Game on January 19, 2022 at 11:21, 4 players
1. 184 pts sicilianc5
2. 169 pts Mycophot
3. 169 pts HollyIvy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H2 72 72
2. 5E 68 140
3. L3 35 175
4. 2F 33 208
5. 7A 62 270
6. 8A 42 312
7. C3 32 344
8. D1 26 370
9. I7 26 396
10. 1A 39 435
11. 1I 94 529
12. 2A 25 554
13. O1 80 634
14. H10 41 675
15. J10 34 709
16. G2 26 735
17. 15J 39 774
18. 13C 50 824
19. 12J 28 852
20. 14M 27 879
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7699 sicilianc5 2 5:49 -695 184 1.7699 sicilianc5 2 5:49 -695 184
2.7673 Mycophot 2 6:57 -710 169 2.7673 Mycophot 2 6:57 -710 169
3.7668 HollyIvy 2 7:10 -710 169 3.7668 HollyIvy 2 7:10 -710 169
4. - JJJJJJ1121 1 1:56 -840 39 Group: not rated
1. - JJJJJJ1121 1 1:56 -840 39
On 1st draw, TODDIES H2 72 --- TODDY an alcoholic beverage [n]
Other moves: TODDIES H3 70, TODDIES H4 70, TODDIES H6 70, TODDIES H7 70, TODDIES H8 70
On 2nd draw, (S)KYDIVE 5E 68 --- SKYDIVE to parachute from an airplane for sport [v]
Other tops: VA(N)DYKE 5E 68
Other moves: K(H)EDIVA 5E 56, VI(L)AYET 2B 40, (B)EAKY G3 37, (L)EAKY G3 37, (P)EAKY G3 37
On 3rd draw, IODIC L3 35 --- IODIC pertaining to iodine [adj]
Other moves: DORIC L3 34, CLOD L2 33, COLD L2 33, CORD L2 33, ODIC L4 33
On 4th draw, QATS 2F 33 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT 2F 32, HOISE I3 30, HIOIS 6E 29, AHOY G2 28, HAYS G3 28
On 5th draw, ABERRATE 7A 62 --- ABERRATE to deviate [v]
Other moves: ABAYA G2 25, YABA G5 23, BARRA 4A 21, BARRAT G7 21, BARRE 4A 21
On 6th draw, MORE 8A 42 --- MORE a greater amount [n]
Other tops: MINE 8A 42, MIRE 8A 42
Other moves: NOME 8A 38, RIME 8A 38, MORAINE A4 36, MEN 8A 33, MIR 8A 33
On 7th draw, BOILERY C3 32 --- BOILERY a place for boiling [n]
Other moves: BYLINERS C2 28, SIBYL I7 28, BONY M1 27, YOS 6A 26, BOY M2 25
BONY M1 27 Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 8th draw, PEAN D1 26 --- PEAN paean [n] --- PEAN to beat with a rounded hammer head [v]
Other tops: APED D1 26, NEAP D1 26, PAYED 9A 26
Other moves: PALE 6A 25, REAVED D7 25, DAP D2 24, VADE M1 24, DALE 6A 23
VADE M1 24 sicilianc5
VEND M1 23 HollyIvy, Mycophot
On 9th draw, SOVS I7 26 --- SOV sovereign [n]
Other moves: SOV I7 25, VAST B2 24, VATS B2 24, TABOOS B5 23, AITS I4 22
VAST B2 24 sicilianc5, Mycophot
VATS B2 24 HollyIvy
On 10th draw, JAUP 1A 39 --- JAUP to splash [v]
Other moves: TAJ G1 35, JEAN B1 30, JEAT B1 30, NINJA 6K 30, JANE M1 28
On 11th draw, EX(C)RETE 1I 94 --- EXCRETE to separate and eliminate from an organic body [v]
Other tops: EXERTE(D) 1I 94, EXTER(N)E 1I 94, EXTRE(M)E 1I 94
Other moves: AX(L)ETREE F7 68, (H)EXAMETER A4 68, EXSERTE(D) 10G 66, (A)X 2A 42, (O)X 2A 42
(O)X 2A 42 sicilianc5
On 12th draw, OM 2A 25 --- OM a mantra used in contemplation of ultimate reality [n]
Other moves: ATOM B1 22, MOL 6A 21, MOTI 3G 21, MOTT 3G 21, MIL 2M 20
OM 2A 25 sicilianc5
On 13th draw, ENTAILED O1 80 --- ENTAIL to restrict the inheritance of to a specified line of heirs [v]
Other moves: LAMINATED A6 63, ALINED H10 26, DALE 6A 23, DALI 6A 23, ENTAIL H10 23
On 14th draw, INFARE H10 41 --- INFARE a reception for newlyweds [n]
Other moves: HERNIA J10 32, KHARIF F5 32, HEBONA B5 29, AFRESH 10E 28, HAEN J10 28
On 15th draw, HOGNUT J10 34 --- HOGNUT a hickory nut [n]
Other moves: HANGOUT 13G 32, HONG J10 30, HUNG J10 30, HOG J10 29, HOLT J10 29
HUNG J10 30 sicilianc5, Mycophot
HONG J10 30 HollyIvy
On 16th draw, AWAY G2 26 --- AWAY a game won on the opponent's territory [n] --- AWAY from a certain place [adv]
Other tops: AW I12 26
Other moves: TWAE G9 25, TALEA 6A 24, WOT 3G 24, REENACT D7 23, TAWA N5 23
AW I12 26 HollyIvy, Mycophot
On 17th draw, TOWNIE 15J 39 --- TOWNIE a nonstudent who lives in a college town [n]
Other tops: TOWIER 15J 39
Other moves: PIONER G10 32, TWINER 15J 30, TWONIE 15J 30, PIER K11 27, PION K11 27
TOWIER 15J 39 Mycophot, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 18th draw, ALTEZA 13C 50 --- ALTEZA highness [n]
Other moves: ZEA G13 47, ZA G13 44, CZAR 14E 35, GLAZER 12J 34, RAZER 14D 34
On 19th draw, GILCUP 12J 28 --- GILCUP a buttercup [n]
Other moves: UNCLIP D10 26, PIU K11 23, CLIP D12 22, RUBAI 3A 22, PYIC 9B 21
On 20th draw, UGH 14M 27 --- UGH the sound of a cough or grunt [n]
Other moves: FRIGHT 3J 26, FIGHT 3K 24, HUG M7 24, HUNG M7 24, ERF M1 22
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