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Game on February 26, 2022 at 14:55, 6 players
1. 107 pts Mycophot
2. 107 pts sicilianc5
3. 97 pts moonmonkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abdinrs   H2    76    76   ribands
 2. aaeegst   I6    68   144   eatages
 3. ?adiino   2H    74   218   radioing
 4. ?bemruy  H10    43   261   uberty
 5. aeopsty   J4    33   294   espy
 6. deilnnw   L1    28   322   wonned
 7. acdeept  12H    24   346   escaped
 8. ehiorrt  J10    41   387   hector
 9. aehoosx   N9    60   447   exodos
10. aeijnor   O4    65   512   joiner
11. aeiimno  M10    35   547   enema
12. efhiqru   N6    64   611   qi
13. acegort  15A    95   706   category
14. filortu   D8    80   786   fluorite
15. aikmtuw   8A    42   828   wakf
16. aghlotu   1L    40   868   whoa
17. egilmtv   3C    35   903   legitim
18. fiiltuz  14B    48   951   zit
19. illtuvv   5D    22   973   vulva

Remaining tiles: filtu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7826 FileMycophot    0  3:24  -866  107     1.7826 Mycophot    0  3:24  -866  107 
  2.7654 Filesicilianc5  0  5:03  -866  107     2.7654 sicilianc5  0  5:03  -866  107 
  3.7815 Filemoonmonkey  1  1:36  -876   97     3.7815 moonmonkey  1  1:36  -876   97 
  4.  -  FileJJJJJJ1124  1  1:49  -908   65            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileQQQQQQ1121  1  1:40  -909   64     1.  -  JJJJJJ1124  1  1:49  -908   65 
  6.  -  FileIIIIII1119  1  1:57  -909   64     2.  -  QQQQQQ1121  1  1:40  -909   64 
                                             3.  -  IIIIII1119  1  1:57  -909   64 

On 1st draw, RIBANDS H2 76 --- RIBAND a ribbon [n]
Other moves: RIBANDS H7 74, RIBANDS H3 72, RIBANDS H4 72, RIBANDS H6 72, RIBANDS H8 72

On 2nd draw, EATAGES I6 68 --- EATAGE horse fodder [n]
Other moves: EATAGES G7 67, STEARAGE 2D 65, EATAGES G8 62, EATAGES 5E 32, AGATE G2 23

On 3rd draw, RADIOIN(G) 2H 74 --- RADIO to transmit by radio (an apparatus for wireless communication) [v]
Other moves: (G)ONIDIA J9 71, ANOBIID(S) 4E 70, ANO(B)IIDS 12B 70, OB(S)IDIAN 4G 70, DI(A)NOIAS 12B 68

On 4th draw, UBER(T)Y H10 43 --- UBERTY fruitfulness [n]
Other tops: BE(A)MY H11 43, BUM(P)Y H11 43
Other moves: STUMB(L)ER 8H 42, BUYER H11 40, UMBRE(R)E 11E 40, UMB(R)ERE 11E 40, (G)RUMB(L)Y O2 39

On 5th draw, ESPY J4 33 --- ESPY to catch sight of [v]
Other moves: SPY J5 32, PATY 1I 31, POSY 1I 31, PYAS J7 31, PYES J7 31

On 6th draw, WONNED L1 28 --- WON to dwell [v]
Other moves: DOWLNE L1 24, ENWIND 4J 24, INDWEL(T) 14B 24, INWIND M2 24, WOLD L1 24

On 7th draw, ESCAPED 12H 24 --- ESCAPE to free oneself [v]
Other moves: PAD G3 23, ADEPTER 13B 22, BECAP 11H 22, BEEPED 11H 22, ESCAPEE 12H 22

On 8th draw, HECTOR J10 41 --- HECTOR to bully [v]
Other moves: RHODIE N9 36, HIDER N10 34, HORE 11K 33, HORI 11K 33, HOTE 11K 33

On 9th draw, EXODOS N9 60 --- EXODOS a concluding dramatic scene [n]
Other moves: AXES 13L 47, OXES 13L 47, AXE 13L 45, EXO 13L 45, OXO 13L 45

On 10th draw, JOINER O4 65 --- JOINER a carpenter [n]
Other moves: INJERA O4 44, REJOIN O4 44, JAI O8 41, REJON O5 38, RIOJA O5 38

On 11th draw, ENEMA M10 35 --- ENEMA a liquid injected into the rectum [n]
Other moves: AMENE M10 33, NAAM K11 30, AMEN M10 29, OMEN M10 29, NAOI K11 24
AMENE M10 33 Mycophot, moonmonkey, sicilianc5

On 12th draw, QI N6 64 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: FAIR K11 36, FAE K11 32, QI 6N 31, BEEF 11H 28, FA K11 28
QI N6 64 moonmonkey, QQQQQQ1121, IIIIII1119

On 13th draw, CATEGORY 15A 95 --- CATEGORY a division in any system of classification [n]
Other moves: TOPER L10 28, GROPE L9 26, TROPE L9 25, ROPE L10 24, TOPE L10 24
TAE K11 20 Mycophot, sicilianc5

On 14th draw, FLUORITE D8 80 --- FLUORITE a mineral form of calcium fluoride [n]
Other moves: FAIR K11 36, FOUTRA B10 34, BEEF 11H 28, FA K11 28, FLORUIT C9 28
FIT 14B 26 Mycophot
FUR 14B 26 sicilianc5

On 15th draw, WAKF 8A 42 --- WAKF a donation for pious purposes [n]
Other moves: MAK C11 36, MAKUTA B10 36, TAK 14D 36, KAM C11 34, KA(T) 14F 34
KIT 14B 28 sicilianc5
KAT 14B 28 Mycophot

On 16th draw, WHOA 1L 40 --- WHOA used to command an animal to stop [interj]
Other moves: KAGOUL C8 38, GHAT C10 30, THO O13 29, HA(T) 14F 28, HO(T) 14F 28

On 17th draw, LEGITIM 3C 35 --- LEGITIM a child's inheritance [n]
Other moves: GEM C11 25, EMIT C12 24, LEGIT C11 24, MEG C11 24, GLAIVE B6 22

On 18th draw, ZIT 14B 48 --- ZIT a pimple [n]
Other moves: FIZ L8 38, FUTZ 10C 36, ZUFOLI 11A 36, ZITI 4B 35, FUZIL 13A 34

On 19th draw, VULVA 5D 22 --- VULVA the external genital organs of a female [n]
Other tops: VLEI D1 22
Other moves: LUV L8 20, TAI K11 20, VIVA 5E 20, TIG E13 19, VILLI F2 18

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