Game on January 25, 2022 at 14:22, 7 players
1. 473 pts Chelsea
2. 433 pts Pacific
3. 369 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 72 72 


9E 65 137 


8A 80 217 


8L 39 256 


11F 73 329 


N8 84 413 


15K 42 455 


5E 30 485 


5E 36 521 


L1 48 569 


12A 78 647 


1L 42 689 


D1 47 736 


1A 140 876 


6F 48 924 


N1 42 966 


A12 33 999 


2F 35 1034 


7G 29 1063 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 5 7:17 -590 473 1.7466 Chelsea 5 7:17 -590 473
Pacific 1 21:57 -630 433 2.7754 Mycophot 2 11:04 -694 369
Mycophot 2 11:04 -694 369 3.7677 sicilianc5 2 2:05 -884 179
sicilianc5 2 2:05 -884 179 4.7520 HollyIvy 1 2:21 -983 80
HollyIvy 1 2:21 -983 80 5.7796 moonmonkey 1 4:48 -985 78
moonmonkey 1 4:48 -985 78 Group: not rated
7. -
LLLLLL1117 0 1:44 -1025 38 1.4902 Pacific 1 21:57 -630 433
2. - LLLLLL1117 0 1:44 -1025 38
On 1st draw, MUR(I)ATE H4 72 --- MURIATE chloride [n]
Other tops: AM(A)TEUR H3 72, ER(R)ATUM H6 72, E(R)RATUM H6 72, MATURE(D) H4 72, MATURE(R) H4 72, MATURE(S) H4 72, MATU(R)ER H4 72, MAUT(H)ER H4 72, RE(L)ATUM H6 72, TEM(P)URA H2 72, TRUEMA(N) H8 72, (A)MATEUR H3 72, (S)TRUMAE H8 72
Other moves: AM(A)TEUR H4 68, AM(A)TEUR H6 68, AM(A)TEUR H7 68, AM(A)TEUR H8 68, ER(R)ATUM H3 68
MATURE(D) H4 22 Pacific
MATURE H4 22 moonmonkey
On 2nd draw, SPITEFUL 9E 65 --- SPITEFUL malicious [adj]
Other moves: FLIPS 11D 29, PELFS 11D 29, FLIES I7 28, FEIS I7 27, FUSILE 11F 27
FLIPS 11D 29 Pacific
FLIES I7 28 sicilianc5
On 3rd draw, (G)HAZI 8A 80 --- GHAZI a Muslim war hero [n]
Other tops: HU(Z)ZA 8A 80, (K)HAZI 8A 80
Other moves: DA(R)ZI 8A 74, DU(R)ZI 8A 74, DIAZ(O) 8A 73, HUZ(Z)A 8A 50, AZID(E) 8A 49
DA(R)ZI 8A 74 Mycophot
MAZ(E)D 4H 32 Chelsea
On 4th draw, EAUX 8L 39 --- EAU a river or water [n]
Other tops: AX 9B 39, EX 9B 39, FOREX 6F 39, OX 9B 39
Other moves: FLEXO L8 38, AX G6 35, EX G6 35, OX G6 35, FAX G3 30
AX 9B 39 Chelsea, HollyIvy
FAX C7 25 Pacific
On 5th draw, ARSENAL 11F 73 --- ARSENAL a collection or supply of weapons [n]
Other moves: ARSENAL G1 69, ALNA(G)ERS A4 58, ANELES 10F 29, ARAISES E5 28, RANULAS 5E 28
SPEAR F8 26 moonmonkey
RASP F6 25 Chelsea
On 6th draw, UNBOLTED N8 84 --- UNBOLT to open by withdrawing a bolt (a metal bar) [v]
Other moves: UNBOLTED 5H 72, BATONED C7 28, BONED 12K 28, BOLTED 12A 27, BLONDE 12A 26
BONED 12K 28 sicilianc5, Chelsea
LOBED L11 20 Pacific
On 7th draw, EMYDS 15K 42 --- EMYD a freshwater terrapin [n]
Other moves: SEAMY 10B 41, MANLY 12K 36, MY 10E 36, YADS 15L 36, MYNA 12I 33
SEAMY 10B 41 HollyIvy
YADS 15L 36 Chelsea
MADE 15L 30 Pacific
