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Game on January 24, 2022 at 11:07, 6 players
1. 373 pts Chelsea
2. 190 pts HollyIvy
3. 187 pts sicilianc5

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?bdehim   H4    30    30   hemoid
 2. aijlors   G7    96   126   jailors
 3. deinors   4H    76   202   hordeins
 4. aaemrsv   3I    38   240   maars
 5. einorty   O4    83   323   serotiny
 6. adeilnv   2C    74   397   andvile
 7. ehostuw   I6    40   437   owse
 8. aefqtuz   1A    65   502   fuze
 9. aeortuw  13D    62   564   outswear
10. abcefio   N9    46   610   biface
11. benortu   5A    70   680   bountree
12. agklnoo   A3    42   722   kobang
13. ?adeelv   1I    90   812   devalue
14. ailnqtu  12A    50   862   quit
15. aehiptx   3A    66   928   kex
16. acglnot  11E    36   964   coolant
17. ghiipty  H13    36  1000   why
18. ggiippt   6A    27  1027   app

Remaining tiles: ggiit

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7546 FileChelsea     2  8:10  -654  373     1.7546 Chelsea     2  8:10  -654  373 
  2.7603 FileHollyIvy    2  4:14  -837  190     2.7603 HollyIvy    2  4:14  -837  190 
  3.7752 Filesicilianc5  0  4:01  -840  187     3.7752 sicilianc5  0  4:01  -840  187 
  4.  -  FileFFFFFF1119  1  1:52  -962   65     4.7753 Mycophot    0  1:04  -996   31 
  5.  -  FileHHHHHH1117  1  1:51  -991   36            Group: not rated
  6.7753 FileMycophot    0  1:04  -996   31     1.  -  FFFFFF1119  1  1:52  -962   65 
                                             2.  -  HHHHHH1117  1  1:51  -991   36 

On 1st draw, HEM(O)ID H4 30 --- HEMOID pertaining to the blood [adj]
Other tops: BIM(A)H H8 30, HIMB(O) H4 30, (C)HIMED H3 30
Other moves: BEHI(N)D H4 28, BIM(A)H H4 28, DI(R)HEM H7 28, H(A)MED H4 28, H(O)MED H4 28

On 2nd draw, JAILORS G7 96 --- JAILOR a keeper of a jail [n]
Other moves: JAILORS I2 81, JAILOR G7 44, JAILS G7 43, JAIL G7 42, JAI G7 41

On 3rd draw, HORDEINS 4H 76 --- HORDEIN a simple protein [n]
Other moves: INDORSER 12C 70, INDORSES 13B 70, SORDINES 13G 70, INDORSEE 5A 68, INDORSEE 5B 68

On 4th draw, MAARS 3I 38 --- MAAR a volcanic crater often forming a lake [n]
Other moves: VOMERS I3 37, MISAVER M3 34, VOMER I3 33, ARMS I6 32, OMERS I4 29

On 5th draw, SEROTINY O4 83 --- SEROTINY the condition of having late or gradual seed dispersal [n]
Other moves: SEROTINY 13G 74, TYROSINE 13C 74, TONEY 2F 37, YRENT I7 37, MONEY I3 36

On 6th draw, ANDVILE 2C 74 --- ANDVILE anvil [n]
Other moves: INVALIDED 9B 66, LIVENED 5E 62, ALIENED 5E 50, DEV 2H 34, INVADE N10 33

On 7th draw, OWSE I6 40 --- OWSE an ox [n]
Other tops: EWTS I6 40, OWTS I6 40
Other moves: TOWS 5J 34, EWT I6 33, OWT I6 33, HEW H13 32, HOW H13 32
HEW H13 32 Chelsea

On 8th draw, FUZE 1A 65 --- FUZE to equip with a detonating device [v]
Other tops: FAZE 1A 65
Other moves: FEZ 1A 56, QUEAZY 11J 54, QUARTZ 12D 50, ZETA 1A 47, QUEZAL 10B 46
FAZE 1A 65 Chelsea
FUZE 1A 65 HollyIvy, FFFFFF1119

On 9th draw, OUTSWEAR 13D 62 --- OUTSWEAR to surpass in swearing [v]
Other tops: OUTSWARE 13D 62
Other moves: AREW J3 31, AROW J3 31, WRATE F8 30, AWETO N6 29, OWT 5K 29
AREW J3 31 sicilianc5, Mycophot, HollyIvy, Chelsea

On 10th draw, BIFACE N9 46 --- BIFACE a stone tool having a cutting edge [n]
Other moves: COIF 5J 40, FOB 5J 35, COB 5J 32, FICO 12A 30, FOCI 12A 30
WOF H13 27 Chelsea

On 11th draw, BOUNTREE 5A 70 --- BOUNTREE the elder-tree [n]
Other tops: TRUEBORN K7 70
Other moves: REWON H11 32, BOET 5J 31, BOURNE 14A 28, ORB 14H 28, RUBEFY 11J 28
REWON H11 32 Chelsea
ORB 14H 28 HollyIvy, sicilianc5

On 12th draw, KOBANG A3 42 --- KOBANG an old Japanese coin [n]
Other moves: BOGOAK A5 39, KLANG 12A 37, KLONG 12A 37, GONK 12A 34, GOOK 12A 34
GOOK 12A 34 sicilianc5, Chelsea

On 13th draw, DEVAL(U)E 1I 90 --- DEVALUE to lessen the worth of [v]
Other tops: DELEAV(E) 1I 90, D(E)LEAVE 1I 90
Other moves: DEL(E)AVE 1I 87, EN(C)LAVED D4 74, EN(S)LAVED D4 74, DEVALUE(D) E8 72, DEVALUE(S) E8 72
VA(S)E 15L 43 Chelsea
VEALE(S) L8 35 sicilianc5

On 14th draw, QUIT 12A 50 --- QUIT to end one's engagement in or occupation with [v]
Other tops: QUAI 12A 50, QUAT 12A 50, QUIN 12A 50
Other moves: QUALIFY 11I 44, QUINTA 14A 42, QUINA 14B 40, QANAT J10 36, TALAQ J10 36
QUIT 12A 50 Chelsea

On 15th draw, KEX 3A 66 --- KEX a dry, hollow stalk [n]
Other moves: HOX B4 59, POX B4 57, AXE 14I 55, AX 14I 52, EX 14I 52
HOX B4 59 sicilianc5, Chelsea

On 16th draw, COOLANT 11E 36 --- COOLANT a fluid used to cool engines [n]
Other moves: CONGA 14B 30, COUGAN B10 30, COG 5J 29, ARGAL J3 28, ARGOL J3 28
CONGA 14B 30 HollyIvy

On 17th draw, WHY H13 36 --- WHY the reason or cause of something [n]
Other moves: ARTY J3 31, HYP 14B 27, AH 6A 26, AY 6A 26, OH B5 26
WHY H13 36 HollyIvy, HHHHHH1117

On 18th draw, APP 6A 27 --- APP a computer program for a major task [n]
Other moves: APT 6A 23, PIP 14B 19, GIP 14B 17, PIG 14B 16, GIPPY 15D 15

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