Game on January 22, 2022 at 15:57, 7 players
1. 427 pts Chelsea
2. 357 pts sicilianc5
3. 182 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 42 42
2. 6F 24 66
3. 7B 74 140
4. 8A 50 190
5. K4 35 225
6. 8J 48 273
7. O8 77 350
8. L7 81 431
9. 14E 67 498
10. H10 45 543
11. 15A 43 586
12. B10 34 620
13. M5 48 668
14. L1 26 694
15. 2F 65 759
16. 1F 76 835
17. 1L 26 861
18. 9C 28 889
19. 5E 31 920
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7528 Chelsea 1 17:08 -493 427 1.7528 Chelsea 1 17:08 -493 427
2.7654 sicilianc5 7 9:24 -563 357 2.7654 sicilianc5 7 9:24 -563 357
3.7828 Mycophot 1 6:49 -738 182 3.7828 Mycophot 1 6:49 -738 182
4.7743 queen66 0 4:00 -794 126 4.7743 queen66 0 4:00 -794 126
5.7849 moonmonkey 0 4:16 -794 126 5.7849 moonmonkey 0 4:16 -794 126
6. - VVVVVV1115 1 1:53 -870 50 Group: not rated
7. - CCCCCC1117 1 1:56 -872 48 1. - VVVVVV1115 1 1:53 -870 50
2. - CCCCCC1117 1 1:56 -872 48
On 1st draw, VEZIR H4 42 --- VEZIR a minister [n]
Other moves: VEZIR H8 36, VEZIR H5 34, VEZIR H6 34, VEZIR H7 34, ZERK H5 34
On 2nd draw, BEZEL 6F 24 --- BEZEL a slanted surface [n]
Other tops: BEZIL 6F 24
Other moves: BELIVE 4D 22, BELOVE 4D 22, BIZE 6F 21, ZEBU 6H 21, ZOBU 6H 21
On 3rd draw, NON(V)ALID 7B 74 --- NONVALID not valid [adj]
Other moves: NONVAL(I)D 4E 72, (M)ANDOLIN 7B 71, NORLAND(S) 8F 60, (C)ORNLAND 8F 59, DONNA(S) K1 28
On 4th draw, VOX 8A 50 --- VOX voice [n]
Other moves: PAX 8A 47, POX 8A 47, SAX 8A 41, SOX 8A 41, TAX 8A 41
VOX 8A 50 VVVVVV1115
On 5th draw, UNSHOE K4 35 --- UNSHOE to strip of shoes [v]
Other moves: HONES K2 33, HOSEN K4 33, HOUSE K3 33, UNSHOE 9F 32, HENS K3 31
HONES K2 33 moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66
HOSE K4 31 Chelsea
On 6th draw, KOBOLD 8J 48 --- KOBOLD an elf [n]
Other moves: KOBO(L)D 8J 45, KOB(O)LD 8J 45, KOBOL(D) 8J 42, BOOK(E)D 8J 39, LO(C)KBOX C2 38
BOOK(E)D 8J 39 queen66, moonmonkey, Mycophot
BLO(C)K L8 35 Chelsea
On 7th draw, DITTOIN(G) O8 77 --- DITTO to repeat [v]
Other moves: NOTIONI(S)T B7 70, TOILIN(E)T N5 61, OTITI(S) 9C 35, (B)IOTOXIN C3 30, (S)TIE 9H 27
(S)TIE 9H 27 Mycophot, moonmonkey, queen66
NOT 9B 18 Chelsea
On 8th draw, ABRIDGES L7 81 --- ABRIDGE to reduce the length of [v]
Other moves: BRIGADES L8 78, AGRISED 10E 76, AGRISED 10G 71, OXIDASE C7 32, ASIDE N10 31
GRADS 9D 27 queen66
GRIDS 9D 27 moonmonkey
DREGS 9D 27 Mycophot
HADE 7K 21 Chelsea
On 9th draw, PODCASTS 14E 67 --- PODCAST a radio or TV broadcast made available for downloading [n]
Other moves: OCTADS 9C 41, CAPOTES 13G 34, CAPOTES 5C 34, SPAER 9H 34, COAPTED 13G 32
COPS 9E 29 sicilianc5
SCAPED 13H 28 Chelsea
On 10th draw, PUMICE H10 45 --- PUMICE to polish with a porous volcanic rock [v]
Other moves: AMICE H11 36, APACE H11 36, PUMIE 15A 34, UMPIE 15A 34, MACE H12 33
PUMICE H10 45 sicilianc5
PICA H12 33 Chelsea
On 11th draw, FLEME 15A 43 --- FLEME to put to flight [v]
Other tops: FLAME 15A 43
Other moves: FLAME L1 38, FLEME L1 38, ELEMI 15A 34, FILM L1 34, FLAM L1 34
FLAME 15A 43 sicilianc5
FILM L1 34 Chelsea
On 12th draw, FERIAL B10 34 --- FERIA a weekday of a church calendar on which no feast is celebrated [adj] --- FERIAL pertaining to a feria [adj]
Other tops: FETIAL B10 34, FOETAL B10 34
Other moves: FEATER 5D 30, FORTE L1 30, FRATE L1 30, FAIR M10 29, ROOF M6 29
FOETAL B10 34 sicilianc5
OAF 14A 26 Chelsea
On 13th draw, CAJON M5 48 --- CAJON a steep-sided canyon [n]
Other moves: HAJ 7K 38, JO M7 38, JAI N12 35, JAY J2 34, JUICY 4J 34
CAJON M5 48 sicilianc5, CCCCCC1117
JAI N12 35 Chelsea
On 14th draw, WEAR L1 26 --- WEAR to be dressed in clothing [v] --- WEAR to abrade [v]
Other tops: INWEAVE 4C 26, WAIN L1 26, WAIR L1 26, WARN L1 26, WEAN L1 26, WEEN L1 26, WEER L1 26, WEIR L1 26, WREN L1 26
Other moves: WIREMAN 12D 24, WIREMEN 12D 24, WRIER 12A 24, AIL N6 23, NIL N6 23
WREN L1 26 sicilianc5
AWN 6M 14 Chelsea
On 15th draw, THIOUREA 2F 65 --- THIOUREA a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: HAIL N5 34, THRAW 1H 33, THROW 1H 33, WHAT 1L 30, WHIO 1L 30
THROW 1H 33 Chelsea
WITH 1L 30 sicilianc5
On 16th draw, SUQ 1F 76 --- SUQ a marketplace in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: QUAGS 1E 63, QUAG 1E 58, SQUAT 1D 58, QUATS 1E 57, QUAT 1E 52
SUQ N2 48 sicilianc5
QUA N13 40 Chelsea
On 17th draw, WAGE 1L 26 --- WAGE to engage in or carry on [v]
Other tops: WANG 1L 26
Other moves: GONE 6A 24, AIL N6 23, NIL N6 23, WAIN 1L 23, WANE 1L 23
WANG 1L 26 Chelsea, sicilianc5
On 18th draw, YONI 9C 28 --- YONI a symbol for the vulva in Hindu religion [n]
Other tops: YORE 9C 28
Other moves: YEN 9C 27, YIN 9C 27, YON 9C 27, EYRY 3C 26, YE 9C 26
YORE 9C 28 sicilianc5, Mycophot
YON 9C 27 Chelsea
On 19th draw, YAGER 5E 31 --- YAGER a German army marksman [n]
Other tops: WAGER 5E 31
Other moves: GYRATE 5C 28, WARTY 3B 28, WATER 5E 28, WARY I9 27, WIRY I9 27
WARTY 3B 28 Mycophot
WIRY 3C 26 Chelsea
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