On 8th draw, ROQUET 5E 30 --- ROQUET to cause one's own ball to hit another in croquet [v]
Other tops: QUOTER 5G 30, TORQUE 5D 30
Other moves: QUOTE 5G 28, ROQUE 5E 28, TOQUE 5E 28, WORTLE 12A 28, QAT 8G 25
QUOTER 5G 30 Chelsea, Pacific
ROQUET 5E 30 moonmonkey
On 9th draw, ROQUETED 5E 36 --- ROQUET to cause one's own ball to hit another in croquet [v]
Other moves: OVENED 6A 31, BEHOVED B6 30, BEHOVE B6 28, BONED 6B 27, OVENED 4A 27
ROQUETED 5E 36 Chelsea, sicilianc5
BEHOVED B6 30 Pacific
On 10th draw, JIVED L1 48 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other moves: WAVIEST C7 42, WIRE 6F 41, JIVES 6B 39, SWIVET 4J 39, J*WJEW 6D 36
JIVED L1 48 sicilianc5, Chelsea
JIVES 4B 34 Pacific
On 11th draw, CORONAE 12A 78 --- CORONA a luminous circle around a celestial body [n]
Other moves: CORONAE 14F 73, CORONATE 13H 72, CORONAE 14E 65, JOCO 1L 39, NARCO D2 35
JOCO 1L 39 sicilianc5, Chelsea
JANE 1L 33 Pacific
CORONAE 12A 28 Mycophot
On 12th draw, JOHN 1L 42 --- JOHN a toilet [n]
Other moves: ANCHOR A10 33, ARCHON A10 33, JANN 1L 33, JIAO 1L 33, JINN 1L 33
JOHN 1L 42 Mycophot
CHIN A12 27 Chelsea, Pacific
On 13th draw, ADVICE D1 47 --- ADVICE recommendation regarding a decision or course of conduct [n]
Other moves: CEIBA 2J 44, VICE D3 39, CAVIARE C7 38, BICE D3 37, BIRD 6F 37
CAVED 6B 30 Mycophot
CAVE A12 27 Chelsea, Pacific
On 14th draw, LIBATION 1A 140 --- LIBATION a ceremonial pouring of a liquid [n]
Other moves: BLINI 2J 38, BIRL 6F 35, NIRLIT 6F 33, BIOTIN B10 28, BIONT B10 26
BLINI 2J 38 Mycophot, LLLLLL1117
COIL A12 18 Pacific
On 15th draw, WIRRA 6F 48 --- WIRRA used to express sorrow [interj]
Other moves: WIRE 6F 41, YIRR 6F 41, HEARSY N1 40, AIRWISE 2H 38, WAVERY 3B 38
WAIVERS 3I 34 Chelsea
SWIRE 2J 32 Mycophot
CAWS A12 27 Pacific
On 16th draw, HOWKED N1 42 --- HOWK to dig [v]
Other moves: S(I)KE 7G 41, COWK A12 39, DECKOS A10 39, SOCKED A10 39, SUCKED A10 39
SOCKED A10 39 Chelsea, Mycophot, Pacific
On 17th draw, COPY A12 33 --- COPY to imitate [v]
Other tops: PICONG A10 33
Other moves: NOVITY 3B 32, PIONY B10 32, POGY 7J 32, GOOPY B10 30, NOILY 12K 30
COPY A12 33 Chelsea, Mycophot
HOP B8 14 Pacific
On 18th draw, FRATI 2F 35 --- FRATE a Franciscan friar [n]
Other moves: FRAG 2F 33, FIAR 2F 32, FIAT 2F 32, FRAT 2F 32, FRA 2F 31
FIAT 2F 32 Mycophot
PRIG 14A 14 Pacific
On 19th draw, S(I)GN 7G 29 --- SIGN to write one's name on [v]
Other moves: S(I)NG 7G 27, PIGNUTS 14A 24, PIGNUS 14A 22, PIGNUT 14A 22, S(I)N 7G 21
S(I)N 7G 21 Mycophot
STRING C10 14 Pacific
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