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Game on January 29, 2022 at 20:49, 4 players
1. 284 pts Mycophot
2. 277 pts moonmonkey
3. 275 pts queen66

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeknqw   H4    54    54   quake
 2. ?aeeggu   9H    78   132   regauge
 3. fnoortu   J4    72   204   unforgot
 4. adelosw   O6    96   300   waldoes
 5. adeinnr   N9    27   327   endear
 6. einoosx  10D    46   373   nixes
 7. aeejsst  15L    65   438   jest
 8. ehilnor   K4    30   468   hoer
 9. aceegnp   D8    28   496   penance
10. imrstuy  15D    46   542   stimy
11. abhilno  14B    51   593   obeah
12. cdefilo   8A    33   626   cliped
13. aaimpty   E5    64   690   pyaemia
14. einortv   M2    76   766   revoting
15. aiiotuv  13C    29   795   octa
16. biiuuvw  12K    22   817   wives
17. diorruz   F2    37   854   zori
18. giilrtu   A1    86   940   liturgic
19. bdfilnu   6C    26   966   idyl

Remaining tiles: bfnu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7834 FileMycophot    3  8:35  -682  284     1.7834 Mycophot    3  8:35  -682  284 
  2.7765 Filemoonmonkey  4  7:26  -689  277     2.7765 moonmonkey  4  7:26  -689  277 
  3.7549 Filequeen66     4  7:50  -691  275     3.7549 queen66     4  7:50  -691  275 
  4.  -  FileBLANKS1113  1  1:56  -912   54            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  BLANKS1113  1  1:56  -912   54 

On 1st draw, Q(U)AKE H4 54 --- QUAKE to shake or vibrate [v]
Other moves: Q(U)EAN H4 46, Q(U)ENA H4 46, Q(U)AKE H8 36, KNAWE H4 34, KNAWE(L) H4 34
Q(U)AKE H4 54 BLANKS1113

On 2nd draw, (R)EGAUGE 9H 78 --- GAUGE to measure precisely [v] --- REGAUGE to adjust the gauges of [v]
Other moves: (R)EGAUGE G8 62, (R)EGAUGE I8 62, (S)EAQ(U)AKE H1 57, QUAGG(A) 4H 32, QUAGG(Y) 4H 32
QUAG(S) 4H 28 moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 3rd draw, UNFORGOT J4 72 --- UNFORGOT not forgotten [adj]
Other moves: UNFORGOT M4 63, FOUNT 8K 40, TOFU 10L 33, OFT 10M 30, UFO 10M 30
TOFU 10L 33 queen66, moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 4th draw, WALDOES O6 96 --- WALDOES
Other moves: WALDOES O3 95, WALDOES 10B 89, LEASOWED N8 78, LEASOWED N3 68, WALDOS O4 51
DOWELS O4 45 Mycophot, moonmonkey, queen66

On 5th draw, ENDEAR N9 27 --- ENDEAR to make dear or beloved [v]
Other moves: ENNEAD N9 26, READ K4 24, DINNA N2 23, REDIA N2 23, ARANEID K9 22
ENDEAR N9 27 queen66, moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 6th draw, NIXES 10D 46 --- NIX a water sprite [n] --- NIX to veto [v]
Other tops: NOXES 10D 46
Other moves: OXES 10E 45, XIS 10F 44, UNISEX 4J 42, AXIONS K9 39, AXONES K9 39

On 7th draw, JEST 15L 65 --- JEST to joke [v]
Other tops: JASS 15L 65, JESS 15L 65
Other moves: JESSE 15K 47, JANTEE D8 42, JANES D8 40, JEE M13 40, JET M13 40
JEST 15L 65 Mycophot
JESS 15L 65 moonmonkey
JASS 15L 65 queen66

On 8th draw, HOER K4 30 --- HOER one that hoes [n]
Other moves: HELIO N2 27, REOIL 11C 27, RHINO N2 27, HERNIA 13I 26, HOE K4 26
HOER K4 30 queen66

On 9th draw, PENANCE D8 28 --- PENANCE to impose a type of punishment upon [v]
Other moves: APACE K9 26, CAPE 9C 26, CEPE 9C 26, ENCAGE 9A 26, PANGENE D8 26

On 10th draw, STIMY 15D 46 --- STIMY to stymie [v]
Other moves: MISERY 14A 38, MUIST 15A 37, STRUM 15D 37, TUISM 15A 37, RUMPY 8A 36
STIMY 15D 46 queen66, moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 11th draw, OBEAH 14B 51 --- OBEAH a form of sorcery of African origin [n] --- OBEAH to bewitch with obia [v]
Other moves: HOB 14F 40, HAN 14F 36, HAO 14F 36, HOA 14F 36, HON 14F 36
HOB 14F 40 Mycophot

On 12th draw, CLIPED 8A 33 --- CLIPE to tell tales [v]
Other tops: CADIE 11C 33
Other moves: DECAF 11A 32, FUCOID L8 32, FELID E7 30, AFIELD K9 29, CADI 11C 29
CADIE 11C 33 moonmonkey

On 13th draw, PYAEMIA E5 64 --- PYAEMIA the presence of pus in the blood [n]
Other moves: PACTA 13B 39, PYEMIA E6 34, PITAYA N1 33, IMP M11 31, PACT 13B 31
MY M12 29 queen66

On 14th draw, REVOTING M2 76 --- REVOTE to vote again [v]
Other moves: ENVIRO N1 29, VIREO F2 29, VIREO D1 28, VIREO N2 27, OVERING M3 24

On 15th draw, OCTA 13C 29 --- OCTA a unit of measure of cloud cover [n]
Other moves: TACO 13B 25, ATOC 13A 22, ACT 13C 21, TOC 13B 20, VAU F4 19

On 16th draw, WIVES 12K 22 --- WIFE a woman married to a man [n] --- WIVE to marry a woman [v]
Other moves: BIVIA 13J 20, VIBES 12K 20, DUX F8 16, EMU 9D 16, IVIES 12K 16

On 17th draw, ZORI F2 37 --- ZORI a type of sandal [n]
Other moves: ZO 15A 35, LUZ B8 32, ZOL B6 32, DURZI 2K 30, DZO D3 30

On 18th draw, LITURGIC A1 86 --- LITURGIC pertaining to liturgy [adj] --- LITURGY a prescribed system of public worship [adj]
Other moves: GLITZ 2B 30, DUX F8 16, EMU 9D 16, IWI K11 16, TRIG C6 16

On 19th draw, IDYL 6C 26 --- IDYL a poem or prose work depicting scenes of rural simplicity [n]
Other tops: FIN B2 26
Other moves: DIF C7 25, FIB 14H 22, FUB 14H 22, IF B1 22, FEM 9C 21

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