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Game on January 28, 2022 at 21:09, 6 players
1. 219 pts queen66
2. 219 pts moonmonkey
3. 219 pts Mycophot

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeilopt   H3    22    22   aplite
 2. ?eehiot   5D    90   112   hotelier
 3. ?adeeit   8A    77   189   detainee
 4. einprtv   4A    32   221   vine
 5. bcdegru   A1    36   257   curved
 6. dlnoost   L1    27   284   dools
 7. adfilor   J2    72   356   forelaid
 8. aaginrw   M1    24   380   awn
 9. beijnrw   N1    29   409   we
10. egnoprx   9E    38   447   nox
11. agiotty  10F    39   486   yoga
12. acgostt   1K    27   513   adaws
13. abjsttu   G1    35   548   taj
14. celnruy  H10    42   590   guyler
15. eggmors   1D    30   620   morts
16. bfgimru  13B    30   650   brimful
17. aegkqtu  12D    35   685   kae
18. beeinsz  15E    70   755   zebrines
19. aginopu  14J    30   785   oping
20. acgirtu   8J    27   812   iatric
21. ghnqtuv   N6    47   859   quight

Remaining tiles: nv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7568 Filequeen66     4  4:48  -640  219     1.7568 queen66     4  4:48  -640  219 
  2.7791 Filemoonmonkey  4  4:58  -640  219     2.7791 moonmonkey  4  4:58  -640  219 
  3.7877 FileMycophot    4  5:00  -640  219     3.7877 Mycophot    4  5:00  -640  219 
  4.  -  FilePPPPPP1116  1  0:59  -837   22            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileIIIIII1118  1  1:24  -837   22     1.  -  PPPPPP1116  1  0:59  -837   22 
  6.  -  FileEEEEEE1116  1  1:56  -837   22     2.  -  IIIIII1118  1  1:24  -837   22 
                                             3.  -  EEEEEE1116  1  1:56  -837   22 

On 1st draw, APLITE H3 22 --- APLITE a fine-grained rock [n]
Other tops: OPIATE H3 22, PELOTA H4 22, PIOLET H4 22, POLITE H4 22
Other moves: PALET H4 20, PAOLI H4 20, PATIO H4 20, PELTA H4 20, PETAL H4 20

On 2nd draw, HOTELIE(R) 5D 90 --- HOTELIER a hotel manager [n]
Other moves: (G)OETHITE 7E 65, (G)OETHITE 7B 63, HOELI(K)E 5E 36, HOTLI(N)E 5E 36, HO(P)LITE 5E 36
HOTELIE(R) 5D 40 moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66

On 3rd draw, DETAI(N)EE 8A 77 --- DETAINEE one who is detained [n]
Other moves: DEATHIE(R) D1 76, HEADIE(S)T D5 76, ATHEI(S)ED D3 72, ATHEI(Z)ED D3 72, E(R)ADIATE 3C 70

On 4th draw, VINE 4A 32 --- VINE to grow like a vine (a climbing plant) [v]
Other tops: VIRE 4A 32, VITE 4A 32
Other moves: RIVEN 4A 30, RIVET 4A 30, PINE 4A 28, PINITE 6E 28, RIPEN 4A 28
VITE 4A 32 queen66
VINE 4A 32 Mycophot
VIRE 4A 32 moonmonkey

On 5th draw, CURVED A1 36 --- CURVE to deviate from straightness [v]
Other moves: CRUVE A1 30, CURVE A1 30, BEDRUG 4J 29, ABDUCE 3H 28, BEGIRD B1 28
CURVED A1 36 moonmonkey, queen66, Mycophot

On 6th draw, DOOLS L1 27 --- DOOL a goal [n]
Other tops: DOLOS L1 27, DOLTS L1 27
Other moves: OOTIDS 6E 26, DOOLS 9D 25, NODS 9E 24, SOLION 6E 24, TODS 9E 24

