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Game on Mars 4, 2022 at 19:56, 4 players
1. 79 pts queen66
2. 58 pts moonmonkey
3. 58 pts Mycophot

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?knoosu   H7    80    80   unhooks
 2. ?adelux   G5    44   124   sexual
 3. aaehmor   4D    41   165   marah
 4. eilprsy   H1    36   201   syph
 5. abgilnt   E4    94   295   ablating
 6. deimoor   1A    89   384   moidores
 7. acortuv   8A    30   414   tract
 8. eeesttw  13H    80   494   sweetest
 9. abefins  12J    38   532   faines
10. acdeowy   B8    36   568   rodeway
11. acefnor   O8    90   658   ancestor
12. degirvz   3H    38   696   prized
13. adeptuv   4K    38   734   adept
14. efghiru   5K    51   785   ghi
15. ijnrtuv   N6    28   813   jin
16. eeglrvv  C11    30   843   leger
17. iinootu  A12    32   875   onto
18. bfilquv   O1    39   914   quit
19. bfiiluv   2A    24   938   if

Remaining tiles: biluvv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7680 Filequeen66     2  2:28  -859   79     1.7680 queen66     2  2:28  -859   79 
  2.7857 Filemoonmonkey  2  1:47  -880   58     2.7857 moonmonkey  2  1:47  -880   58 
  3.7705 FileMycophot    2  1:48  -880   58     3.7705 Mycophot    2  1:48  -880   58 
  4.  -  FileGGGGGG1117  1  1:53  -887   51            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  GGGGGG1117  1  1:53  -887   51 

On 1st draw, UN(H)OOKS H7 80 --- UNHOOK to remove from a hook [v]
Other tops: KUN(J)OOS H4 80
Other moves: KUN(J)OOS H2 72, KUN(J)OOS H3 72, KUN(J)OOS H6 72, KUN(J)OOS H7 72, KUN(J)OOS H8 72

On 2nd draw, (S)EXUAL G5 44 --- SEXUAL pertaining to sex [adj]
Other moves: D(E)LUXE G3 42, DELUX(E) G3 41, AD(I)EUX G2 40, DE(W)AX G3 39, DUXE(S) G5 39

On 3rd draw, MARAH 4D 41 --- MARAH bitterness [n]
Other tops: OMRAH 4D 41
Other moves: HARAM 4D 39, MARAH F2 38, MARAH H1 37, OMRAH H1 37, HARAM F2 35

On 4th draw, SYPH H1 36 --- SYPH a venereal disease [n]
Other moves: PRYSE(S) 5B 33, SPYRE(S) 5B 33, PREY 5B 32, PREY F3 31, PREYS 5A 31

On 5th draw, ABLATING E4 94 --- ABLATE to remove by cutting [v]
Other moves: TANGIBLY 2A 90, STABLING 1H 86, TABLINGS 1A 86, TABLINGS 13A 76, STABLING 13H 74

On 6th draw, MOIDORES 1A 89 --- MOIDORE a former gold coin of Portugal [n]
Other moves: MOIDORES 13A 74, DEMIT 8A 27, PREDOOM 3H 26, PROMOED 3H 26, SMOORED 13H 26

On 7th draw, TRACT 8A 30 --- TRACT an expanse of land [n] --- TRACT to trace [v]
Other moves: CAVORTS 13B 26, OCTAVO B1 26, CORVUS 13C 24, COURT 8A 24, CROUT 8A 24

On 8th draw, SWEETEST 13H 80 --- SWEET pleasing to the taste [adj]
Other moves: SWEETEST 13B 76, EWT 2A 28, STEW 2B 28, SWEETS 13H 26, PEWEES 3H 24

On 9th draw, FAINES 12J 38 --- FAINE to feign [v]
Other moves: EFS 14I 34, FAIN 14J 34, FANBASE C7 34, FANES 12K 34, FEIS 14J 34

On 10th draw, RODEWAY B8 36 --- RODEWAY roadway [n]
Other moves: CRAY F3 35, OW 14I 35, OY 14I 35, DRAY F3 34, DREY F3 34

On 11th draw, ANCESTOR O8 90 --- ANCESTOR to be an ancestor (a person from whom one is descended) of [v]
Other moves: FORECAST O6 39, AFORE C10 38, FRESCO N10 38, CONFEST O7 36, FONE C11 33

On 12th draw, PRIZED 3H 38 --- PRIZE to value highly [v]
Other moves: ZED N6 36, FEZ J12 35, AVIZE 13B 34, REZ C13 33, GAZED 13A 32

On 13th draw, ADEPT 4K 38 --- ADEPT an adept person [n] --- ADEPT highly skilled [adj]
Other moves: APTED 2A 36, PAV A13 33, DATE 4J 31, VAE 11K 30, ZUPA K3 30

On 14th draw, GHI 5K 51 --- GHI a kind of liquid butter [n]
Other moves: EUGH 5I 49, UGH 5J 47, FEG 5I 40, FIG 5I 40, FUG 5I 40
GHI 5K 51 queen66, GGGGGG1117

On 15th draw, JIN N6 28 --- JIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other tops: JUN N6 28, JUT N6 28
Other moves: JAUNT 13A 24, VIRTU O1 24, JAI C7 22, JAR C7 22, VINT O1 21
JIN N6 28 moonmonkey
JUN N6 28 Mycophot
JUT N6 28 queen66

On 16th draw, LEGER C11 30 --- LEGER fishing bail made to lie on the bottom [n]
Other moves: EREV C12 28, EGER C12 26, LERE C11 24, VARVEL 13A 24, VALVE 13A 22
LEGER C11 30 Mycophot, moonmonkey

On 17th draw, ONTO A12 32 --- ONTO to a position upon [prep]
Other moves: NOT D12 28, TON D12 28, INTI 2A 21, INTO 2A 21, ONO A12 21

On 18th draw, QUIT O1 39 --- QUIT to end one's engagement in or occupation with [v]
Other moves: QI J2 31, QUBIT A4 26, FIBULAE K7 24, IF 2A 24, QUILT A4 24

On 19th draw, IF 2A 24 --- IF a possibility [n]
Other tops: FIBULAE K7 24
Other moves: FAB C7 22, FIB 2C 20, FLAB C6 20, IF 2B 19, BUFFEL J9 18

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