Game on February 19, 2022 at 12:27, 5 players
1. 300 pts Chelsea
2. 72 pts moonmonkey
3. 52 pts queen66
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 40 40 


I8 61 101 


15D 47 148 


11G 74 222 


13B 76 298 


5E 94 392 


O7 55 447 


L7 84 531 


15L 39 570 


12A 39 609 


11A 38 647 


4L 42 689 


O1 42 731 


10A 37 768 


N2 42 810 


6B 31 841 


B10 30 871 


9F 29 900 


C3 30 930 


D1 29 959 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 3 5:46 -659 300 1.7621 Chelsea 3 5:46 -659 300
moonmonkey 1 2:16 -887 72 2.7793 moonmonkey 1 2:16 -887 72
queen66 0 0:54 -907 52 3.7854 queen66 0 0:54 -907 52
4. -
BBBBBB1113 0 1:57 -907 52 4.7805 Mycophot 1 0:52 -920 39
Mycophot 1 0:52 -920 39 Group: not rated
1. - BBBBBB1113 0 1:57 -907 52
On 1st draw, FE(E)ZE H4 40 --- FEEZE to unsettle [v]
Other tops: FEEZ(E) H4 40, FEZE(S) H4 40, FE(A)ZE H4 40, F(E)EZE H4 40, F(U)ZEE H4 40
Other moves: FE(A)ZE H8 34, FE(E)ZE H8 34, F(E)EZE H8 34, F(U)ZEE H8 34, FEEZ(E) H5 32
FE(A)ZE H4 40 Chelsea
On 2nd draw, REUNION I8 61 --- REUNION a reuniting of persons after separation [n]
Other tops: NOUNIER G8 61, NOUNIER I8 61, REUNION G8 61
Other moves: RONNIE I6 23, NEON I5 22, RONIN I6 22, RONNE I6 22, NONE I6 21
RONNIE I6 23 Chelsea
On 3rd draw, YITIES 15D 47 --- YITIE (Scots) the yellowhammer [n]
Other moves: YITIES H10 44, DYES H12 42, SYED H12 37, TYED H12 37, DITSY 15F 35
DEYS J12 34 Chelsea
On 4th draw, PIN(N)IPED 11G 74 --- PINNIPED a mammal with limbs modified into flippers [n]
Other tops: PI(N)NIPED 11F 74, (W)INDPIPE 11G 74
Other moves: DIPPIE(R) J3 71, DIPPIE(R) J2 69, DIPPIE(S)T F8 68, PI(M)PED 14B 39, PEP(T)IDE 9C 33
F(L)IPPED 4H 28 Chelsea
On 5th draw, WANDEROO 13B 76 --- WANDEROO an Asian monkey [n]
Other tops: WANDEROO 13C 76
Other moves: REDOWA O10 49, WARNED O7 49, AWNED O8 46, DAWNER O7 46, DOWNER O7 46
WARPED L8 32 Chelsea
On 6th draw, GENETICS 5E 94 --- GENETICS the science of heredity [n]
Other moves: GENETICS M8 74, GENETICS 5G 72, GEN(E)TICS 6E 64, G(E)NETICS 6G 64, INSECT O8 46
On 7th draw, BOWSED O7 55 --- BOWSE to haul with tackle [v]
Other moves: BOWED O8 52, BOWSED O8 52, OBOES 14B 47, BOOSED O7 46, BOWES O8 46
BOWSED O8 52 queen66, BBBBBB1113
SWOOPED L7 34 Chelsea
On 8th draw, OVERPLAN L7 84 --- OVERPLAN to plan to excess [v]
Other moves: VERONAL N2 80, VOLAE 12A 38, VOLAE 14A 38, VALE 12A 33, VANE 12A 33
VANE 12A 33 moonmonkey
AVOWER B10 28 Chelsea
On 9th draw, SOFT 15L 39 --- SOFT a soft object or part [n] --- SOFT to soften [v] --- SOFT yielding readily to pressure [adj]
Other tops: ESCOT 15K 39, ESTOC 15K 39, TEFS 15L 39
Other moves: SCOT 15L 36, SECO 15L 36, SECT 15L 36, TECS 15L 36, TOCS 15L 36
SOFT 15L 39 Chelsea, moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 10th draw, HOMA 12A 39 --- HOMA a sacred plant of the ancient Persians [n]
Other moves: HOMA 14A 38, HALO 12A 33, HORA 14A 32, LOMA 14A 32, MATRONLY D8 32
On 11th draw, OVATE 11A 38 --- OVATE egg-shaped [adj] --- OVATE to receive with an ovation [v]
Other moves: BEY 14A 36, YATE 11B 31, BEATH A8 30, OBEAH A8 30, OBEY 4L 30
On 12th draw, ILEX 4L 42 --- ILEX a shrub of the holly family [n]
Other moves: EX M6 34, ELIXIR J3 32, EXILER F1 31, EXILER F5 31, REFIX 4F 30
On 13th draw, HOAX O1 42 --- HOAX to deceive [v]
Other moves: OBEAH N2 36, HY(E) 6F 34, HAY 3L 33, BOH 6D 32, HOYA N6 32
HOAX O1 42 Chelsea
On 14th draw, BAC 10A 37 --- BAC baccalaureate, a university degree [n]
Other moves: CEIBA 3I 33, CABA 3L 29, CEIBA 4A 27, BA 10A 26, UNBE 14K 26
On 15th draw, JEER N2 42 --- JEER to mock [v]
Other tops: JEEL N2 42
Other moves: JEE N2 40, JERK N3 34, JAKE 13K 30, JARK 13K 30, JERK 3I 30
On 16th draw, GARUM 6B 31 --- GARUM a thick sauce [n]
Other moves: RADIUM 6A 30, MARID 6B 28, MURID 6B 28, AMIDE 9E 27, GUIDER 9E 27
On 17th draw, AVOWRY B10 30 --- AVOWRY the act of avowing [n]
Other moves: YUTZ 7E 29, YAUD N8 24, GUY 7A 23, ANTI 14K 20, AUDIT N9 20
On 18th draw, KIDEL 9F 29 --- KIDEL a stake fence for catching fish [n]
Other moves: TILAK C3 28, KY 15A 27, KUDU 10F 26, TILDE 9E 25, DIKTAT C2 24
On 19th draw, QANAT C3 30 --- QANAT a system of underground tunnels and wells in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: QAT I3 27, QAT 13K 24, AA A14 23, AN A14 23, ANTI 14K 20
On 20th draw, GLIT D1 29 --- GLIT sticky material [n]
Other tops: GAIT D1 29, GLIA D1 29, TAIG D1 29
Other moves: GULA 14D 28, ALIT D1 25, LIG D2 25, LUIT D1 25, TAIL D1 25
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