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Game on January 13, 2022 at 18:44, 4 players
1. 84 pts queen66
2. 84 pts Mycophot
3. 61 pts moonmonkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aaefit   H4    24    24   fastie
 2. agnorty   8C    66    90   gyration
 3. aemnors   K5    99   189   oarsmen
 4. adinpst  10B    77   266   pandits
 5. cehijox   6J    37   303   jaxie
 6. aefglnu  J10    35   338   fangle
 7. ehilors   O4    59   397   hosier
 8. almnoor  11A    32   429   maroon
 9. aegotyz  L10    61   490   zygote
10. aadeinq   E3    32   522   qindar
11. ?bipruv  15F    42   564   buplever
12. adehiow  12A    42   606   owed
13. adeiitu  13A    38   644   date
14. aeertuu   3C    30   674   tuque
15. cekorsw  N10    61   735   wrecks
16. chiilou   L2    36   771   choux
17. abeiill   2J    32   803   becall
18. eiiiilv  A11    24   827   modii

Remaining tiles: eiilv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7668 Filequeen66     2  1:30  -743   84     1.7668 queen66     2  1:30  -743   84 
  2.7511 FileMycophot    2  2:19  -743   84     2.7511 Mycophot    2  2:19  -743   84 
  3.7752 Filemoonmonkey  1  1:17  -766   61     3.7752 moonmonkey  1  1:17  -766   61 
  4.  -  FileWWWWWW1120  1  1:59  -766   61            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  WWWWWW1120  1  1:59  -766   61 

On 1st draw, FA(S)TIE H4 24 --- FASTIE a deceitful trick [n]
Other tops: FAT(S)IA H4 24, FA(C)IAE H4 24, FA(J)ITA H4 24, FETIA(L) H4 24, FIATE(D) H4 24, FIE(S)TA H4 24, FI(X)ATE H4 24, T(R)EIFA H8 24
Other moves: FAE(N)A H4 22, FAIT(H) H4 22, FAI(N)E H4 22, FAI(N)T H4 22, FATA(L) H4 22

On 2nd draw, GYRATION 8C 66 --- GYRATION the act of gyrating [n]
Other tops: NEGATORY 9G 66
Other moves: ORGANITY 8C 63, GYRANT G8 27, GYRON G8 25, GYRO G8 24, YARTO I3 24

On 3rd draw, OARSMEN K5 99 --- OARSMAN a person who rows a boat [n]
Other moves: ENAMORS K2 81, MOANERS K2 81, FORAMENS 4H 78, MEGARONS C6 76, MOANERS 10B 76

On 4th draw, PANDITS 10B 77 --- PANDIT a wise or learned man in India [n]
Other moves: PINTADAS 5B 72, PINTADAS F2 69, PINTADAS F4 65, SANDPIT(S) 6A 64, SPIRANT E5 36

On 5th draw, JAXIE 6J 37 --- JAXIE the posterior [n]
Other tops: HEX L4 37, HOX L4 37
Other moves: HEX J10 36, HOX J10 36, COX L4 35, HEX L3 35, HOX L3 35

On 6th draw, FANGLE J10 35 --- FANGLE to decorate fancily [v]
Other tops: FUNGAL J10 35
Other moves: FUGAL J10 34, FUGLE J10 34, FANG J10 31, FUNG J10 31, NEF J8 31

On 7th draw, HOSIER O4 59 --- HOSIER one that makes hose [n]
Other moves: HOSEL O4 56, HOSER O4 56, HELIOS O1 50, HIRSEL O3 50, HIRSLE O3 50

On 8th draw, MAROON 11A 32 --- MAROON to abandon in an isolated place [v]
Other moves: NEMORAL 15I 30, MAROON L10 29, ALMONER 15E 27, ENAMOR 15J 27, MONERA 15G 27

On 9th draw, ZYGOTE L10 61 --- ZYGOTE a cell formed from the union of two gametes [n]
Other moves: MAZEY A11 60, ZYGOTE 15E 57, ZYGA L10 55, MATZO A11 51, MOTZA A11 51

On 10th draw, QINDAR E3 32 --- QINDAR an Albanian currency [n]
Other moves: QI(S) 6F 31, INDEX L2 28, QADI M3 28, MAAED A11 27, MANDI A11 27

On 11th draw, BUP(L)EVER 15F 42 --- BUPLEVER the hare's-ear plant [n]
Other moves: PREVE(R)B 15H 39, P(R)EVERB 15H 39, V(E)RB 12B 38, UPB(Y) 12A 37, MBIR(A) A11 33

On 12th draw, OWED 12A 42 --- OWE to be under obligation to pay or repay [v]
Other tops: AHED 12A 42, AWED 12A 42, HEADY D4 42, OHED 12A 42
Other moves: HEW 12B 41, MAWED A11 36, MOWED A11 36, DEW 12B 35, HOWDIE 4A 34

On 13th draw, DATE 13A 38 --- DATE to determine or record the date of [v]
Other moves: ADIEU 13B 36, ADIT 13B 34, ADIEUX L1 32, IDEATA F3 32, TAD 13A 32

On 14th draw, TUQUE 3C 30 --- TUQUE a knitted woollen cap [n]
Other moves: EAUX L3 24, MODER A11 24, REX L4 22, TEX L4 22, TUX L4 22

On 15th draw, WRECKS N10 61 --- WRECK to cause the ruin of [v]
Other moves: COWERS N10 49, COWKS N11 43, OCKERS N10 43, WOCKS N11 43, WE 14B 41
WRECKS N10 61 moonmonkey, WWWWWW1120

On 16th draw, CHOUX L2 36 --- CHOU cabbage [n]
Other moves: LOUCHE N1 34, THIR 7H 30, HOX L4 28, CHILIOI M2 26, COX L4 26
CHOUX L2 36 Mycophot, queen66

On 17th draw, BECALL 2J 32 --- BECALL to call names [v]
Other moves: MODAL A11 24, MODEL A11 24, MODII A11 24, AB M3 22, LUBE D2 22
MODEL A11 24 queen66, Mycophot

On 18th draw, MODII A11 24 --- MODIUS a Roman dry measure [n]
Other tops: ELHI 3J 24, MODEL A11 24
Other moves: VAE M1 22, VILDE 6B 19, IVIED 6A 17, VELD 6B 16, VIED 6B 16
MODEL A11 24 queen66, Mycophot

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