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Game on February 21, 2022 at 18:09, 5 players
1. 43 pts Pacific
2. 42 pts Mycophot
3. 42 pts moonmonkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?bemorv   H4    28    28   vomer
 2. aegiopt   G5    26    54   gapo
 3. ?efiint   9A    70   124   nifties
 4. cdeefin   D4    84   208   infected
 5. ?eeltuu   8A    36   244   elect
 6. aagnrtu   F4    28   272   naga
 7. ?acinuy  11C    76   348   aduncity
 8. iilmosv  10H    29   377   limos
 9. abdnotz   B5    40   417   ozalid
10. ehilrtu   L3    74   491   luthiers
11. abegior   A1    35   526   garbo
12. ahiloot  H10    30   556   lithia
13. eelnors  14E    62   618   eloiners
14. aeijtuv   8K    36   654   eejit
15. eknopty  15L    39   693   tyke
16. adepqsw  15A    41   734   deaws
17. ainqrsx   I6    45   779   ax
18. bdoqsuw   J2    47   826   quods
19. inorruw  N10    30   856   unwork

Remaining tiles: biprv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5190 FilePacific     0  2:26  -813   43     1.7781 Mycophot    0  0:23  -814   42 
  2.7781 FileMycophot    0  0:23  -814   42     2.7733 moonmonkey  0  0:41  -814   42 
  3.7733 Filemoonmonkey  0  0:41  -814   42     3.7789 queen66     0  0:58  -814   42 
  4.7789 Filequeen66     0  0:58  -814   42            Group: novice
  5.  -  FileWWWWWW1121  1  1:56  -815   41     1.5190 Pacific     0  2:26  -813   43 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  WWWWWW1121  1  1:56  -815   41 

On 1st draw, VOMER H4 28 --- VOMER a bone of the skull [n]
Other tops: OVERB(Y) H3 28, REMOV(E) H8 28, R(E)MOVE H8 28, VOMER(S) H4 28
Other moves: BEVOR H4 26, BEVOR(S) H4 26, BOV(V)ER H4 26, BO(V)VER H4 26, MEVRO(U) H4 26
BRE(A)M H4 22 Pacific

On 2nd draw, GAPO G5 26 --- GAPO a flooded forest [n]
Other tops: GAPE G5 26
Other moves: POTAGE G5 25, TAPE G5 24, TEPA G5 24, TOPE G5 24, GAP G5 23
MOPE 6H 14 Pacific

On 3rd draw, NIFTIE(S) 9A 70 --- NIFTY something that is stylish [n]
Other tops: NIFTIE(R) F8 70, NIFTIE(S) F8 70
Other moves: FINITE(S) 9A 67, FINITE(S) F8 67, FINITE(S) I8 67, INFE(C)TOR 8A 33, INFE(R)IOR 8A 33
FORT 8F 7 Pacific

On 4th draw, INFECTED D4 84 --- INFECT to contaminate with disease-producing germs [v]
Other moves: EDIFICE E5 52, FENCED A7 42, FENNEC A7 42, FEED 10B 39, FEEN 10B 37

On 5th draw, ELECT 8A 36 --- ELECT to select by vote for an office [v]
Other moves: ELEC(T) 8A 32, EL(E)CT 8A 32, E(L)ECT 8A 32, (E)LECT 8A 30, ET(I)C 8A 27

On 6th draw, NAGA F4 28 --- NAGA a snake [n]
Other tops: RAGA F4 28
Other moves: AGA F5 27, NAGA I5 27, RAGA I5 27, RUGA I5 27, RATAN I5 25

On 7th draw, ADUNCI(T)Y 11C 76 --- ADUNCITY state of being hooked [n]
Other moves: VACUI(T)Y 4H 28, NA(R)C I5 27, VICA(R)Y 4H 26, NY(S) I5 25, ACI(D)Y E11 24

On 8th draw, LIMOS 10H 29 --- LIMO a limousine [n]
Other moves: LIMO 10H 28, MILOS 10J 28, MOILS 10J 28, SIMI 10H 28, SIM 10H 27

On 9th draw, OZALID B5 40 --- OZALID a process of printing positive images from film -- a trademark [n]
Other moves: ZONDA C1 35, LIBANT H10 33, STANZO L10 32, ZONDA 9K 29, DZO C2 28

On 10th draw, LUTHIERS L3 74 --- LUTHIER one who makes stringed instruments [n]
Other moves: LITHER H10 30, THIRL A1 29, THURL A1 29, HUSTLER L8 28, HUSTLE L8 26

On 11th draw, GARBO A1 35 --- GARBO a dustman [n]
Other moves: GARB I5 33, LIBERO H10 33, LIBRAE H10 33, BAGIE K2 30, BAGIE M2 30

On 12th draw, LITHIA H10 30 --- LITHIA an oxide of lithium [n]
Other tops: OHIA M3 30
Other moves: HALLOO 3I 26, HALLOT 3I 26, HILLOA 3I 26, HOLLOA 3I 26, TOHO M2 25

On 13th draw, ELOINERS 14E 62 --- ELOINER one that eloins [n]
Other moves: LENES K2 23, LENSE K2 23, SOREE M2 23, ENES K3 21, ERE I6 21

On 14th draw, EEJIT 8K 36 --- EEJIT (colloquial) an idiot [n]
Other moves: THUJA 6K 31, AJIVA 2A 30, AJIVA C11 30, HAJI 6L 30, JEHU 6J 30

On 15th draw, TYKE 15L 39 --- TYKE a small child [n]
Other moves: POYNT 15A 35, KHET 13G 33, POKEY 13A 33, TYPE 15L 33, TYPO 15L 33

On 16th draw, DEAWS 15A 41 --- DEAW dew [n]
Other moves: PAWED 15A 39, QAIDS N6 37, QAID N6 34, SAWED 15A 33, WHAP 13G 33

On 17th draw, AX I6 45 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: AXIS K3 42, SAXE K5 40, XIS K4 38, XI K4 31, QIS M2 30
AXIS K3 42 Mycophot, moonmonkey, queen66

On 18th draw, QUODS J2 47 --- QUOD a prison [n] --- QUOD to imprison [v]
Other moves: QUIDS N6 37, SQUIB N5 36, SQUID N5 35, SUQ C2 35, QUID N6 34

On 19th draw, UNWORK N10 30 --- UNWORK to undo [v]
Other tops: INWORK N10 30
Other moves: WHIN 13G 29, WHIO 13G 29, WHIR 13G 29, OWN 14A 27, WHO 13G 26

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