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Game on January 6, 2022 at 13:23, 6 players
1. 156 pts HollyIvy
2. 151 pts Mycophot
3. 134 pts moonmonkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adfirsy   H4    32    32   fyrds
 2. adeelno   6A    65    97   oleander
 3. ?ooorsw   C3    80   177   rosewood
 4. aablnop   A4    36   213   bloop
 5. aefghnt   5C    47   260   sheafy
 6. aceinty   B9    31   291   nicety
 7. aehiktx  A12    65   356   hake
 8. aeinrru   4C    21   377   oar
 9. ?eilmoo   8H    86   463   sloomier
10. aeiprsv   K5   102   565   vaporise
11. eiosttt  13E    73   638   totties
12. abeituw  H10    45   683   bawtie
13. degnntu   M3    74   757   detuning
14. eilnruz   L1    53   810   zein
15. aijnrtv   1L    39   849   zati
16. agjmnru  N10    37   886   unjam
17. ceiilru   D8    24   910   ureic
18. dilqruv  J10    64   974   qi
19. adglruv  O13    28  1002   guv

Remaining tiles: adglrx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7738 FileHollyIvy    1  4:13  -846  156     1.7738 HollyIvy    1  4:13  -846  156 
  2.7588 FileMycophot    2  3:28  -851  151     2.7588 Mycophot    2  3:28  -851  151 
  3.7801 Filemoonmonkey  1  5:07  -868  134     3.7801 moonmonkey  1  5:07  -868  134 
  4.  -  FileIIIIII1118  2  3:53  -873  129     4.7892 sicilianc5  0  2:17  -878  124 
  5.7892 Filesicilianc5  0  2:17  -878  124            Group: not rated
  6.  -  FileQQQQQQ1119  1  1:08  -938   64     1.  -  IIIIII1118  2  3:53  -873  129 
                                             2.  -  QQQQQQ1119  1  1:08  -938   64 

On 1st draw, FYRDS H4 32 --- FYRD local militia in Anglo-Saxon times [n]
Other moves: FAIRY H4 30, FAIRY H8 30, FRAYS H4 30, YAIRDS H4 28, DAIRY H8 26

On 2nd draw, OLEANDER 6A 65 --- OLEANDER a flowering shrub [n]
Other moves: RELOANED 6H 63, LOADENED 7A 62, LOADENED 7E 62, DONEE G3 25, ENDLEAF 4B 22

On 3rd draw, ROSEWOO(D) C3 80 --- ROSEWOOD a tropical tree [n]
Other moves: WOO(E)RS A4 36, WROO(T)S A4 36, WOOS(E) A4 33, WOOS(H) A4 33, WOO(D)S A4 33

On 4th draw, BLOOP A4 36 --- BLOOP to hit a short fly ball [v]
Other moves: POBLANO A5 33, BLOOP 8A 30, PAOLO A4 30, LOOP 8A 27, NOOP 8A 27

On 5th draw, SHEAFY 5C 47 --- SHEAFY like sheafs [adj]
Other moves: FEH D2 30, HAEN D1 28, HYENA 5G 27, HAFT D9 26, HEFT D9 26

On 6th draw, NICETY B9 31 --- NICETY a fine point or distinction [n]
Other moves: EDACITY 7G 26, FANCY 4H 26, YINCE D9 26, NICETY D9 25, ENATIC D8 24

On 7th draw, HAKE A12 65 --- HAKE a marine fish [n]
Other tops: HIKE A12 65
Other moves: HEAT A12 49, TAKE A12 41, TAKI A12 41, TIKA A12 41, TIKE A12 41
HIKE A12 65 IIIIII1118

On 8th draw, OAR 4C 21 --- OAR to propel with oars (long, broad-bladed poles) [v]
Other moves: HERNIAE 12A 20, URENA D8 20, FAINER 4H 18, FAIRER 4H 18, FARREN 4H 18
OAR 4C 21 moonmonkey

On 9th draw, SLOOMIE(R) 8H 86 --- SLOOMY sleepy [adj]
Other moves: SIMOLEO(N) 8H 80, OI(N)OMEL I7 66, DOLOMI(T)E 7H 62, OI(N)OMEL G8 62, OI(N)OMEL I8 62
ME(U) C12 31 moonmonkey, HollyIvy, sicilianc5

On 10th draw, VAPORISE K5 102 --- VAPORISE to turn into vapor [v]
Other moves: VAMPIRES L6 80, VAPORISE J5 67, PRESA D8 32, IMPAVES L7 28, PARVISE N2 28
VAPORISE K5 52 sicilianc5, HollyIvy, moonmonkey

On 11th draw, TOTTIES 13E 73 --- TOTTIE a small child [n]
Other moves: STOTTIES 11D 66, STET C12 30, METIS L8 24, STOIT 13K 24, STOTT 13K 24
STET C12 30 moonmonkey

On 12th draw, BAWTIE H10 45 --- BAWTIE a dog [n]
Other moves: WAITE 14F 41, TAWTIE H10 39, BEWET J10 35, TAWIE 14D 35, WAIT 14F 34
WAITE 14F 41 sicilianc5

On 13th draw, DETUNING M3 74 --- DETUNE to reduce the power of a car engine [v]
Other moves: UNTINGED M5 62, HENNED 12A 25, HENTED 12A 25, DETENU J10 24, TED C13 24
DUNE J10 20 HollyIvy

On 14th draw, ZEIN L1 53 --- ZEIN a simple protein [n]
Other moves: ZINE L2 39, ZINGEL 10J 38, ZINGER 10J 38, L*Z 12D 37, LUZ 12D 37
ZEIN L1 53 HollyIvy

On 15th draw, ZATI 1L 39 --- ZATI the bonnet-monkey [n]
Other moves: HEJRA 12A 32, NARTJIE 2F 32, JIRGA 10J 31, RAJ 12D 31, TAJ 12D 31
ZATI 1L 39 Mycophot

On 16th draw, UNJAM N10 37 --- UNJAM to undo things tightly crammed together [v]
Other moves: HEJRA 12A 32, JAGUAR 6J 32, JIRGA 10J 31, RAJ 12D 31, JAM 12D 30
GAMER J10 27 Mycophot

On 17th draw, UREIC D8 24 --- UREIC pertaining to urea [adj]
Other moves: REC O13 21, RUC O13 21, ECLAIRS 11E 18, ILIACUS 11E 18, ILLER I7 17
REC O13 21 Mycophot

On 18th draw, QI J10 64 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 10J 31, DIV O13 28, QUIVER 15D 28, QUIRED 15D 26, LUV O13 24
QI J10 64 Mycophot, QQQQQQ1119, IIIIII1118

On 19th draw, GUV O13 28 --- GUV a governor [n]
Other moves: LAV O13 24, LUV O13 24, DAG N4 22, DAG O13 22, DUG O13 22

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