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Game on February 7, 2022 at 14:05, 5 players
1. 428 pts Chelsea
2. 252 pts Mycophot
3. 187 pts sicilianc5

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeegit   H3    68    68   egalite
 2. cdefilu   I7    30    98   defi
 3. cefijos  10H    35   133   sijo
 4. ?cenotu   5D    86   219   toucanet
 5. adekluv   G7    40   259   dak
 6. adiimns   3B    76   335   amidines
 7. afgilmn   6J    36   371   faming
 8. aaeelnp   2B    43   414   paleae
 9. ceorsvy   M5    70   484   viceroys
10. einnort   O1   140   624   nitrogen
11. hlnotuy  N10    58   682   hotly
12. beloruw   1G    41   723   blower
13. eegirtt   D1    20   743   glitter
14. ahilorx  11J    45   788   ox
15. aehorru  12H    31   819   haro
16. abdenuz  H12    48   867   haze
17. aiilnrs  15B    59   926   snailier
18. bdeipuv   B9    38   964   updives

Remaining tiles: bqtuuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7443 FileChelsea     5  6:56  -536  428     1.7443 Chelsea     5  6:56  -536  428 
  2.7813 FileMycophot    4  6:55  -712  252     2.7813 Mycophot    4  6:55  -712  252 
  3.7620 Filesicilianc5  3  4:44  -777  187     3.7620 sicilianc5  3  4:44  -777  187 
  4.  -  FileYYYYYY1118  1  1:59  -906   58     4.7617 HollyIvy    0  1:26  -939   25 
  5.7617 FileHollyIvy    0  1:26  -939   25            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  YYYYYY1118  1  1:59  -906   58 

On 1st draw, EGA(L)ITE H3 68 --- EGALITE the state of being equal [n]
Other moves: EGA(L)ITE H2 66, EGA(L)ITE H4 66, EGA(L)ITE H6 66, EGA(L)ITE H7 66, EGA(L)ITE H8 66

On 2nd draw, DEFI I7 30 --- DEFI a challenge [n]
Other tops: DEFI G7 30
Other moves: DEF G7 29, DEF I7 29, DIF G7 29, DIF I7 29, FED I7 29

On 3rd draw, SIJO 10H 35 --- SIJO a Korean verse [n]
Other moves: FEIJOAS 5C 34, FICOES J10 34, FICES J10 33, FICOS J10 33, FEIJOA 5C 32

On 4th draw, TOUCANE(T) 5D 86 --- TOUCANET a small toucan [n]
Other tops: COU(R)ANTE 5D 86, OCEAN(A)UT 5E 86, OUT(D)ANCE 5D 86, OUT(R)ANCE 5D 86, UNCOATE(D) 5D 86, (T)OUCANET 5D 86
Other moves: ECONUT(S) L4 79, (D)UECENTO 3F 76, OUT(F)ENCE 3A 74, CONTU(S)E J2 72, COUNTE(D) J2 72

On 5th draw, DAK G7 40 --- DAK transportation by relays of men and horses [n]
Other moves: AUK G7 36, DEVALUE 3G 34, KADE 4A 32, KALE 4A 30, KULA 4A 30

On 6th draw, AMIDINES 3B 76 --- AMIDINE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other tops: DIAMINES 3B 76
Other moves: S(T)AMINOID K4 72, SAIMIN 11I 38, SAM 11I 36, AMIDIN 11J 35, DISMAN L8 34
SAM 11I 36 Chelsea

On 7th draw, FAMING 6J 36 --- FAME to make famous [v]
Other moves: FAMING 4J 34, FAGIN 6J 33, FINAL 6J 32, FLING 6B 32, MAGI 2B 32
FAMING 6J 36 Chelsea

On 8th draw, PALEAE 2B 43 --- PALEA a small bract [n]
Other moves: PALEA 2B 39, APNEAL 11J 33, PAGAN O4 33, PAGLE O4 33, ALAP 2C 31
PALEAE 2B 43 Mycophot, sicilianc5
PAGAN O4 33 Chelsea

On 9th draw, VICEROYS M5 70 --- VICEROY one who rules as the representative of a sovereign [n]
Other moves: SYVER 1F 42, SOY 11I 40, VEGOS O4 39, COSEY L8 38, GRYCES O6 36
SOY 11I 40 sicilianc5
ROVES 1G 27 Chelsea

On 10th draw, NITROGEN O1 140 --- NITROGEN a gaseous element [n]
Other moves: RINGTONE O3 80, TERNION 1F 80, TERNION 1G 77, INTONER 2I 70, INTONERS 12F 68
NOINT N10 25 HollyIvy, Mycophot
TINNER 1G 24 Chelsea

On 11th draw, HOTLY N10 58 --- HOTLY in a hot manner [adv]
Other moves: HOTLY 1G 39, YOUTH 1G 39, HOLY 1G 36, THY 1F 36, HOT N10 34
HOTLY N10 58 Mycophot, Chelsea, YYYYYY1118

On 12th draw, BLOWER 1G 41 --- BLOWER one that blows [n]
Other tops: BOWLER 1G 41
Other moves: BREW 1E 39, BELOW 1G 35, BOWEL 1G 35, BOWER 1G 35, ELBOW 1G 33
BLOWER 1G 41 Chelsea
BREW 1E 39 sicilianc5

On 13th draw, GLITTER D1 20 --- GLITTER to sparkle [v]
Other tops: GREET 6B 20, GRITTEST 12G 20, RETE 2I 20
Other moves: ERG 6D 19, EGER L12 18, GEE N2 18, GIE N2 18, REE 2I 17
RETE 2I 20 sicilianc5

On 14th draw, OX 11J 45 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: AX 11J 45
Other moves: AX N1 38, OX N1 38, XI N2 38, HOX 2I 37, AX O14 32
AX 11J 45 Chelsea
OX 11J 45 sicilianc5

On 15th draw, HARO 12H 31 --- HARO a cry claiming legal redress [interj]
Other tops: HERO 12H 31
Other moves: ROAST 12J 30, ROUST 12J 30, HAE N2 26, HAO N2 26, HORE 2I 26
HERO 12H 31 Mycophot
ROAST 12J 30 Chelsea

On 16th draw, HAZE H12 48 --- HAZE to subject to a humiliating initiation [v]
Other moves: ZED 13G 35, BUAZE C6 34, ZEE 6B 32, BUAZE 13D 31, ZEA 13G 31
HAZE H12 48 Mycophot, Chelsea

On 17th draw, SNAILIER 15B 59 --- SNAILY like a snail [adj]
Other tops: AIRLINES 15B 59
Other moves: AILS 8A 25, AINS 8A 25, AIRS 8A 25, ANIS 8A 25, ARIS 8A 25
RAIS 8A 25 Mycophot
RINS 8A 25 Chelsea

On 18th draw, UPDIVES B9 38 --- UPDIVE to spring upward [v]
Other moves: BIPEDS B10 34, VEEP 6C 27, BEEP 6C 26, DEEP 6C 25, VIED 14A 25
VIED 14A 25 Chelsea
PIE N2 22 Mycophot

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