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Game on February 18, 2022 at 15:58, 8 players
1. 163 pts Pacific
2. 145 pts Mycophot
3. 145 pts sicilianc5

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeortuz   H8    30    30   azure
 2. aghirsu  13C    97   127   guarish
 3. eeginrs   8H    83   210   anergies
 4. cdgilno   O1    92   302   lingcods
 5. ?aeirtt   7E    81   383   titrate
 6. efinsst  14I    79   462   infests
 7. ?adiiow  O10    39   501   dawish
 8. aaejlmo   N6    55   556   jeel
 9. aaemopv   8A    43   599   amove
10. acilpuv   K5    52   651   acervuli
11. anortuy  15D    45   696   yaourt
12. adekmtw   6B    42   738   tweak
13. abhinox  12A    57   795   hoax
14. bdilmop  A11    33   828   dhobi
15. eeinort   E5    24   852   eaterie
16. delnnop   D1    26   878   delope
17. efmnoqy  10J    36   914   quey
18. bmnoopt   C4    26   940   bowpot

Remaining tiles: fmnnno

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5167 FilePacific     2  8:55  -777  163     1.7826 Mycophot    1  4:53  -795  145 
  2.7826 FileMycophot    1  4:53  -795  145     2.7728 sicilianc5  1  5:05  -795  145 
  3.7728 Filesicilianc5  1  5:05  -795  145     3.7774 moonmonkey  2  3:07  -815  125 
  4.7774 Filemoonmonkey  2  3:07  -815  125     4.7752 queen66     1  3:51  -835  105 
  5.7752 Filequeen66     1  3:51  -835  105     5.7763 HollyIvy    1  0:32  -883   57 
  6.7763 FileHollyIvy    1  0:32  -883   57            Group: novice
  7.  -  FileHHHHHH1117  1  1:52  -883   57     1.5167 Pacific     2  8:55  -777  163 
  8.  -  FileJJJJJJ1124  1  1:52  -885   55            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  HHHHHH1117  1  1:52  -883   57 
                                             2.  -  JJJJJJ1124  1  1:52  -885   55 

On 1st draw, AZURE H8 30 --- AZURE a blue colour [n]
Other tops: AZOTE H4 30, AZOTE H8 30, AZURE H4 30, ROZET H4 30, ROZET H8 30, TOAZE H4 30, TOAZE H8 30, TOUZE H4 30, TOUZE H8 30
Other moves: AZOTE H5 28, AZOTE H6 28, AZOTE H7 28, AZURE H5 28, AZURE H6 28

On 2nd draw, GUARISH 13C 97 --- GUARISH to heal [v]
Other moves: GUARISH 7E 78, GUARISH G2 68, GUARISH I2 68, GHARRIS 11E 44, GUARISH 11E 44

On 3rd draw, ANERGIES 8H 83 --- ANERGY lack of energy [n]
Other moves: GESNERIA 8A 80, GREISEN 7G 78, SEIGNEUR D7 70, GESNERIA E6 68, RESIGNER 11A 68

On 4th draw, LINGCODS O1 92 --- LINGCOD a marine food fish [n]
Other tops: SCOLDING O8 92
Other moves: CODLINGS O1 89, CLOUDING 10E 66, GONIDIC M3 32, GEODIC 12G 28, GLODE 12D 27

On 5th draw, (T)ITRATE 7E 81 --- TITRATE to determine the strength of a solution by adding a reagent until a desired reaction occurs [v]
Other tops: A(T)TRITE 7E 81, (C)ITRATE 7E 81, (N)ITRATE 7E 81
Other moves: ATTRI(T)E 7E 80, AT(T)RITE 7E 80, ITERAT(E) 7E 80, IT(E)RATE 7E 80, TITRA(T)E 7E 80

On 6th draw, INFESTS 14I 79 --- INFEST to overrun in large numbers [v]
Other moves: INFESTERS K1 74, SNIFTERS 11B 72, FITNESS 6A 71, INFESTS 6A 71, FEERINS K5 40

On 7th draw, DAWIS(H) O10 39 --- DAWISH foolish [adj]
Other moves: WIE(L)D N6 36, WA(L)DO 15F 33, WIDIS(H) O10 33, WAID(E) 15F 32, DOW(N)A 15F 31

On 8th draw, JEEL N6 55 --- JEEL to congeal [v]
Other moves: JEE N6 54, JOE N6 54, JAM 15G 44, JOLE 15F 39, JOE 15G 36

On 9th draw, AMOVE 8A 43 --- AMOVE to remove [v]
Other moves: VAMP 15F 41, VOEMA 15F 40, VOEMA 8A 40, VAMP 12B 37, AMOVE 15E 36
VOEMA 15F 40 Mycophot, sicilianc5

On 10th draw, ACERVULI K5 52 --- ACERVULI spore-producing organs of certain fungi [n] --- ACERVULUS a spore-producing organ of certain fungi [n]
Other moves: CULPA 15F 37, PLICA 15F 37, APICULI 2I 34, PECULIA 12G 34, PICA 15G 34
PICA 15G 34 sicilianc5, Mycophot, queen66

On 11th draw, YAOURT 15D 45 --- YAOURT food made from fermented milk [n]
Other moves: AROYNT 15D 36, ATONY 15F 35, AUNTY 15F 35, RUNTY 15F 35, TOUZY 9E 34
TRAY 12A 29 queen66, sicilianc5, Mycophot

On 12th draw, TWEAK 6B 42 --- TWEAK to pinch and twist sharply [v]
Other moves: WAKE 6D 41, MAKE 6D 40, KAWED L1 39, WEAK 6C 39, TAKE 6D 38
TWEAK 6B 42 Mycophot, sicilianc5, queen66
MAKE B8 20 Pacific

On 13th draw, HOAX 12A 57 --- HOAX to deceive [v]
Other moves: HOX 9A 47, BOX 9A 45, NIX 9A 41, NOX 9A 41, AX 12C 39
HOAX 12A 57 HollyIvy, HHHHHH1117
MIX B8 28 Pacific

On 14th draw, DHOBI A11 33 --- DHOBI a person who does laundry in India [n]
Other moves: BIPOD L1 29, HOLM A12 27, HOLP A12 27, DIEB L12 26, DIMBLE D1 26
OM 5D 20 moonmonkey
BLOW C3 18 Pacific

On 15th draw, EA(T)ERIE E5 24 --- EATERIE a restaurant [n]
Other moves: JEELIE N6 22, TONIER L10 22, ANON I7 19, ORT 5C 19, TOZE 9F 19
ANON I7 19 moonmonkey
TROW C3 14 Pacific

On 16th draw, DELOPE D1 26 --- DELOPE to fire one's gun into the air during a duel [v]
Other tops: DEEP L12 26
Other moves: POLED L1 25, DEPONE D1 24, JEELED N6 24, PIEND M7 24, POD L10 24
DEEP L12 26 moonmonkey, Pacific

On 17th draw, QUEY 10J 36 --- QUEY a young cow [n]
Other tops: ENEMY 2B 36, FENDY 1A 36
Other moves: FELONY 3B 32, FEY C2 32, FOYNE L1 32, MONEY L1 31, EMYD 1A 30
QUEY 10J 36 moonmonkey, Pacific

On 18th draw, BOWPOT C4 26 --- BOWPOT a pot for boughs as an ornament [n]
Other moves: BOP 9A 25, MOB 9A 25, MOP 9A 25, BLOOM 3C 24, BLOOP 3C 24
MONDO 1A 24 moonmonkey
BOND 1A 21 Pacific

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