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Game on January 15, 2022 at 13:54, 7 players
1. 170 pts HollyIvy
2. 170 pts queen66
3. 170 pts Mycophot

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ailnsuy   H8    26    26   inlays
 2. abcenot  10F    70    96   balconet
 3. ?aeittu   K4    78   174   matutine
 4. adeiotw   8K    36   210   twite
 5. ?aelovy  13A    84   294   saveloys
 6. aeeimnp  12D    37   331   meiny
 7. addgosv  N10    33   364   saddo
 8. afiilmr   B7    80   444   familiar
 9. eenorsx   A8    49   493   nox
10. deiopsu  15A    44   537   pseudo
11. aeegjot   L1    40   577   jete
12. defgipr   1L    36   613   jedi
13. ablrruv   5E    24   637   bravura
14. aehirst   C2    81   718   sheriat
15. aefgnop   D1    37   755   goaf
16. egknopr   2J    46   801   keeno
17. ginopuw  O13    26   827   own
18. ceglpru   1D    27   854   gulper
19. cghiqrz   7M    44   898   qi

Remaining tiles: cgghrz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7693 FileHollyIvy    1  5:17  -728  170     1.7693 HollyIvy    1  5:17  -728  170 
  2.7665 Filequeen66     1  6:02  -728  170     2.7665 queen66     1  6:02  -728  170 
  3.7659 FileMycophot    1  6:27  -728  170     3.7659 Mycophot    1  6:27  -728  170 
  4.7712 Filesicilianc5  3  3:31  -753  145     4.7712 sicilianc5  3  3:31  -753  145 
  5.  -  FileYYYYYY1118  1  1:05  -872   26            Group: not rated
  6.  -  FileSSSSSS1111  1  1:27  -872   26     1.  -  YYYYYY1118  1  1:05  -872   26 
  7.  -  FileIIIIII1118  1  1:51  -872   26     2.  -  SSSSSS1111  1  1:27  -872   26 
                                             3.  -  IIIIII1118  1  1:51  -872   26 

On 1st draw, INLAYS H8 26 --- INLAY to set into a surface [v]
Other tops: SNAILY H7 26, UNLAYS H8 26, YULANS H4 26
Other moves: INLAY H8 24, UNLAY H8 24, UNSAY H8 24, YUANS H4 24, YULAN H4 24

On 2nd draw, BALCONET 10F 70 --- BALCONET a small balcony [n]
Other moves: BAYONET 12F 24, BEACONS 13B 24, BEANO G8 24, BACONS 13C 22, BANCOS 13C 22
BAYONET 12F 24 HollyIvy, Mycophot, queen66

On 3rd draw, (M)ATUTINE K4 78 --- MATUTINE relating to the morning [adj]
Other tops: E(Q)UITANT K4 78
Other moves: ATTITU(D)E M6 68, EUSTATI(C) 13F 68, ATTITU(D)E M8 66, ATTUITE(D) M8 66, ATTUITE(S) M8 66

On 4th draw, TWITE 8K 36 --- TWITE a mountain linnet [n]
Other moves: AWETO L4 32, WITED L1 31, TAWED 8K 30, TOWED 8K 30, IODATE L3 28
TWITE 8K 36 queen66, Mycophot, HollyIvy

On 5th draw, (S)AVELOYS 13A 84 --- SAVELOY a highly seasoned sausage [n]
Other tops: OVE(R)LAYS 13A 84
Other moves: SAVELOY(S) 13H 78, LAYOVE(R)S 13A 76, LOVEAB(L)Y F5 67, (L)OVEABLY F5 67, (M)OVEABLY F5 67
VE(R)Y L1 34 HollyIvy, Mycophot
VA(R)Y L1 34 queen66

On 6th draw, MEINY 12D 37 --- MEINY a retinue [n]
Other moves: PANIM(S) A8 36, APEMAN B9 32, NAME 14D 31, NAPE 14D 31, NIPA 14D 31

On 7th draw, SADDO N10 33 --- SADDO an unsociable person [n]
Other moves: DATOS N6 27, GAD(S)OS A10 27, GADSO(S) A8 24, SADDO(S) A8 24, SAV N10 23

On 8th draw, FAMILIAR B7 80 --- FAMILIAR a close friend or associate [n]
Other moves: FAMILIAR 5E 76, FRAIM(S) A8 39, FILMI L1 36, FRAIM L1 34, FILMI(S) A8 33
FIRM L1 32 queen66
FARM L1 32 Mycophot
FILM L1 32 HollyIvy

On 9th draw, NOX A8 49 --- NOX short for nitrogen oxide [n]
Other moves: EXON A5 44, OXEN A5 44, EXO O13 42, RAXES 8A 39, SOREX L1 37
EXON A5 44 HollyIvy, queen66, Mycophot

On 10th draw, PSEUDO 15A 44 --- PSEUDO a person pretending to be intellectual [n]
Other moves: PSEUD 15A 41, DIPSO 15K 35, PESO 15L 35, PISE 15L 35, PISO 15L 35

On 11th draw, JETE L1 40 --- JETE a ballet leap [n]
Other tops: JATO L1 40, JOTA L1 40
Other moves: GAJO L1 30, JEAT J2 30, JAG J5 29, AJEE J1 28, JATO L3 28
JOTA L1 40 sicilianc5

On 12th draw, JEDI 1L 36 --- JEDI a follower of Jedi philosophy (Star Wars film) [n]
Other tops: JIRD 1L 36, PIGFEED 2H 36
Other moves: FREED 2J 34, PREIFE 2J 34, FIDGE M2 32, FIERE 2J 32, PREIF 2J 32
JEDI 1L 36 sicilianc5

On 13th draw, BRAVURA 5E 24 --- BRAVURA a brilliant display of musical technique [n]
Other moves: DURBAR N1 22, LUBRA C3 22, VELA 2K 22, VERA 2K 22, ARB O13 20

On 14th draw, SHERIAT C2 81 --- SHERIAT a body of Islamic religious law [n]
Other moves: HEARTIES 2F 73, HAERES 2J 44, HAIRS O11 41, HAST 15L 41, HEARS O11 41

On 15th draw, GOAF D1 37 --- GOAF a rick in a barn [n]
Other moves: FOEN D1 33, DOGNAP N1 32, DEFANG N1 30, GANEV H1 30, GOAF B1 30
GOAF D1 37 sicilianc5

On 16th draw, KEENO 2J 46 --- KEENO a game of chance [n]
Other moves: KEP 7M 31, KEN 7M 27, ERK O13 26, OKE M13 26, GROPE 1D 24

On 17th draw, OWN O13 26 --- OWN to have as a possession [v]
Other moves: GIPON 1D 24, ENOW M1 23, OWN M13 23, POWND 13J 22, GOING 1D 21

On 18th draw, GULPER 1D 27 --- GULPER one that gulps [n]
Other moves: GLURGE 1D 24, GURGLE 1D 24, UP M13 24, URP M13 24, TEC 3L 22

On 19th draw, QI 7M 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUIZ I4 32, ZIT N6 32, HIC B1 30, QI B1 28, QI 3I 27
ZIT N6 32 sicilianc5

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