On 7th draw, FORELAID J2 72 --- FORELAY to wait in ambush [v]
Other moves: FLORID 2J 36, FIORD 2J 34, FLOOD 2J 34, FORDID 1G 33, FLOOR 2J 32
FLOOD 2J 34 Mycophot, queen66, moonmonkey

On 8th draw, AWN M1 24 --- AWN a bristlelike appendage of certain grasses [n]
Other tops: DAWN 1L 24, DRAW 1L 24
Other moves: FROWN 2J 22, TAWING C8 22, WANG 7B 22, WING 7B 22, AWING K9 21

On 9th draw, WE N1 29 --- WE 1st person pl. pronoun in the nominative case [pron]
Other tops: BENJ B7 29
Other moves: JIB I1 28, JIBER E7 28, NEW N2 27, BE N1 26, TWINER C8 26

On 10th draw, NOX 9E 38 --- NOX short for nitrogen oxide [n]
Other moves: EX 9F 35, OX 9F 35, EXON 9A 29, EXPO K9 29, OXEN 9A 29
NOX 9E 38 moonmonkey, queen66, Mycophot

On 11th draw, YOGA 10F 39 --- YOGA a Hindu philosophy involving physical and mental disciplines [n]
Other tops: YOGI 10F 39
Other moves: YO 10F 36, G*Y 10F 28, GOAT 10F 26, GOATY K7 26, GOA 10F 25
YOGI 10F 39 Mycophot, queen66, moonmonkey

On 12th draw, ADAWS 1K 27 --- ADAW to daunt [v]
Other moves: CAGOTS 11A 24, DAWS 1L 24, DAWT 1L 24, COTTAS 11A 22, ATOCS K7 21

On 13th draw, TAJ G1 35 --- TAJ a tall, conical cap worn in Muslim countries [n]
Other moves: BAJUS 11B 34, JUBAS 11B 34, BAJUS 11I 32, JABS 11C 32, BAJU 11I 30

On 14th draw, GUYLER H10 42 --- GUYLER a deceiver [n]
Other tops: CENTRY 1D 42, CURTLY 1D 42
Other moves: CULTY 1D 39, CULTER 1D 33, GURNEY H10 33, CENTU 1D 30, CETYL 1E 30

On 15th draw, MORTS 1D 30 --- MORT a note sounded on a hunting horn to announce the killing of an animal [n]
Other tops: GEMOTS 1C 30, MESTO 1D 30, MOSTE 1D 30
Other moves: GOSTER 1D 27, ISOMER 8J 27, SMOGGY 12C 26, ERGOTS 1C 24, GOMERS 11A 24

On 16th draw, BRIMFUL 13B 30 --- BRIMFUL ready to overflow [adj]
Other moves: BUMF 7B 29, RUBIFY 12C 28, FIRM K8 26, IF 3C 23, GRIMY 12D 22

On 17th draw, KAE 12D 35 --- KAE a bird resembling a crow [n] --- KAE to serve [v]
Other tops: KUE 12D 35
Other moves: AKE 12C 32, AUK 12B 32, UKE 12C 32, QUIET D11 30, QUITE D11 30

On 18th draw, ZEBRINES 15E 70 --- ZEBRINE the offspring of a male horse and a female zebra [n]
Other moves: SNEEZE 14F 47, ZEES 14A 43, NEEZES 14G 37, NEEZE 14G 36, SEIZE 14G 36

On 19th draw, OPING 14J 30 --- OPE to open [v]
Other tops: APING 14J 30
Other moves: RAUPO 3A 28, ROUP 3A 26, YAUPING 12H 26, APO 3C 22, PINGO 14K 22

On 20th draw, IATRIC 8J 27 --- IATRIC pertaining to medicine [adj]
Other moves: GAUR 13L 21, GUAR 13L 21, TAI I3 21, TUI I3 21, ARC 3C 20

On 21th draw, QUIGHT N6 47 --- QUIGHT to depart from [v]
Other moves: QUINT N6 36, QUIN N6 33, QUIT N6 33, HUNG 7B 23, UH 3C 23

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