- EARLOBE the soft lower part of the outer ear [n]
Other moves: BLOWERS 1B 39, BOWLERS 1C 39, BELOWS 1A 36, BOWELS 1C 36, BOWERS 1C 36
On 14th draw, YAM 1H 47 --- YAM a plant having an edible root [n]
Other moves: FAY 4J 46, MAY 1H 45, GAY 1H 39, FAG 4J 38, FY 4L 37
On 15th draw, JOUK 4L 68 --- JOUK to dodge [v]
Other moves: JUTE O12 57, JOE 4L 48, JO 4L 44, JOE G7 44, JUNTO O11 39
On 16th draw, VINEW 1A 39 --- VINEW to become mouldy [v]
Other moves: ENMEW 1A 36, EVITE O11 36, MECK O1 36, M*CKMICK O1 36, VIM C7 34
M*CK O1MICK O1 36 moonmonkey, Mycophot
MECK O1 36 queen66
On 17th draw, MUCK O1 36 --- MUCK to fertilize with manure [v]
Other tops: MECK O1 36, MOCK O1 36
Other moves: DECK O1 33, DOCK O1 33, DUCK O1 33, COMTE O11 30, CONK O1 30
MECK O1 36 queen66
MUCK O1 36 moonmonkey
MOCK O1 36 Mycophot
On 18th draw, INCITE O10 33 --- INCITE to arouse to action [v]
Other moves: CITE O12 27, CITO O12 27, COTE O12 27, CENTO O11 24, CONTE O11 24
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