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Game on January 8, 2022 at 10:47, 5 players
1. 181 pts Chelsea
2. 100 pts Mycophot
3. 100 pts sicilianc5

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ainopsu   H4    22    22   pianos
 2. ??lottu   5D    74    96   multiton
 3. aeirvwy   6J    44   140   wavey
 4. egiorux   7M    39   179   xu
 5. aeenssw   G8    70   249   waeness
 6. adeorty  11C    74   323   aroynted
 7. abdilmr  F10    38   361   myriad
 8. aehiimo   8L    57   418   homa
 9. acegors  12I    77   495   socager
10. adeiint  15A    30   525   tinded
11. affiinr   C8    32   557   affair
12. deeghlo  N10    36   593   heeled
13. bbeinot   8A    33   626   boab
14. ceinruv  15L    36   662   vide
15. aejkltu   4A    48   710   juke
16. aginrtu   4J    26   736   rating
17. gilortz   I1    35   771   rozit
18. eegiilp   1H    30   801   griple
19. cilnotu   2C    71   872   locution

Remaining tiles: enq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7713 FileChelsea     1  5:01  -691  181     1.7713 Chelsea     1  5:01  -691  181 
  2.7671 FileMycophot    1  3:50  -772  100     2.7671 Mycophot    1  3:50  -772  100 
  3.7883 Filesicilianc5  1  4:50  -772  100     3.7883 sicilianc5  1  4:50  -772  100 
  4.7844 Filemoonmonkey  2  2:34  -798   74     4.7844 moonmonkey  2  2:34  -798   74 
  5.  -  FileJJJJJJ1121  1  1:57  -824   48            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  JJJJJJ1121  1  1:57  -824   48 

On 1st draw, PIANOS H4 22 --- PIANO a musical instrument with a keyboard [n]
Other moves: PAINS H4 20, PIANO H4 20, PIANS H4 20, PINAS H4 20, PIONS H4 20

On 2nd draw, (M)ULTITO(N) 5D 74 --- MULTITON weighing many tons [adj]
Other moves: OUT(F)LO(A)T 8H 71, OUT(P)LOT(S) 8H 71, (G)LUTTO(N) G2 69, (S)TOUTL(Y) I5 68, TOLU(A)T(E) G6 67

On 3rd draw, WAVEY 6J 44 --- WAVEY the snow goose [n]
Other tops: WAVERY 4J 44
Other moves: WAVEY 4A 43, WEARY 6J 41, WAIVER L1 39, WAVERY 6J 39, WAVIER L1 39

On 4th draw, XU 7M 39 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: GREX 4B 35, GOX 4C 33, ROUX 4B 33, REX 4C 31, EX 4D 29

On 5th draw, WAENESS G8 70 --- WAENESS woeness [n]
Other moves: ENSEWS O1 45, NEWSES O1 45, SEWANS O1 45, SEWENS O1 45, WANES 4J 27

On 6th draw, AROYNTED 11C 74 --- AROYNT to frighten away [v]
Other moves: DENTARY 11E 44, DOTY H12 39, TRYE F8 39, DYER F9 37, TYED F9 37

On 7th draw, MYRIAD F10 38 --- MYRIAD a very large number [n]
Other moves: IMBREX M2 34, BARMAID C7 32, DIRAMS 14B 30, LABRID 4J 30, PIBAL 4H 30

On 8th draw, HOMA 8L 57 --- HOMA a sacred plant of the ancient Persians [n]
Other tops: HOME 8L 57
Other moves: HEMOID 15A 39, MIHIED 15A 39, MHO H13 35, HAME 12A 34, HOME 12A 34

On 9th draw, SOCAGER 12I 77 --- SOCAGER a tenant by socage [n]
Other moves: SCAR(M)OGE D1 74, CORDAGES J8 66, GRACES O1 51, CARGOS O1 48, CAGERS O1 45

On 10th draw, TINDED 15A 30 --- TIND to kindle [v]
Other moves: PEDANT 4H 29, DAINED 15A 27, DANTED 15A 27, DINTED 15A 27, TIDIED 15A 27

On 11th draw, AFFAIR C8 32 --- AFFAIR something which is to be done [n]
Other tops: FRENA N10 32
Other moves: RAFF O12 30, RIFF O12 30, NAFF 4J 28, RAFF 4J 28, FAIN 9J 25

On 12th draw, HEELED N10 36 --- HEEL to supply with a heel (the raised part of a shoe) [v]
Other tops: ODAH 8A 36
Other moves: GHEES I8 30, HEAD 8A 30, HEALD 8A 30, HOAED 8A 30, HOLE 13L 29

On 13th draw, BOAB 8A 33 --- BOAB a tropical tree with a swollen trunk [n]
Other moves: BIDE 15L 30, BODE 15L 30, TRINE O11 30, TRONE O11 30, BONIE B6 29

On 14th draw, VIDE 15L 36 --- VIDE see -- used to direct a reader to another item; VIDE is the only form of this verb; it cannot be conjugated [v]
Other moves: CEDI 15L 30, CIDE 15L 30, VICE 4A 28, CRUDE 15K 27, CIVE 4A 26
VIDE 15L 36 Chelsea

On 15th draw, JUKE 4A 48 --- JUKE to fake out of position [v]
Other tops: JAKE 4A 48
Other moves: JAKE 4J 45, JAUK 4J 45, JAK 4J 43, JUTE 4A 40, JEAT 6B 30
JUKE 4A 48 moonmonkey, JJJJJJ1121
JAKE 4J 45 Chelsea

On 16th draw, RATING 4J 26 --- RATING relative estimate or evaluation [n]
Other tops: TARING 4J 26
Other moves: AGIN 9J 23, GAIN 9J 23, GRAN 9J 23, GRIN 9J 23, GUAN 9J 23
TARING 4J 26 Mycophot
RATING 4J 26 sicilianc5, moonmonkey
GRAN 9J 23 Chelsea

On 17th draw, ROZIT I1 35 --- ROZIT to rosin [v]
Other moves: LUTZ B3 33, ZILL F2 33, ZIT I3 33, TRIGO 3J 32, ZOO B6 32
ZOO B6 32 Mycophot, Chelsea, sicilianc5

On 18th draw, GRIPLE 1H 30 --- GRIPLE gripping [adj]
Other moves: GRIPE 1H 27, LIPE 3K 27, EPEES I8 24, GIRLIE 1G 24, LEIGER 1D 24
PLIE 12A 22 sicilianc5, Mycophot
PILER 1E 21 Chelsea

On 19th draw, LOCUTION 2C 71 --- LOCUTION a particular form of expression [n]
Other moves: TOLUIC B1 28, CION 9J 24, CLON 9J 24, COIGN O1 24, COIN 9J 24
CLON 9J 24 Chelsea
LOCK C1 20 Mycophot
TUCK C1 20 sicilianc5

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