Game on February 6, 2022 at 20:34, 6 players
1. 118 pts sicilianc5
2. 118 pts Mycophot
3. 112 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H2 80 80 


5F 68 148 


2A 90 238 


9B 77 315 


A1 45 360 


4K 34 394 


B9 50 444 


6C 55 499 


N1 28 527 


O6 83 610 


12H 74 684 


1I 45 729 


N10 55 784 


A12 93 877 


15K 45 922 


4C 31 953 


11K 46 999 


12A 26 1025 


11B 34 1059 

Remaining tile: 
Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
sicilianc5 2 3:15 -941 118 1.7620 sicilianc5 2 3:15 -941 118
Mycophot 2 3:22 -941 118 2.7792 Mycophot 2 3:22 -941 118
moonmonkey 2 2:36 -947 112 3.7705 moonmonkey 2 2:36 -947 112
4. -
OOOOOO1121 1 1:50 -966 93 Group: not rated
5. -
QQQQQQ1120 1 1:29 -1013 46 1. - OOOOOO1121 1 1:50 -966 93
6. -
IIIIII1118 1 1:51 -1013 46 2. - QQQQQQ1120 1 1:29 -1013 46
3. - IIIIII1118 1 1:51 -1013 46
On 1st draw, DEV(L)ING H2 80 --- DEVLING a young devil [n]
Other tops: EV(A)DING H3 80, VENDI(N)G H4 80, VE(N)DING H4 80
Other moves: DEV(L)ING H4 76, DEV(L)ING H6 76, DE(A)VING H4 76, DE(A)VING H6 76, DE(E)VING H4 76
On 2nd draw, AL(L)OMONE 5F 68 --- ALLOMONE like a pheromone, but causing detriment to another species [n]
Other tops: A(L)LOMONE 5G 68
Other moves: MOE(L)LON 5E 32, OENOMEL 3C 26, AMOOVE 4D 22, OENOMEL 3G 22, VENOM 4H 20
On 3rd draw, OUTRAVED 2A 90 --- OUTRAVE to surpass in raving [v]
Other moves: OUTRAVE G7 69, OUTRAVE I7 69, OUTRAVE I8 68, ERUV 4L 28, OUTRAVE 3B 28
On 4th draw, PORKIES 9B 77 --- PORKY a porcupine [n]
Other moves: SPOOKIER K2 64, SPOOKIER K3 64, PORKIES A1 54, POOKS A1 48, PORKS A1 48
On 5th draw, FORBAD A1 45 --- FORBID to command not to do something [v]
Other moves: FOOBAR A1 42, FORB A1 36, LOOFA A1 36, FORBAD 4A 35, DORBA A1 33
On 6th draw, METIC 4K 34 --- METIC a resident alien in an ancient Greek city [n]
Other moves: CWMS N2 32, WICKETS E6 32, MEWS 4K 31, WEMS 4K 31, EMIC 4L 30
On 7th draw, PYJA(M)A B9 50 --- PYJAMA a garment for sleeping or lounging [n]
Other moves: (S)OJA 8A 49, JOY 8A 48, JOTA 8A 45, J(O)Y 8A 44, ACAJO(U) O3 42
On 8th draw, FAUX 6C 55 --- FAUX not genuine; fake [adj]
Other tops: FAIX 6C 55
Other moves: FAX 6D 54, FIX 6D 54, EAUX 6C 52, NIX 6D 51, AX 6E 50
On 9th draw, AGRISE N1 28 --- AGRISE to terrify [v]
Other tops: AGERS C11 28, BAGIES 4A 28, BARGES 4A 28, BEGARS 4A 28, JAGERS 11B 28, JAGIRS 11B 28, JIRGAS 11B 28, SARGE 7B 28
Other moves: CAGERS O4 27, CAGIER O4 27, CIGARS O4 27, CRAIGS O4 27, GRACES O1 27
On 10th draw, DEADERS O6 83 --- DEADER a corpse [n]
Other moves: DREADERS D8 76, DEGRADES 8F 67, SERENADED L1 63, DADS A12 33, DEAD A12 32
On 11th draw, ORNITHES 12H 74 --- ORNIS the collection of birds of a region [n]
Other tops: ANTIHERO 12B 74
Other moves: THORNIER 11H 72, ANTIHERO 14B 69, HENT A12 45, HOER A12 45, HONE A12 45
On 12th draw, PIGBOAT 1I 45 --- PIGBOAT a submarine [n]
Other moves: BONG A12 40, PONG A12 40, PONT A12 37, JOBING 11B 32, BOP N8 30
On 13th draw, WEENSY N10 55 --- WEENSY tiny [adj]
Other moves: WEENY N10 53, WEELS N10 47, WEENS N10 47, YENS A12 45, YULE A12 45
On 14th draw, ZONE A12 93 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other tops: ZOEA A12 93, ZONA A12 93
Other moves: NAZE A12 57, NAZI A12 57, ZOWIE H11 51, WIZ 4D 49, AZO A13 48
ZONE A12 93 OOOOOO1121
On 15th draw, THUYA 15K 45 --- THUYA an evergreen tree or shrub [n]
Other moves: ETHYL 15K 36, HA O14 35, HE O14 35, LATHE 7B 32, HAUTE 11H 31
THUYA 15K 45 sicilianc5, Mycophot
HE O14 35 moonmonkey
On 16th draw, CLEW 4C 31 --- CLEW to roll into a ball [v]
Other moves: JUICE 11B 28, WEIL 11H 27, LEW 4D 25, CLAWER D4 24, CREW D1 24
CLEW 4C 31 moonmonkey
WEIL 11H 27 Mycophot, sicilianc5
On 17th draw, QI 11K 46 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 14J 33, ZATI 12A 26, JOINT 11B 24, QI 13G 23, JILT 11B 22
QI 11K 46 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, Mycophot, QQQQQQ1120, IIIIII1118
On 18th draw, ZATI 12A 26 --- ZATI the bonnet-monkey [n]
Other moves: JOINT 11B 24, JILT 11B 22, JOIN 11B 22, JOLT 11B 22, IT I8 21
On 19th draw, JILLION 11B 34 --- JILLION a very large number [n]
Other moves: JILL 11B 26, ULIKON E6 20, ION 10E 17, IKON E8 16, LIONS 14J 16
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