Game on February 25, 2022 at 11:29, 9 players
1. 319 pts Chelsea
2. 205 pts moonmonkey
3. 111 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


9G 67 91 


6E 73 164 


N8 74 238 


E4 98 336 


O4 54 390 


15H 27 417 


5K 46 463 


O13 62 525 


D8 41 566 


M11 51 617 


D1 40 657 


1D 36 693 


14B 90 783 


12H 34 817 


C7 45 862 


2I 31 893 


15A 39 932 


11G 27 959 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 4 5:55 -640 319 1.7746 Chelsea 4 5:55 -640 319
moonmonkey 4 3:20 -754 205 2.7753 moonmonkey 4 3:20 -754 205
Mycophot 0 3:15 -848 111 3.7827 Mycophot 0 3:15 -848 111
sicilianc5 0 3:42 -848 111 4.7706 sicilianc5 0 3:42 -848 111
HollyIvy 0 4:04 -848 111 5.7985 HollyIvy 0 4:04 -848 111
6. -
BLANKS1114 1 1:46 -897 62 Group: not rated
7. -
QQQQQQ1121 1 1:58 -913 46 1. - BLANKS1114 1 1:46 -897 62
8. -
GGGGGG1117 1 1:24 -935 24 2. - QQQQQQ1121 1 1:58 -913 46
9. -
rrrrrr1112 1 1:46 -935 24 3. - GGGGGG1117 1 1:24 -935 24
4. - rrrrrr1112 1 1:46 -935 24
On 1st draw, BRIGUE H4 24 --- BRIGUE to intrigue [v]
Other moves: BAGIE H4 22, BARGE H4 22, BEGAR H4 22, BIGAE H4 22, BRIGUE H3 20
BRIGUE H4 24 GGGGGG1117, rrrrrr1112
On 2nd draw, LEVANTER 9G 67 --- LEVANTER a boisterous Mediterranean easterly wind [n]
Other moves: RELEVANT 9E 66, INTERVAL 6H 65, LEVANTER 9B 64, RELEVANT 9G 64, BRAVE 4H 20
On 3rd draw, LECITHIN 6E 73 --- LECITHIN any of a group of fatty substances found in plant and animal tissues [n]
HEIL 10J 34 Mycophot, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 4th draw, PRIORATE N8 74 --- PRIORATE the office of a prior [n]
Other moves: EPILATOR E3 70, PETIOLAR E1 70, PRIORATE N5 64, PLAITER E5 36, PLATIER E5 36
OPERA 5J 29 sicilianc5, HollyIvy, Mycophot
On 5th draw, H(A)LOUMIS E4 98 --- HALOUMI a Greek dish of goat's cheese [n]
Other tops: HOLMIU(M)S E4 98, HOL(M)IUMS E4 98
Other moves: HUMI(D)ORS 12H 84, BOH(R)IUMS 4H 80, INSOMU(C)H K8 74, S(C)HOLIUM E2 74, UNMO(D)ISH K8 74
HOS O7 42 Chelsea
On 6th draw, FIBRE O4 54 --- FIBRE a threadlike cell or filament [n]
Other moves: FERIA O4 48, FRATE O4 48, FRATI O4 48, BEFRET 15J 45, BIFTER 15J 45
FIBRE O4 54 Chelsea
FRATE O4 48 Mycophot, sicilianc5, HollyIvy
On 7th draw, ANDANTE 15H 27 --- ANDANTE a moderately slow musical passage [n]
Other moves: ANTED D1 26, NED O13 25, TAD O13 25, TED O13 25, ANTEED 15J 24
NED O13 25 Chelsea
On 8th draw, QI 5K 46 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: REAGIN 5H 29, GENOA D1 27, QI I3 25, GANE D1 24, GENA D1 24
QI 5K 46 Chelsea, QQQQQQ1121
On 9th draw, XI(S) O13 62 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: (B)IJOUX 8A 60, JOK(E) D1 52, JIV(E) D1 50, X(U) 10J 50, JO(S)KIN L1 48
XI(S) O13 62 Chelsea, moonmonkey, BLANKS1114
On 10th draw, YALES D8 41 --- YALE a mythical animal [n]
Other moves: YAR M11 39, YES M11 39, EALES M9 36, EASEL M9 36, EASER M9 36
YES M11 39 Chelsea
On 11th draw, YEW M11 51 --- YEW an evergreen tree or shrub [n]
Other tops: YAW M11 51
Other moves: TAW M11 42, TEW M11 42, WITCHY 4A 42, WAT M11 39, WET M11 39
YAW M11 51 Chelsea
WAIF 4L 32 moonmonkey
On 12th draw, WOKE D1 40 --- WAKE to rouse from sleep [v]
Other moves: WEEK D2 37, KEEF 4L 36, KERF 4L 36, KERO D1 36, KIEF 4L 36
On 13th draw, WATAPES 1D 36 --- WATAPE a thread made from tree roots [n]
Other moves: SAPOTA N1 33, WATAPE 1D 33, WATAPS 1D 33, STOWP 1A 30, WATAP 1D 30
On 14th draw, AGONIZE 14B 90 --- AGONIZE to suffer extreme pain [v]
Other moves: AGONIZE 2F 88, AGONIZE 14C 82, ZA 4L 46, ZO 4L 46, ZONAE 14F 45
On 15th draw, FOREVER 12H 34 --- FOREVER an indefinite length of time [n]
Other tops: FAVORER 12H 34
Other moves: FROE 15A 32, VAC C7 31, CORVINA L1 30, CORVINE L1 30, COVERER 12H 30
On 16th draw, RAJ C7 45 --- RAJ dominion; sovereignly [n]
Other moves: JA 4L 38, JO 4L 38, SJOE M6 38, RAJES M1 36, JAR 11I 35
RAJ C7 45 moonmonkey
On 17th draw, DODGED 2I 31 --- DODGE to evade [v]
Other moves: DODGES 2I 29, DOSED 11G 29, GOOSED 2B 29, SODDED 2I 28, EGOS 15A 27
On 18th draw, STUM 15A 39 --- STUM to increase the fermentation of by adding grape juice [v]
Other tops: STIM 15A 39
Other moves: SMOUT 3I 36, NOTUM 11G 31, SNOUT 3I 30, STOUN 3I 30, SOUM 3J 29
STUM 15A 39 moonmonkey
On 19th draw, COLON 11G 27 --- COLON a monetary unit of Costa Rica [n] --- COLON a section of the large intestine [n]
Other tops: CION 3J 27, COIL 3J 27, COIN 3J 27, COOL 3J 27, COON 3J 27
Other moves: COLONI 2A 26, LION 3J 21, LOIN 3J 21, LOON 3J 21, LOUN 3J 21
COIL 3J 27 moonmonkey
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