Game on January 17, 2022 at 20:35, 6 players
1. 354 pts moonmonkey
2. 334 pts queen66
3. 320 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 26 26 


10B 82 108 


D9 30 138 


15D 94 232 


6A 68 300 


J8 66 366 


5D 43 409 


4A 38 447 


8J 33 480 


K10 36 516 


14B 51 567 


L11 34 601 


15L 28 629 


E9 26 655 


15A 37 692 


L1 82 774 


1J 27 801 


N7 33 834 


A1 39 873 


O6 22 895 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
moonmonkey 2 9:35 -541 354 1.7766 moonmonkey 2 9:35 -541 354
queen66 3 6:41 -561 334 2.7636 queen66 3 6:41 -561 334
Mycophot 2 8:07 -575 320 3.7582 Mycophot 2 8:07 -575 320
4. -
MMMMMM1111 1 0:58 -869 26 Group: not rated
5. -
SSSSSS1111 1 1:19 -869 26 1. - MMMMMM1111 1 0:58 -869 26
6. -
EEEEEE1116 1 1:44 -869 26 2. - SSSSSS1111 1 1:19 -869 26
3. - EEEEEE1116 1 1:44 -869 26
On 1st draw, MISCUE H4 26 --- MISCUE to make a faulty stroke in billiards [v]
Other tops: CESIUM H4 26, CESIUM H7 26, CLIMES H4 26, MELICS H4 26, MELICS H8 26, MUSCLE H4 26
Other moves: CLEMS H4 24, CLIME H4 24, CULMS H4 24, MELIC H4 24, MELIC H8 24
On 2nd draw, RELIV(E)D 10B 82 --- RELIVE to experience again [v]
Other tops: LIV(I)DER 10D 82, L(I)VIDER 10D 82, R(E)LIVED 10B 82
Other moves: DEVILR(Y) 10H 80, DELIV(E)R 10H 76, DREVI(L)L 10H 76, DRIVEL(S) 10B 76, D(E)LIVER 10H 76
DELIV(E)R 5E 40 moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66
On 3rd draw, KLEPHT D9 30 --- KLEPHT a Greek guerrilla [n]
Other moves: HEP 9C 27, KITH I3 27, EPHEBI C10 26, KEPI G3 25, PEH 9C 25
HEP 9C 27 queen66, Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 4th draw, STAGERS 15D 94 --- STAGER an experienced person [n]
Other tops: GASTERS 15B 94
Other moves: AGISTERS 5F 68, RESTAGES 9G 64, GASSER 15A 41, GRASTE 15A 41, SAGEST 15D 41
GASTERS 15B 44 moonmonkey, queen66
STAGERS 15D 44 Mycophot
On 5th draw, TRIOXI(D)S 6A 68 --- TRIOXID a type of oxide [n]
Other moves: TRIOXI(D)S J8 66, IXI(A) E10 46, (E)XHORT 13B 32, IXOR(A) 14J 30, MIXTIO(N) 4H 30
IXI(A) E10 46 Mycophot, queen66, moonmonkey
On 6th draw, PROBATES J8 66 --- PROBATE to establish the validity of a will [v]
Other moves: BOEP 5C 44, PROBATE A1 42, BAP 5D 40, BOP 5D 40, ABET 5C 38
POTTER A4 33 queen66, Mycophot
PATTER A4 33 moonmonkey
On 7th draw, HOB 5D 43 --- HOB to furnish with hobnails [v]
Other tops: BAH 5D 43, BOH 5D 43
Other moves: PHOBIA 8J 42, OHIA 5B 41, OBIA 5B 38, HAO 5D 37, HOA 5C 37
BAH 5D 43 Mycophot, moonmonkey
HOB 5D 43 queen66
On 8th draw, ACTON 4A 38 --- ACTON a stuffed jacket [n]
Other moves: ATOC 4B 36, TAUON 4A 34, TOC 4C 34, PUNCTA 8J 33, PUNCTO 8J 33
ATOC 4B 36 queen66, moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 9th draw, POGOER 8J 33 --- POGOER someone who pogos [n]
Other moves: PROLEG 8J 30, PROLOG 8J 30, REGAL K10 29, PAROLE 8J 27, POOLER 8J 27
On 10th draw, FEW K10 36 --- FEW amounting to or consisting of a small number [adj]
Other moves: FUN 14F 32, FONE K10 31, TEF 14D 29, ENFANT A1 27, FEN K10 27
On 11th draw, MOTEY 14B 51 --- MOTEY full of motes [adj]
Other moves: NOTUM 14B 38, YUM 14F 36, YEN L11 32, NEUM L12 30, YE L11 30
MOTEY 14B 51 Mycophot
On 12th draw, GNAW L11 34 --- GNAW to wear away by persistent biting [v]
Other moves: LAGAN L11 31, LAWN L11 31, LAW L11 29, NALLA L11 29, NAW L11 29
GNAW L11 34 moonmonkey
On 13th draw, SILD 15L 28 --- SILD a young herring [n]
Other tops: SADI 15L 28, SAID 15L 28, SIDA 15L 28, SLID 15L 28
Other moves: SAIL 15L 25, SALL 15L 25, SIAL 15L 25, SILL 15L 25, DASH 13A 24
SAID 15L 28 queen66
On 14th draw, AIDE E9 26 --- AIDE an assistant [n]
Other moves: EDH 13B 24, LAID E8 22, LOID E8 22, AID E9 20, MELODIA 4H 20
On 15th draw, QI 15A 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: FETIAL N10 34, FY 15A 31, QAT I3 28, MIFTY 4H 26, QI I3 25
QI 15A 37 queen66
On 16th draw, FAULTING L1 82 --- FAULT to criticize [v]
Other moves: FANTAIL A3 30, INFLATE N2 24, INFULAE N2 24, FIAR I12 23, LATH 13A 23
On 17th draw, UNFREE 1J 27 --- UNFREE to deprive of freedom [v]
Other tops: ENFREE 1J 27
Other moves: FANE 1L 21, FARE 1L 21, FAUN 1L 21, FAUR 1L 21, FEAR 1L 21
On 18th draw, DEEJAY N7 33 --- DEEJAY a disc jockey [n] --- DEEJAY to act as a disk jockey, introducing recorded music [v]
Other moves: JUDY 3K 30, JUICER B1 30, TAJ A6 30, YAUD K3 30, YEAD K3 30
On 19th draw, ZONA A1 39 --- ZONA a transparent substance surrounding the ovum of mammals [n]
Other moves: ZINC B1 30, ZOIC B1 30, AZON I2 29, ZIN I3 28, AZO G2 26
ZOIC B1 30 moonmonkey
On 20th draw, VARNA O6 22 --- VARNA any of the four main Hindu social classes [n]
Other moves: AIA O10 21, ANA O10 21, TAVA A6 21, AI B1 19, AN B1 19
TAVA A6 21 moonmonkey
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