Game on February 13, 2022 at 16:31, 9 players
1. 309 pts queen66
2. 282 pts HollyIvy
3. 266 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 64 64 


15D 93 157 


8A 77 234 


D10 38 272 


F4 71 343 


5E 52 395 


A8 92 487 


14F 32 519 


12G 72 591 


N10 60 651 


E8 38 689 


K1 65 754 


1J 51 805 


15J 39 844 


8K 48 892 


9K 56 948 


11J 37 985 


H1 42 1027 


2K 26 1053 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
queen66 0 9:10 -744 309 1.7718 queen66 0 9:10 -744 309
HollyIvy 2 7:22 -771 282 2.7811 HollyIvy 2 7:22 -771 282
sicilianc5 0 8:13 -787 266 3.7766 sicilianc5 0 8:13 -787 266
Pacific 2 8:10 -894 159 4.7873 Mycophot 3 1:27 -912 141
Mycophot 3 1:27 -912 141 5.7759 moonmonkey 0 1:47 -998 55
6. -
ZZZZZZ1119 1 1:45 -960 93 Group: novice
moonmonkey 0 1:47 -998 55 1.5135 Pacific 2 8:10 -894 159
8. -
VVVVVV1115 1 1:45 -1014 39 Group: not rated
9. -
QQQQQQ1120 1 1:48 -1016 37 1. - ZZZZZZ1119 1 1:45 -960 93
2. - VVVVVV1115 1 1:45 -1014 39
3. - QQQQQQ1120 1 1:48 -1016 37
On 1st draw, RO(B)INIA H8 64 --- ROBINIA an plant of the locust genus [n]
Other tops: A(M)ORINI H2 64, A(M)ORINI H4 64, A(M)ORINI H6 64, A(M)ORINI H7 64, A(M)ORINI H8 64, RO(B)INIA H3 64, RO(B)INIA H4 64, RO(B)INIA H6 64, RO(B)INIA H7 64
Other moves: A(M)ORINI H3 62, A(M)ORINI H5 62, RO(B)INIA H2 62, RO(B)INIA H5 62, AIRIN(G) H3 12
On 2nd draw, ZOEAS 15D 93 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other moves: FAZES 15D 84, ZEAS 15E 60, SAZ 15H 57, SEZ 15H 57, ZAS 15F 57
ZOEAS 15D 93 HollyIvy, ZZZZZZ1119
On 3rd draw, UNEASIER 8A 77 --- UNEASY marked by mental or physical discomfort [adj]
Other moves: SANE I11 14, SENA 14E 14, SENA I11 14, SENE I11 14, AENEUS G4 13
On 4th draw, KRANTZ D10 38 --- KRANTZ a precipice [n]
Other moves: KRANZ D11 36, ATOK G10 29, OKTA G12 28, OAK G11 27, TAK G11 27
ATOK G10 29 queen66, HollyIvy
TAK G11 27 sicilianc5
On 5th draw, UPBOILED F4 71 --- UPBOIL to boil up [v]
Other moves: BLAUD 14F 30, BLUDE 7C 29, BLADE 14F 28, ELOPED G8 27, UPLED 7B 27
BLADE 14F 28 sicilianc5
BOP G11 23 queen66
PUB G11 23 HollyIvy
On 6th draw, UPFIELD 5E 52 --- UPFIELD into the part of the field toward which the offensive team is going [adv]
Other moves: FETID 14B 35, FINED I9 34, FLAUNE 14F 34, FEAL 14F 30, FLAN 14F 30
FINED I9 34 queen66
FLAN 14F 30 sicilianc5, HollyIvy
On 7th draw, U(N)FORBID A8 92 --- UNFORBID not forbidden [adj]
Other moves: FIBROID(S) 13G 90, BIFOR(K)ED C2 80, BIFOR(M)ED C2 80, FIBRO(S)ED C2 80, (U)NFORBID B7 80
FORBID H1 45 sicilianc5, queen66
BR(A)ID 4H 33 HollyIvy
On 8th draw, WAAC 14F 32 --- WAAC a member of the Women's Auxiliary Army Corps [n]
Other moves: WEAN 14F 30, TOW 14D 29, WEAN B11 29, AEONIC 4J 27, AEONIC H1 27
TOW 14D 29 queen66, sicilianc5
On 9th draw, ANTISMOG 12G 72 --- ANTISMOG designed to reduce pollutants that cause smog [adj]
Other moves: STOMIA H1 33, AIM E10 29, AMIGOS J9 29, IMAGOS J9 29, ATIGIS H1 27
On 10th draw, JUGLET N10 60 --- JUGLET a small jug [n]
Other moves: JETON M9 40, JEU C12 35, JUNGLE N9 32, JELL J2 27, JUG N10 27
JEU C12 35 sicilianc5, HollyIvy, queen66
On 11th draw, SAYON E8 38 --- SAYON a jacket [n]
Other moves: TANNOY B5 36, YATE E10 36, YITE E10 36, ANNOY B6 35, TONEY B6 35
TANNOY B5 36 sicilianc5
YETT 15L 33 queen66
On 12th draw, OVERDRAW K1 65 --- OVERDRAW to draw checks on in excess of the balance [v]
Other moves: AWETO 15K 36, OVATE 15K 36, VAWTE 15K 36, OVERAWE C2 34, VERRA O6 33
VAWTE 15K 36 sicilianc5, queen66
On 13th draw, COMEDY 1J 51 --- COMEDY a humorous play, movie, or other work [n]
Other moves: CYMOID 1H 45, DECOY 1H 45, ENMITY 15J 42, NICETY 15J 42, DEMONIC 1H 39
DECOY 1H 45 queen66
On 14th draw, INVITE 15J 39 --- INVITE to request the presence of [v]
Other moves: VITE 15L 33, OVINE 9H 28, OVEN 9H 27, VILE 2K 26, VINE 2K 26
INVITE 15J 39 HollyIvy, VVVVVV1115, Pacific
On 15th draw, WHANG 8K 48 --- WHANG to beat with a whip [v]
Other moves: EWGHEN 8J 45, WHARE 8K 45, WHEAR 8K 45, WHEEN 8K 45, WHERE 8K 45
WHANG 8K 48 Mycophot
DANGER N1 20 Pacific
On 16th draw, SEX 9K 56 --- SEX to determine the sex (the property by which organisms are classified according to reproductive functions) of [v]
Other tops: SIX 9K 56
Other moves: HELIXES C3 52, FIXES G5 50, EX 9L 39, DELISH N1 36, OXES 9H 35
SEX 9K 56 Mycophot, Pacific
On 17th draw, QI 11J 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: PIROGUE 4A 34, PORGIE H1 33, VIREO 2K 33, PERIGON B2 28, PIROGEN B2 28
QI 11J 37 Mycophot, QQQQQQ1120
QI H4 21 Pacific
On 18th draw, TOPHI H1 42 --- TOPHUS a deposit of urates in the tissue around a joint [n]
Other moves: PHO C11 33, THERETO 4H 32, THEE C11 31, HOTTIE H1 30, HEEL 13K 28
PHO C11 33 moonmonkey
THEN B5 15 Pacific
On 19th draw, VELE 2K 26 --- VELE a veil [n]
Other moves: LATTE 7J 25, TREE C11 22, ATT 7K 21, LEE 2M 19, REE 2M 19
TREE C11 22 moonmonkey
GEN B6 8 Pacific
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