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Game on February 21, 2022 at 15:55, 7 players
1. 112 pts Mycophot
2. 95 pts moonmonkey
3. 95 pts queen66

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aiimnoy   H8    28    28   anomy
 2. deilorv  11D   106   134   overmild
 3. ?elnnor   D5    64   198   longeron
 4. eegortu   I8    20   218   toeier
 5. cegnort   F6    71   289   coregent
 6. ceinrsu  14B    34   323   incuse
 7. abiopru   K5    24   347   upbraid
 8. ?abeers  15G    79   426   rebates
 9. adgosty  12K    39   465   stagy
10. eiikpsw  14J    68   533   kiwis
11. addiott   O7    33   566   oddity
12. adejmpu   N2    43   609   jumped
13. aefhhlt   O1    41   650   fah
14. eeiintw   L2    28   678   wienie
15. aeghotx   N9    53   731   ax
16. efhloqt  15B    31   762   foh
17. aloqtuv   8A    36   798   quag
18. aeilltz   B5    71   869   lazulite

Remaining tiles: agotv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7766 FileMycophot    1  2:11  -757  112     1.7766 Mycophot    1  2:11  -757  112 
  2.7758 Filemoonmonkey  0  2:14  -774   95     2.7758 moonmonkey  0  2:14  -774   95 
  3.7789 Filequeen66     0  2:42  -774   95     3.7789 queen66     0  2:42  -774   95 
  4.  -  FileWWWWWW1121  1  1:04  -801   68            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileKKKKKK1117  1  1:51  -801   68     1.  -  WWWWWW1121  1  1:04  -801   68 
  6.  -  FileHHHHHH1117  1  1:57  -828   41     2.  -  KKKKKK1117  1  1:51  -801   68 
  7.  -  FileNetKen      0  1:54  -864    5     3.  -  HHHHHH1117  1  1:57  -828   41 
                                             4.  -  NetKen      0  1:54  -864    5 

On 1st draw, ANOMY H8 28 --- ANOMY hopelessness caused by a breakdown of rules [n]
Other moves: ANOMY H4 22, ANOMY H5 20, ANOMY H6 20, ANOMY H7 20, MANY H5 18

On 2nd draw, OVERMILD 11D 106 --- OVERMILD too mild [adj]
Other moves: OVERLAID 8C 66, DEVILRY 12B 28, VERDOY 12C 26, LIVERY 12C 24, MIRVED 11H 24

On 3rd draw, LON(G)ERON D5 64 --- LONGERON a longitudinal member of an aeroplane's fuselage [n]
Other moves: ENNO(B)LER F5 61, ONL(I)NER I2 60, RONNEL(S) I2 59, NON(G)LARE 8C 58, (B)ANNEROL 8G 58

On 4th draw, TOEIER I8 20 --- TOEY nervous [adj]
Other moves: GORE E4 18, GOR(G)ET 8A 18, GOU(G)ER 8A 18, GROUTED K5 18, TOG(G)ER 8A 18

On 5th draw, COREGENT F6 71 --- COREGENT a joint regent [n]
Other moves: CONGREET F6 69, CONGREET F5 65, COREGENT F8 65, COG(G)ER 8A 24, CRONE E3 22

On 6th draw, INCUSE 14B 34 --- INCUSE to mark by stamping [v]
Other tops: CRINES 14A 34, CRUISE 14B 34, CURIES 14A 34, INCURS 14A 34
Other moves: CINES 14B 32, CIRES 14B 32, CRIES 14B 32, CRUES 14B 32, CURES 14B 32

On 7th draw, UPBRAID K5 24 --- UPBRAID to reproach severely [v]
Other tops: BIRO E4 24
Other moves: OUPA C7 23, RAUPO 15G 23, RUBAI 15G 23, RUPIA 15G 23, BOAR E3 21

On 8th draw, REBA(T)ES 15G 79 --- REBATE to deduct or return from a payment or bill [v]
Other tops: ABRE(G)ES 15G 79, AER(O)BES 15G 79, A(M)BEERS 15G 79, EBA(Y)ERS 15G 79, E(Y)EBARS 15G 79, SABERE(D) 15G 79
Other moves: (D)EBASER 15G 78, BESPREA(D) 6H 65, SER(D)AB 15G 32, SA(H)EB 12K 31, S(C)RAB 12K 31

On 9th draw, STAGY 12K 39 --- STAGY having a theatrical quality [adj]
Other tops: STOGY 12K 39, YEASTY 12H 39
Other moves: RYOTS 8K 36, DATOS 14J 32, YAD 14J 32, YEAST 12H 31, SAGY 12K 29

On 10th draw, KIWIS 14J 68 --- KIWI a flightless bird [n]
Other moves: KEPIS 14J 65, KIPES 14J 65, KIWI 14J 45, PIKEYS O8 45, SPIKEY O7 45

On 11th draw, ODDITY O7 33 --- ODDITY one that is odd [n]
Other moves: DITTAY O7 30, TIDDY O8 30, TODDY O8 30, DITTY O8 27, DOTTY O8 27
TODDY O8 30 Mycophot, queen66
TIDDY O8 30 moonmonkey

On 12th draw, JUMPED N2 43 --- JUMP to spring off the ground [v]
Other moves: JUMPED C1 41, JAUPED N2 39, JUD(G)ER 8A 39, JAUP C6 37, JAUPED C1 37
JUMPED C1 41 queen66, moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 13th draw, FAH O1 41 --- FAH a musical note [n]
Other tops: HAH O1 41
Other moves: FATE O1 40, HATE O1 40, HEATH L1 35, HATEFUL 3I 34, LAH O1 32
HAH O1 41 Mycophot, HHHHHH1117

On 14th draw, WIENIE L2 28 --- WIENIE a frankfurter [n]
Other moves: WIN(G)ER 8A 24, TWINE L2 22, ENEW C3 21, INWIT L1 20, TWEEN C2 20
WIN(G)ER 8A 24 moonmonkey, queen66

On 15th draw, AX N9 53 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: EX N9 53, OX N9 53
Other moves: OXGATE C2 37, GEOTAXIS M8 34, AXE 13A 33, EXO 13A 33, HAGGS N10 33

On 16th draw, FOH 15B 31 --- FOH expressing disgust [interj]
Other tops: FEH 15B 31
Other moves: HO 13M 28, THELF J1 25, EH 15C 22, FOE 15A 22, HOE 15A 22

On 17th draw, QUA(G) 8A 36 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other tops: QUAT J2 36
Other moves: LOQUAT C1 34, QUOTA E1 32, QUAT C3 30, QUOTA C1 30, QUA E3 28

On 18th draw, LAZULITE B5 71 --- LAZULITE a blue phosphate [n]
Other moves: ULZIE B8 34, IZAR 10A 33, LUTZ B7 33, TZAR 10A 33, ZILLA E1 32
ELM 4L 5 NetKen

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