Game on February 12, 2022 at 20:44, 1 player
1. 53 pts QQQQQQ1120
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 26 26 


8H 77 103 


7M 34 137 


K5 52 189 


J10 35 224 


15H 158 382 


14L 29 411 


12C 74 485 


B10 50 535 


C10 34 569 


D4 76 645 


13M 38 683 


O3 69 752 


F7 72 824 


E2 35 859 


L1 53 912 


F2 29 941 


2J 76 1017 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
1. -
QQQQQQ1120 1 1:58 -964 53 1. - QQQQQQ1120 1 1:58 -964 53
On 1st draw, VENDS H4 26 --- VEND to sell [v]
Other moves: BEDES H4 22, BENDS H4 22, DEEVS H4 22, BENES H4 20, DEBES H4 20
On 2nd draw, SEATROUT 8H 77 --- SEATROUT a marine fish [n]
Other tops: OUTRATES 8A 77
Other moves: OUTRATE G7 66, OUTTRADE 7B 62, OUTRATE G8 61, OUTRATE I8 61, OUTRATED 7A 61
On 3rd draw, J(O) 7M 34 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: JING(L)Y 6F 32, GAIJI(N) J7 29, G(A)IJIN 6C 29, JIN(N)I 6F 29, JYN(X) 6F 29
On 4th draw, WRITHEN K5 52 --- WRITHEN twisted [adj]
Other moves: ZITHERN K6 38, HIZEN 6D 37, WANZE J7 37, WIZEN 6D 37, ZENITH K4 36
On 5th draw, HOGTIE J10 35 --- HOGTIE to tie together the legs of [v]
Other tops: HOAGIE J10 35
Other moves: AAH J8 32, HAET J10 30, HAG J10 30, HATE J10 30, HEAT J10 30
On 6th draw, (P)REWIRED 15H 158 --- PREWIRE to wire beforehand [v]
Other tops: W(H)ERRIED 15H 158
Other moves: WIREDRE(W) 15D 95, W(H)ERRIED 15D 95, REWI(N)DER 15D 86, T(A)WDRIER O8 86, WIREDRE(W) 15G 86
On 7th draw, BUDA 14L 29 --- BUDA an insulting term for an old man (India) [n]
Other tops: BUDO 14L 29
Other moves: BARDO L1 27, BRA 9M 27, BRO 9M 27, BORA 14L 25, BURA 14L 25
On 8th draw, ELAPSING 12C 74 --- ELAPSE to pass away [v]
Other tops: PANELIST 13C 74, PLAINEST 13C 74, PLEASING 12C 74
Other moves: ALEPINES 5B 70, PENALISE 5A 70, SEPALINE 5A 70, RAPES L8 30, RIPEN L8 30
On 9th draw, FORAY B10 50 --- FORAY to raid [v]
Other tops: FERNY B10 50
Other moves: FORANE B10 46, FOY 13M 41, *F*YOFAY 11B 37, *F*YOFAY 13B 37, FORAY 11A 36
On 10th draw, ENEMA C10 34 --- ENEMA a liquid injected into the rectum [n]
Other moves: AMENE C10 32, ENAMEL C8 31, AMOLE 13B 30, RAMEN L8 30, MELANO A5 29
On 11th draw, ASPROUT D4 76 --- ASPROUT in a sprouting state [adv]
Other moves: OUTPARTS O2 70, STROUPAN 6A 68, TRAPPOUS F8 66, PROVENDS H1 42, ATROP(O)US N2 30
On 12th draw, FIB 13M 38 --- FIB a trivial lie [n] --- FIB to tell a trivial lie [v]
Other moves: BUFOS 8A 30, SIF 13M 29, BIS 13M 28, BUFO 8A 27, FE 6N 26
On 13th draw, TOILETED O3 69 --- TOILET to dress and groom oneself [v]
Other moves: ROTED L8 26, HEED 9K 25, HELD 9K 25, DOIT 11E 24, LOID 11E 23
On 14th draw, MANCIPLE F7 72 --- MANCIPLE an officer authorized to purchase provisions [n]
Other moves: MANACLE E9 33, MELANIC E9 33, ANCOME 8A 30, INCOME 8A 30, RAMEN L8 30
On 15th draw, TAXI E2 35 --- TAXI to travel in a taxicab [v]
Other moves: OXY C2 31, XI E4 31, XYSTI 5B 30, RAX L8 28, XYST 5B 28
On 16th draw, QUINO L1 53 --- QUINO a game of chance [n]
Other moves: QUINA N1 34, QUINO N1 34, QUINTA 2A 34, QUOTA 2B 32, QUAI N1 30
On 17th draw, ALEC F2 29 --- ALEC a herring [n]
Other moves: CAGOULE 2H 28, CAGE F1 26, COLE F1 24, ECOTAGE 2B 24, EOCENE I8 24
On 18th draw, ZOUKS 2J 76 --- ZOUK a dance music of the French West Indies [n]
Other moves: ZEPS 6B 47, OYEZ N1 45, ZEKS C1 45, ZEKS N2 44, YEUKS 2J 40
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