Game on January 10, 2022 at 11:24, 4 players
1. 96 pts moonmonkey
2. 96 pts queen66
3. 96 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 24 24
2. G9 29 53
3. 8H 86 139
4. F13 38 177
5. 15D 27 204
6. 11D 40 244
7. 14I 79 323
8. O1 80 403
9. 3H 84 487
10. 2I 61 548
11. N2 34 582
12. O10 48 630
13. 12C 30 660
14. 1D 42 702
15. 10J 30 732
16. 2A 28 760
17. 13K 46 806
18. 13A 43 849
19. A13 30 879
20. L1 30 909
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7841 moonmonkey 1 2:08 -813 96 1.7841 moonmonkey 1 2:08 -813 96
2.7691 queen66 1 2:52 -813 96 2.7691 queen66 1 2:52 -813 96
3.7668 Mycophot 1 3:13 -813 96 3.7668 Mycophot 1 3:13 -813 96
4. - JJJJJJ1121 1 1:56 -848 61 Group: not rated
1. - JJJJJJ1121 1 1:56 -848 61
On 1st draw, DELOPE H8 24 --- DELOPE to fire one's gun into the air during a duel [v]
Other tops: PELOID H4 24
Other moves: DELOPE H4 22, DIPLOE H4 22, DIPOLE H4 22, ELOPED H7 22, PELOID H7 22
On 2nd draw, (B)ELOW G9 29 --- BELOW something that is beneath [n]
Other moves: LOWE(D) G7 27, LOWE(S) G7 27, (A)LOWE G10 27, (B)OWEL G7 27, (D)OWEL G7 27
On 3rd draw, DRUIDESS 8H 86 --- DRUIDESS a female druid [n]
Other moves: SUDSIER 14H 84, DISEURS 14H 81, DISEURS 14A 78, SU(B)ERISED 9E 62, ISSUED I8 36
On 4th draw, AZO F13 38 --- AZO containing nitrogen [adj]
Other moves: ZELANT 10F 37, NAZIS N4 34, OUZEL 10D 34, SOZIN N8 34, AZIONE M3 32
On 5th draw, DOOLIE 15D 27 --- DOOLIE a stretcher for the sick [n]
Other moves: DOOLE 15D 24, DOOLIE 15E 21, LOOED 15D 21, LOPED 12F 21, DOOLIE 14H 20
On 6th draw, BALLOTER 11D 40 --- BALLOTER one that ballots [n]
Other tops: ALLOVER 11E 40
Other moves: VERBALS N2 28, ADVERB L7 24, BATLER 14I 24, BLATER 14I 24, BRAVED D10 24
On 7th draw, HOAGI(E)S 14I 79 --- HOAGIE a long sandwich [n]
Other moves: ESO(P)HAGI M8 74, G(E)ISHAS N2 36, HOI(N)G 10J 35, SA(N)GH L11 35, SA(U)GH L11 35
On 8th draw, GASTRINS O1 80 --- GASTRIN a hormone [n]
Other tops: STARINGS O1 80
On 9th draw, PHONATES 3H 84 --- PHONATE to produce speech sounds [v]
Other tops: PHAETONS 3H 84, PHONATED L1 84
Other moves: PHASE O11 42, THESP O11 42, HASP O12 39, HESP O12 39, OPAH 13J 37
On 10th draw, AJEE 2I 61 --- AJEE off the straight [adv]
Other moves: JANE 2J 58, JEE 2J 55, JIN 2J 55, JA 2J 52, JIVE 12A 52
On 11th draw, BEAUT N2 34 --- BEAUT something beautiful [n]
Other moves: FAST O12 33, FIST O12 33, FUST O12 33, FAB 13K 32, FAB 1G 32
FUST O12 33 moonmonkey
FIST O12 33 Mycophot
FAST O12 33 queen66
On 12th draw, FAVEST O10 48 --- FAVE teenage slang for favourite [adj]
Other moves: NEFAST O10 39, FAVE 12A 36, FAST O12 33, FAVE 10J 33, FEST O12 33
FAST O12 33 queen66
VEST O12 33 Mycophot
FEST O12 33 moonmonkey
On 13th draw, QI 12C 30 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: CITER 12A 30
Other moves: GET 4J 28, CITER 1E 27, GEIT 4G 27, CIRE 12A 26, CITE 12A 26
CITER 12A 30 moonmonkey, queen66, Mycophot
On 14th draw, MONGER 1D 42 --- MONGER to peddle [v]
Other tops: GOVERN 1D 42, MORGEN 1D 42
Other moves: MOVER 1E 36, VOMER 1E 36, GRENZ 14B 35, GOMER 1E 30, ROVEN 1E 30
On 15th draw, FAIR 10J 30 --- FAIR free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice [adj] --- FAIR to make smooth [v]
Other tops: FAUR 10J 30
Other moves: FAR 10J 29, FUR 10J 29, FA 10J 28, RAI 13A 28, AI 13B 26
On 16th draw, VENOM 2A 28 --- VENOM to inject with venom (a poisonous secretion of certain animals) [v]
Other moves: MOKE 2A 24, KO 1L 23, MENO 12J 23, MOKE 14A 23, NEK 12J 23
On 17th draw, DUX 13K 46 --- DUX the best academic performer in a class [n]
Other moves: TUX 13K 43, Y*DYID 13B 42, XI 13B 40, DUIT 13A 37, TID 13B 36
On 18th draw, KNIT 13A 43 --- KNIT to make a fabric or garment by joining loops of yarn [v]
Other moves: KIN 13B 41, KIT 13B 41, TYIN 13A 41, YIN 13B 39, RUIN 13A 35
On 19th draw, KYU A13 30 --- KYU a novice grade in judo [n]
Other tops: WEARY L1 30
Other moves: WYN 1K 29, IVY A1 27, WRY I7 26, YU 3C 25, WIRY I6 24
On 20th draw, WEARY L1 30 --- WEARY tired [adj] --- WEARY to make or become weary [v]
Other moves: WYN 1K 29, IVY A1 27, WRY I7 26, CRY I7 24, WIRY I6 24
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