Game on Mars 5, 2022 at 22:36, 7 players
1. 404 pts moonmonkey
2. 402 pts queen66
3. 390 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 30 30 


13H 24 54 


M7 90 144 


8A 80 224 


C6 80 304 


B10 103 407 


E5 40 447 


A11 56 503 


F10 57 560 


15D 43 603 


8L 42 645 


J7 69 714 


4C 33 747 


K9 40 787 


O1 83 870 


H1 27 897 


2F 27 924 


2L 20 944 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
moonmonkey 2 9:03 -540 404 1.7849 moonmonkey 2 9:03 -540 404
queen66 0 7:29 -542 402 2.7717 queen66 0 7:29 -542 402
Mycophot 1 6:51 -554 390 3.7770 Mycophot 1 6:51 -554 390
4. -
rrrrrr1112 1 0:51 -914 30 Group: not rated
5. -
AAAAAA1118 1 1:15 -914 30 1. - rrrrrr1112 1 0:51 -914 30
6. -
YYYYYY1119 1 1:38 -914 30 2. - AAAAAA1118 1 1:15 -914 30
7. -
PPPPPP1116 1 1:59 -914 30 3. - YYYYYY1119 1 1:38 -914 30
4. - PPPPPP1116 1 1:59 -914 30
On 1st draw, UNPRAY H7 30 --- UNPRAY to revoke the praying of [v]
Other tops: PANTRY H7 30
Other moves: PANTRY H4 28, PANTY H8 28, PARTY H8 28, PRATY H8 28, PUNTY H8 28
PANTRY H7 30 rrrrrr1112, AAAAAA1118, YYYYYY1119, PPPPPP1116
On 2nd draw, SWEAR 13H 24 --- SWEAR to utter a solemn oath [v]
Other tops: AWEARY 12C 24, OWSE 13F 24, SEAWAY 12C 24, SWARE 13H 24, SWORE 13H 24
Other moves: RAWS 13E 23, REWS 13E 23, ROWS 13E 23, ASWAY 12D 22, RESAW 13F 22
SWEAR 13H 24 Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 3rd draw, SALUTED M7 90 --- SALUTE to greet with a sign of welcome or respect [v]
Other moves: ADULATES 11D 86, AULDEST M8 86, ADULATES 11H 68, AULDEST I1 63, PULSATED 9H 63
ADULTS M8 36 queen66, Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 4th draw, A(R)BUTEAN 8A 80 --- ARBUTE an evergreen tree [adj] --- ARBUTEAN pertaining to an arbute [adj]
Other moves: BAT(T)EAU L1 74, BA(T)TEAU L1 74, TABU(L)AE L2 73, ABATU(R)E L1 70, TABU(L)AE L1 70
ABATE 8K 30 moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66
On 5th draw, FIBROINS C6 80 --- FIBROIN an insoluble protein [n]
Other moves: FIORINS I1 65, FAIN 8L 33, FAIR 8L 33, FANO 8L 33, FANS 8L 33
FANS 8L 33 queen66, moonmonkey
FARS 8L 33 Mycophot
On 6th draw, ZOOI(D) B10 103 --- ZOOID an organic cell or body capable of independent movement [n]
Other moves: ZOO(E)A B10 102, (R)AZOO B8 70, TO(P)AZ L4 69, T(R)OOZ L4 69, ZATI 8L 69
ZOO(E)A B10 102 Mycophot, moonmonkey, queen66
On 7th draw, OVATION E5 40 --- OVATION an expression or demonstration of popular acclaim [n]
Other tops: NOVALIA 11E 40
Other moves: AVAIL 8K 36, OVAL A12 35, VAIL 8L 33, VAIN 8L 33, VALI 8L 33
AVAIL 8K 36 queen66
On 8th draw, MIKED A11 56 --- MIKE to amplify or record by use of a microphone [v]
Other tops: PIKED A11 56
Other moves: KAIM 8L 45, KAME 8L 45, KAMI 8L 45, EKED A12 42, KADE 8L 42
KAME 8L 45 queen66, Mycophot
KAMI 8L 45 moonmonkey
On 9th draw, XENIA F10 57 --- XENIA the effect of pollen on certain plant structures [n]
Other moves: EX 14I 55, XI 14J 52, EXTINE 4A 39, EXTINE B1 37, TAXA 8L 36
EX 14I 55 moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66
On 10th draw, CASTE 15D 43 --- CASTE a system of distinct social classes [n]
Other tops: BASTE 15D 43, BESAT 15D 43, CESTA 15D 43
Other moves: BEMATA 8J 39, MAES N10 37, MATS N10 37, METS N10 37, SCAB 15F 37
SCAB 15F 37 queen66
SCAM 15F 37 Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 11th draw, HAVE 8L 42 --- HAVE a wealthy person [n] --- HAVE to be in possession of [v]
Other tops: THAIM 8K 42
Other moves: HAEM 8L 39, HAME 8L 39, HEMIN 4A 39, VIMEN 4A 39, MATH 8L 36
HAVE 8L 42 moonmonkey
On 12th draw, GEOMETER J7 69 --- GEOMETER a specialist in geometry [n]
Other moves: GEOMETER O4 63, GEOMETER O2 62, GEOMETER O7 62, VOMER N8 32, GEMOTE B1 29
EME 14I 28 Mycophot, queen66
On 13th draw, LINEUP 4C 33 --- LINEUP a row of persons [n]
Other moves: LUPINE 4A 29, PENULT 4C 29, PINTLE 4C 29, UNPILE 4D 29, PILEA K9 28
On 14th draw, BOHEA K9 40 --- BOHEA a black tea [n]
Other moves: BOH K9 34, HID N10 33, HOD N10 33, HOTBED 5G 33, HOAED K11 32
On 15th draw, DEROGATE O1 83 --- DEROGATE to detract [v]
Other moves: GAROTED 5G 75, DEROGATE O7 61, AWED I12 26, OVATED N7 25, ADEPT H1 24
On 16th draw, FLIP H1 27 --- FLIP flippant [adj] --- FLIP to throw with a brisk motion [v]
Other moves: DIVI N6 24, FUNGI 7G 23, IF N1 23, FUNG 7G 22, RIFLING 5I 22
On 17th draw, JILT 2F 27 --- JILT to discard a lover [v]
Other moves: JA 6N 25, Y*DYID I1 24, WYTED F1 23, Y*DYID 3G 22, YIRD 3G 22
On 18th draw, WYLE 2L 20 --- WYLE to beguile [v]
Other moves: RYA G6 19, DUNGY 7G 18, DURGY 7G 18, WYE 2M 18, YA G7 18
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