Game on February 21, 2022 at 18:55, 7 players
1. 213 pts Pacific
2. 153 pts moonmonkey
3. 76 pts HollyIvy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 34 34 


8D 65 99 


E8 76 175 


F14 53 228 


D12 35 263 


15E 86 349 


C9 43 392 


K1 76 468 


J2 29 497 


1J 37 534 


B8 28 562 


A4 36 598 


11H 40 638 


M11 28 666 


15E 36 702 


O8 46 748 


12L 44 792 


N1 28 820 


M3 38 858 


O1 24 882 


6A 37 919 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Pacific 1 12:19 -706 213 1.7733 moonmonkey 2 4:46 -766 153
moonmonkey 2 4:46 -766 153 2.7861 HollyIvy 1 0:44 -843 76
HollyIvy 1 0:44 -843 76 3.7781 Mycophot 2 1:34 -845 74
Mycophot 2 1:34 -845 74 4.7730 sicilianc5 2 2:49 -845 74
sicilianc5 2 2:49 -845 74 Group: novice
6. -
TTTTTT1114 1 1:48 -875 44 1.5190 Pacific 1 12:19 -706 213
7. -
AAAAAA1118 1 1:56 -882 37 Group: not rated
1. - TTTTTT1114 1 1:48 -875 44
2. - AAAAAA1118 1 1:56 -882 37
On 1st draw, PARAPH H7 34 --- PARAPH a flourish at the end of a signature [n] --- PARAPH to initial [v]
Other moves: PARAPH H4 32, PARAPH H8 32, PARIAH H7 30, PARAPH H3 28, PARIAH H4 28
On 2nd draw, HUITAINS 8D 65 --- HUITAIN a group of eight lines of verse [n]
Other tops: HUITAINS 10D 65
Other moves: NISH 13F 26, SHUNT 13H 26, TUSH 13F 26, ISH 13G 25, SHIN 13H 25
On 3rd draw, UNFORGED E8 76 --- FORGE to fashion or reproduce for fraudulent purposes [adj] --- UNFORGED not forged [adj]
Other moves: FRONDAGE 10C 67, FONDER 9C 28, ORFE 9G 26, FORD 9F 24, FRINGED F6 24
On 4th draw, XI F14 53 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: OX F13 53
Other moves: ADMIX 15D 48, AXOIDS 15A 45, AXOID 15A 42, DOUX 15E 36, MOXIES 14A 34
On 5th draw, OAK D12 35 --- OAK a hardwood tree or shrub [n]
Other moves: KAFIR 12A 34, KEFIR 12A 34, DINKIE 15E 33, FAKER 12A 32, FAKIR 12A 32
On 6th draw, DI(A)METRAL 15E 86 --- DIAMETRAL [adj]
Other tops: LAMSTER(S) K5 86, LAM(I)STER K4 86, MALTS(T)ER K4 86, MAL(T)STER K4 86
Other moves: DIAMETR(A)L 15E 83, THERMAL(S) 12G 74, PR(O)METAL 11H 72, LAMET(E)RS K1 68, LAM(B)ERTS K1 68
On 7th draw, MEINY C9 43 --- MEINY a retinue [n]
Other moves: DEMY C10 39, DOMY C10 39, Y*DYID F10 37, YOD F10 37, MINY C10 35
On 8th draw, FOUGADES K1 76 --- FOUGADE a pit filled with explosives and stones [n]
Other moves: FOUGADE B3 70, DEAF B7 33, GOAF B7 33, UFO B9 33, DEF B8 32
On 9th draw, BOUT J2 29 --- BOUT a contest [n]
Other tops: BOAT J2 29
Other moves: OBO J1 28, TUBA B8 28, *B*ABO B9 27, FOUAT 1K 27, OBA B9 27
On 10th draw, AFRITS 1J 37 --- AFRIT an evil spirit in Arabic mythology [n]
Other moves: AIRS L1 32, AITS L1 32, ARTS L1 32, STIRRA 13H 28, FAIRS 1K 27
On 11th draw, REBS B8 28 --- REB a Confederate soldier [n]
Other moves: REB B8 25, BOUSIER 3I 24, SEER L4 24, SEIR L4 24, BESEE B6 23
On 12th draw, COSIE A4 36 --- COSIE a covering for a teapot [n]
Other moves: SAICE A4 30, ASCI 13G 24, CASE A5 24, CIAO A5 24, COSE A5 24
NOSE J8 6 Pacific
On 13th draw, PECTIZE 11H 40 --- PECTIZE to change into a jelly [v]
Other moves: ZILCH D4 38, ZEE 14L 37, ZEL 14L 37, AIZLE 10H 34, DITZ 6K 34
LETCH D4 20 Pacific
On 14th draw, ZOEAL M11 28 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [adj] --- ZOEAL pertaining to a zoea [adj]
Other moves: ZAG M11 26, ZEA M11 24, ZEE M11 24, ZEL M11 24, ZOA M11 24
ZOEAL M11 28 Mycophot, sicilianc5
QI L10 11 Pacific
On 15th draw, DI(A)METRALL(Y) 15E 36 --- DIAMETRALLY
Other tops: SQ(U)IER 6A 36, SQ(U)IRE 6A 36
Other moves: LORIE(S) O6 35, OILER(S) O6 35, ORIEL(S) O6 35, REOIL(S) O6 35, ROILE(D) O6 35
ROIL(S) O7 32 HollyIvy
RILE(S) O7 32 Pacific
CLIQ(U)E 4A 32 moonmonkey
On 16th draw, WIND O8 46 --- WIND to pass around an object or fixed center [v]
Other tops: TINDAL O8 46, WAID O8 46, WALD O8 46, WAND O8 46, WILD O8 46
Other moves: LAID O8 37, LAND O8 37, LIND O8 37, TIND O8 37, AWDL O9 31
WIND O8 46 Mycophot
WILD O8 46 sicilianc5
WEND N10 21 Pacific
On 17th draw, TOEY 12L 44 --- TOEY nervous [adj]
Other tops: TORY 12L 44
Other moves: YE F10 31, YO F10 31, OY I2 24, YOURT 3I 24, YOGEE N7 23
TORY 12L 44 HollyIvy, TTTTTT1114
GOUTY 3I 22 Pacific
On 18th draw, TWANGED N1 28 --- TWANG to make a sharp, vibrating sound [v]
Other moves: WOUND 3I 26, COWAGE 4A 24, TANGED N1 24, TOGAED N1 24, TONGED N1 24
WOUND 3I 26 Pacific
WOAD N6 24 moonmonkey
On 19th draw, JO M3 38 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: COJOIN 4A 30, JIN L5 25, JOL L5 25, JIN I4 24, OUIJA 3J 24
JO M3 38 moonmonkey
JOE I13 18 Pacific
On 20th draw, SORE O1 24 --- SORE a sore area on the body [n] --- SORE painfully sensitive to the touch [adj] --- SORE to mutilate the feet of (a horse) so as to force a particular gait [v]
Other moves: CAVIER 4A 22, REI O3 21, REO O3 21, CARVE 4A 20, CAVER 4A 20
CAVIER 4A 22 moonmonkey
CRAVE 4A 20 Pacific
On 21th draw, SQUAIL 6A 37 --- SQUAIL to pelt with sticks [v]
Other moves: QUEEN N9 33, ACQUIT J10 21, CAVIL 4A 20, CLAVI 4A 20, ANI F10 18
SQUAIL 6A 37 moonmonkey, Pacific, AAAAAA1118
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