Game on January 9, 2022 at 14:11, 1 player
1. 37 pts JJJJJJ1121
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 46 46
2. 13B 80 126
3. 11E 94 220
4. 10E 60 280
5. 9G 28 308
6. 8K 38 346
7. O1 74 420
8. 2J 28 448
9. B10 70 518
10. 3H 41 559
11. H1 36 595
12. 7I 34 629
13. C4 71 700
14. A7 53 753
15. 6F 46 799
16. 15A 54 853
17. 14F 28 881
18. 4A 22 903
19. 15G 37 940
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
1. - JJJJJJ1121 1 1:58 -903 37 1. - JJJJJJ1121 1 1:58 -903 37
On 1st draw, (T)ALAQ H8 46 --- TALAQ a form of divorce [n]
Other moves: (T)ALAQ H4 26, (T)ALAQ H5 26, (T)ALAQ H6 26, (T)ALAQ H7 26, AQ(U)A H5 24
On 2nd draw, UNREELS 13B 80 --- UNREEL to unwind from a reel [v]
Other moves: SULLENER 10E 62, SULLENER 10F 62, UNREELS G2 60, QUEENS 12H 30, QUEERS 12H 30
On 3rd draw, AIDANCES 11E 94 --- AIDANCE help [n]
Other moves: DANCIES(T) 8A 89, AIDANCES 11H 72, INCASED G3 70, INCASED I3 70, CANDIES I3 69
On 4th draw, AXILE 10E 60 --- AXILE pertaining to an axial [adj]
Other moves: TAXOL 10D 58, AXEL 10E 57, AXIL 10E 57, EXO 14E 55, TAX 10D 53
On 5th draw, VARIA 9G 28 --- VARIA a collection of various literary works [n]
Other moves: VARA 9G 27, VARE 9G 27, VAE 9G 26, VAR 9G 26, AIVER 12K 24
On 6th draw, THEIR 8K 38 --- THEIR a possessive form of the pronoun they [pron]
Other tops: THIRL 8K 38
Other moves: ELHI 14D 34, ETH 14D 31, THEIR 12K 30, THIRL 12K 30, TILTH 12K 30
On 7th draw, (S)LAISTER O1 74 --- SLAISTER to do in a sloppy manner [v]
Other tops: LA(M)ISTER O1 74, RATLI(N)ES O8 74, REALIST(S) O8 74, REALI(S)TS O8 74, REALTI(E)S O8 74, REI(N)STAL O8 74, RET(R)IALS O8 74, RE(C)ITALS O8 74, RE(D)TAILS O8 74, RE(G)ALIST O8 74, R(E)ALTIES O8 74, SELI(C)TAR O1 74, SLAI(S)TER O1 74, STAL(K)IER O1 74, (B)LASTIER O1 74, (M)ISALTER O1 74, (P)ILASTER O1 74, (P)LAISTER O1 74
Other moves: RETI(N)ALS O8 71, RETI(R)ALS O8 71, AILE(T)TES M2 68, A(S)TELIES M2 68, EA(R)LIEST M3 68
On 8th draw, MONIAL 2J 28 --- MONIAL a mullion, the upright division between the panes of a window [n]
Other tops: MENIAL 2J 28
Other moves: AMI 14E 25, EMO 14E 25, AMIE 12A 24, MINAE 12K 24, MONIE 12K 24
On 9th draw, ZONULA B10 70 --- ZONULA a small zone [n]
Other moves: GAZON 1G 51, ZIGAN 1G 51, GINZO 1F 49, AZLON 1G 48, ZONAL 1G 48
On 10th draw, ETYMON 3H 41 --- ETYMON the earliest known form of a word [n]
Other tops: TOYMEN 3H 41
Other moves: AUTONYM 15B 39, ETYMON 1F 39, MANY 15A 39, MATY 15A 39, MONEY 1G 39
On 11th draw, DEEPIE H1 36 --- DEEPIE a film with three dimensional effects [n]
Other moves: DEEP H1 30, PATTED 15A 30, PAID 15A 27, PATED 15A 27, PATTEE 15A 27
On 12th draw, BOEUF 7I 34 --- BOEUF as in boeuf bourguignon, a casserole of beef, herbs etc cooked in red wine. [adj]
Other moves: FAWS 15A 33, EF A14 32, SOWF(S) 1K 31, BUFOS C7 30, FABS 15A 30
On 13th draw, RIDOTTO C4 71 --- RIDOTTO a public musical entertainment in 18th century England [n]
Other moves: TARDO 15A 24, DATTO 15A 21, DITTO 12K 21, DORT(S) 1K 21, RADIO 15A 21
On 14th draw, BOVATE A7 53 --- BOVATE as much land as one ox could plough [n]
Other moves: OBVIATE 5E 48, OVATE A8 44, BEPAT A7 41, PEBA A7 36, BOVATE B1 35
On 15th draw, PEEOYS 6F 46 --- PEEOY a home-made firework [n]
Other moves: PEEOY 6F 41, FAYRES 15A 39, RASPY 15A 39, FAERY 15A 36, FAYER 15A 36
On 16th draw, CAWK 15A 54 --- CAWK chalk [n]
Other tops: WACK 15A 54
Other moves: DAWK 15A 51, DACK 15A 48, WARK 15A 48, WAUK 15A 48, CARK 15A 45
On 17th draw, HI 14F 28 --- HI used as a greeting [interj]
Other moves: DIF 7E 24, GIF 7E 24, HID 12L 24, HUG 12L 24, FID 12K 23
On 18th draw, FURR 4A 22 --- FURR a furrow [n]
Other tops: DRUG 15G 22, DUNG 15G 22
Other moves: FRUG B2 21, DUG 15G 19, DURN 15G 19, GURN 15G 19, GURU 15G 19
On 19th draw, GJU 15G 37 --- GJU an old Shetland viol [n]
Other moves: DRUG 15G 22, DUNG 15G 22, GJU B2 22, SWUNG L11 22, GNOW L1 20
GJU 15G 37 JJJJJJ1121
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