Game on February 26, 2022 at 16:27, 6 players
1. 301 pts Pacific
2. 139 pts HollyIvy
3. 117 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 78 78 


5B 92 170 


3H 74 244 


O1 48 292 


1H 104 396 


N6 78 474 


6B 34 508 


A6 40 548 


11G 68 616 


B8 85 701 


9E 61 762 


H11 69 831 


4A 45 876 


15A 42 918 


A1 42 960 


B2 37 997 


10D 37 1034 


10J 35 1069 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Pacific 0 14:27 -768 301 1.7845 HollyIvy 0 3:21 -930 139
HollyIvy 0 3:21 -930 139 2.7815 moonmonkey 2 1:58 -952 117
moonmonkey 2 1:58 -952 117 3.7812 Mycophot 1 1:59 -994 75
Mycophot 1 1:59 -994 75 Group: novice
5. -
JJJJJJ1124 0 1:55 -1012 57 1.5248 Pacific 0 14:27 -768 301
6. -
HHHHHH1117 1 1:41 -1027 42 Group: not rated
1. - JJJJJJ1124 0 1:55 -1012 57
2. - HHHHHH1117 1 1:41 -1027 42
On 1st draw, UVEITIS H3 78 --- UVEITIS inflammation of the uvea [n]
Other moves: UVEITIS H2 72, UVEITIS H4 72, UVEITIS H6 72, UVEITIS H7 72, UVEITIS H8 72
On 2nd draw, COGNIZED 5B 92 --- COGNIZE to become aware of in one's mind [v]
Other moves: COGNIZE 5B 38, ZINCODE 5B 38, COZIED 5D 36, DEZINC 5G 36, ZINCED 5D 36
On 3rd draw, UNDREAMT 3H 74 --- DREAM to have a dream (a series of images occurring during sleep) [adj] --- UNDREAMT not dreamed about [adj]
Other moves: VARMENT 4H 27, DURAMEN 3G 26, VATMEN 4H 25, VERDANT 4H 25, ENGRAM D3 24
On 4th draw, RETYPES O1 48 --- RETYPE to type again [v]
Other moves: RETYPE O1 45, STYRENE O2 42, STEPNEY O2 39, ESNECY B1 38, PYES 2L 37
On 5th draw, SNIFFIER 1H 104 --- SNIFFY sniffish [adj]
Other moves: IFFINESS 9B 70, IFFINESS 9A 69, NIFFIEST 7A 69, FIEF 6C 41, FIEFS N6 36
FIRES K1 16 Pacific
On 6th draw, MOULT(E)R N6 78 --- MOULTER one that molts [n]
Other moves: EMUL(A)TOR L3 70, (P)ULMOTOR C1 70, TUMOR(A)L N6 68, TURMO(I)L N6 68, MOULT(E)R G8 66
UM N5 24 Pacific
On 7th draw, HOO 6B 34 --- HOO expressing boisterous emotion [interj]
Other moves: AHOY 4L 33, HOAED M7 33, HAED 4C 32, OHO 6A 31, EHED O12 30
HEED O11 16 Pacific
On 8th draw, SAXE A6 40 --- SAXE as in saxe blue [adj]
Other tops: SHAVE A6 40, SHEVA A6 40
Other moves: EX 4K 38, SAHEB A6 37, SAX A6 37, SEX A6 37, SAHEB 7A 36
SEX A6 37 Pacific
On 9th draw, PARANET(E) 11G 68 --- PARANETE a tone in Greek music [n]
Other moves: ANTIRAPE F2 64, ANTIRAPE 8E 61, PARAE 4A 41, PANE 4A 37, PARA 4A 37
APE M12 12 Pacific
On 10th draw, INDULG(E) B8 85 --- INDULGE to yield to the desire of [v]
Other tops: UNGILD(S) B8 85
Other moves: L(A)NGUID 12B 79, DU(K)ELING L8 76, UNGILD(S) 13H 76, UNL(A)DING E4 76, DUL(L)ING B9 73
AGIN(G) H11 21 Pacific
On 11th draw, TARSIOID 9E 61 --- TARSIOID like a tarsier [adj]
Other moves: ADROIT 15A 34, DITA 4A 33, IDIOT 15A 31, ARID 15A 30, AROID 15A 30
IDIOT 15A 31 Pacific
On 12th draw, AJWAN H11 69 --- AJWAN an Egyptian fruit [n]
Other moves: JANE 4A 57, GANJAH 13B 42, WANE 4A 41, WENA 4A 41, AJWAN 12D 39
JANE 4A 57 HollyIvy, JJJJJJ1124
HE A14 19 Pacific
On 13th draw, KALE 4A 45 --- KALE a variety of cabbage [n]
Other moves: BEAK 4C 41, VALE 4A 41, VELA 4A 41, VELE 4A 41, JEBEL 12H 40
KALE 4A 45 moonmonkey, Mycophot
TAKE E9 16 Pacific
On 14th draw, URACIL 15A 42 --- URACIL a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: URIC 15A 36, CRAAL 15A 33, CALK A1 30, CARK A1 30, CAUK A1 30
RACK A1 30 Mycophot
LACK A1 30 moonmonkey, Pacific
On 15th draw, HOWK A1 42 --- HOWK to dig [v]
Other moves: HOWE 10D 38, GOWK A1 36, HERB 12L 36, OWE 10E 34, HOOK A1 33
HOWK A1 42 moonmonkey, HHHHHH1117
HOOK A1 33 Pacific
On 16th draw, BEACH B2 37 --- BEACH to drive onto the shore by a lake or the sea [v]
Other moves: VOE 10J 35, BOA 10J 29, FORGAVE K1 28, OBA 10E 28, OBE 10E 28
GOB 10D 24 HollyIvy
QUAG 11A 14 Pacific
On 17th draw, BAYE 10D 37 --- BAYE to bathe [v]
Other moves: BOY 10J 35, AYE 10E 34, OYE 10E 34, BAY 10D 31, BEY 10D 31
BAY 10D 31 HollyIvy
QUAY 11A 16 Pacific
On 18th draw, VOE 10J 35 --- VOE a small bay, creek, or inlet [n]
Other moves: EVET O12 27, EVOE O12 27, VEGO M5 23, GLOVE 12A 22, ROOT I11 22
EVOE O12 27 HollyIvy
OVATE J9 16 Pacific
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