Game on January 24, 2022 at 00:37, 1 player
1. 211 pts pathgil
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 26 26 


3C 26 52 


5E 36 88 


6B 37 125 


2F 66 191 


1A 55 246 


L2 92 338 


8J 36 374 


M1 26 400 


A6 90 490 


N2 28 518 


2A 29 547 


M7 79 626 


14J 38 664 


15F 28 692 


G7 82 774 


N8 32 806 


6H 54 860 


14B 33 893 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
pathgil 0 18:44 -682 211 1.3750 pathgil 0 18:44 -682 211
On 1st draw, SWILER H3 26 --- SWILER (Canada) a seal hunter [n]
Other tops: MEWLS H4 26
Other moves: WEILS H4 24, WEIRS H4 24, WIELS H4 24, WILES H4 24, WIRES H4 24
On 2nd draw, CELOMS 3C 26 --- CELOM a body cavity in some animals [n]
Other tops: LOCUMS 3C 26
Other moves: COLUMNS 3B 24, CULMENS 3B 24, LEMON G5 24, COLUMEL 6B 23, COLUMEL 6F 23
On 3rd draw, OB(L)IGER 5E 36 --- OBLIGER one that obliges [n]
Other moves: BOWGET(S) 4F 32, ORBIE(S)T 5E 32, ORBITE(D) 5E 32, ORBITE(R) 5E 32, O(R)BITER 5E 32
BIO 5G 5 pathgil
On 4th draw, LIMEY 6B 37 --- LIMEY a British sailor [n]
Other moves: ELMY 6C 36, LIMY 6C 36, RIMY 6C 36, RILEY 6B 35, MIRY 6C 34
EMERY J5 16 pathgil
On 5th draw, ZO 2F 66 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: DONKEY 4J 41, DOZY 4J 39, ZONED J2 39, NEK 2D 37, DOZY G7 36
MONKEY D6 16 pathgil
On 6th draw, TITHED 1A 55 --- TITHE to pay a tenth part used as a small tax [v]
Other moves: TITHED 1G 41, HEED 1G 32, HEID 1G 32, HIDE 1G 32, HIED 1G 32
TEETHED J4 17 pathgil
On 7th draw, PARSLEY L2 92 --- PARSLEY a cultivated herb [n]
Other moves: PARSLEY G7 79, PARLEYS 9B 77, REPLAYS 9B 77, PARLEYS G7 76, SPARELY 9H 76
PEARLY 8E 11 pathgil
On 8th draw, FEYEST 8J 36 --- FEY slightly mad [adj]
Other tops: FAYEST 8J 36
Other moves: FELTS 6J 33, FELT 6J 30, FATES M7 27, F*TS*FATSO M7 27, FEASE M7 27
FATES M7 27 pathgil
On 9th draw, KED M1 26 --- KED a type of wingless fly that infests sheep [n]
Other tops: KID M1 26, KINE M1 26
Other moves: DEI 2B 25, EKED 7F 24, KNEED J2 24, DUKE G7 23, FIKED J8 23
FUNK J8 13 pathgil
On 10th draw, BOUR(B)ON A6 90 --- BOURBON a whiskey [n]
Other tops: BON(J)OUR A6 90, BOUR(D)ON A6 90
Other moves: (B)OURBON A6 87, BRO(W)NOUT O1 77, MOORBU(R)N D6 74, MOO(R)BURN D6 74, BON(J)OUR G7 72
C(A)BIN C3 9 pathgil
On 11th draw, NOISE N2 28 --- NOISE to spread as a rumour or report [v]
Other tops: EOSIN N2 28
Other moves: GENS 9I 27, GOES N2 26, GONE N2 26, GONS N2 26, INS N1 26
TINGS O8 7 pathgil
On 12th draw, IDEA 2A 29 --- IDEA a conception existing in the mind [n]
Other moves: JADE J2 28, JANE J2 27, JEDI 7G 27, DEI 2B 25, NINJA 12A 24
On 13th draw, DETONATE M7 79 --- DETONATE to cause to explode [v]
Other tops: DENOTATE M7 79
Other moves: DENOTATE K7 71, DETONATE K7 71, NOTATED G7 67, DENTATE M7 27, ANODE B10 23
DENOTE K7 17 pathgil
On 14th draw, HAVER 14J 38 --- HAVER to hem and haw [v]
Other tops: HARP L12 38, HIVER 14J 38
Other moves: VIPER 14J 36, HAP L12 32, HIP L12 32, PAH L10 32, PAREV 14J 32
PERV 14L 18 pathgil
On 15th draw, GUITAR 15F 28 --- GUITAR a stringed musical instrument [n]
Other moves: AGRIA 15G 25, AGITA 15F 23, AGRIA 15F 23, AGUTI 15F 23, TAIG 15H 23
GIRTH J10 13 pathgil
On 16th draw, WAIVING G7 82 --- WAIVE to give up intentionally [v]
Other moves: WAG N10 33, WAVING G7 32, WAI N10 31, WAN N10 31, SAW N8 29
WAVING F10 23 pathgil
On 17th draw, SOFA N8 32 --- SOFA a long, upholstered seat [n]
Other moves: FAA N10 31, FAN N10 31, FON N10 31, FA N10 28, OAF L10 26
FANG 13D 8 pathgil
On 18th draw, LUX 6H 54 --- LUX a unit of illumination [n]
Other moves: PUJA B11 32, JAP 13I 31, APEX J3 29, FAX J8 29, JAPE J2 29
PUN O11 11 pathgil
On 19th draw, NINJA 14B 33 --- NINJA a feudal Japanese warrior [n]
Other tops: JNANA 14B 33
Other moves: FUJI J8 30, JNANA 12D 26, JINNI 11C 24, JNANA 11J 24, JNANA 12I 24
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