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Game on Mars 6, 2022 at 16:34, 6 players
1. 401 pts Pacific
2. 252 pts queen66
3. 240 pts moonmonkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeetwyz   H8    30    30   teaze
 2. cdeeilt  10C    65    95   delicate
 3. aeilorv  13C    89   184   variole
 4. ?giiruw  11H    29   213   zing
 5. adilnop   D3    74   287   palinode
 6. aeioruv  14I    36   323   avoure
 7. elnootw  15D    42   365   woolen
 8. ?aimnpu   8H    86   451   timpanum
 9. aeinrtu   E1    78   529   ruinate
10. bbdehir  15L    52   581   herb
11. aefgknt   1D    51   632   kraft
12. bcfotux  12D    47   679   fox
13. bcehins   8A    38   717   echos
14. egimnwy  L10    35   752   wyn
15. agmorst   F3    28   780   strag
16. ijnoost  B12    33   813   join
17. egimsty   M3    32   845   styming
18. adeirsu   3H    60   905   radiuses

Remaining tiles: bdeoq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5428 FilePacific     0 24:33  -504  401     1.7686 queen66     2  6:24  -653  252 
  2.7686 Filequeen66     2  6:24  -653  252     2.7835 moonmonkey  3  7:29  -665  240 
  3.7835 Filemoonmonkey  3  7:29  -665  240     3.7720 Mycophot    3  7:35  -686  219 
  4.7720 FileMycophot    3  7:35  -686  219            Group: novice
  5.  -  FileWWWWWW1121  1  1:56  -863   42     1.5428 Pacific     0 24:33  -504  401 
  6.  -  Filetontteli    0  5:15  -864   41            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  WWWWWW1121  1  1:56  -863   42 
                                             2.  -  tontteli    0  5:15  -864   41 

On 1st draw, TEAZE H8 30 --- TEAZE to make fun of [v]
Other tops: TEAZE H4 30
Other moves: TEAZE H5 28, TEAZE H6 28, TEAZE H7 28, ZETA H5 26, ZETA H6 26
ZEE H8 24 Pacific

On 2nd draw, DELICATE 10C 65 --- DELICATE a delicacy [n]
Other moves: TEAZELED H8 54, CEILED 13C 36, CIELED 13C 36, DECEIT 13H 36, DECILE 13H 36
CITED 13D 25 Pacific

On 3rd draw, VARIOLE 13C 89 --- VARIOLE a small fovea [n]
Other moves: OVERLAID C3 78, VARIOLE G2 64, VARIOLE I2 64, VIOLATER 8C 62, ALVEOLI E5 40
RAVEL 13D 24 Pacific

On 4th draw, ZI(N)G 11H 29 --- ZING to move with a high-pitched humming sound [v]
Other moves: ZI(T)I 11H 27, Z(O)RI 11H 27, (S)WIG K10 25, GR(O)W B11 24, (P)ERIWIG 12G 23
ZI(N)G 11H 29 moonmonkey, Mycophot
(S)WIG K10 25 Pacific
WIRE J7 7 tontteli

On 5th draw, PALINODE D3 74 --- PALINODE a poem which retracts an earlier poem [n]
Other moves: PADLE 12D 31, LOADEN 12D 29, LOANED 12D 29, DIPLON 12J 26, APOD B11 25
POD 12D 25 Pacific, queen66
PAINT 8D 10 tontteli

On 6th draw, AVOURE 14I 36 --- AVOURE an avowal [n]
Other moves: ROVE B12 25, VOAR B12 25, VROU B11 25, VAPOUR 3B 24, VERA E2 24
VERA E2 24 queen66
LIVER 5D 16 tontteli
LOVER 5D 16 Pacific

On 7th draw, WOOLEN 15D 42 --- WOOLEN a fabric made of wool [n]
Other moves: LOOTEN 12D 27, OWLET 15E 27, WOON 13K 27, WOOT 13K 27, WOOLER M9 26
WOOLEN 15D 42 queen66, WWWWWW1121
WORE M12 14 Pacific
LONE 5D 8 tontteli

On 8th draw, TI(M)PANUM 8H 86 --- TIMPANUM the middle ear [n]
Other tops: TIMPANU(M) 8H 86
Other moves: PLA(T)INUM 5C 72, PU(T)AMINA 4A 65, PUTAMIN(A) 8F 62, PUT(A)MINA 8F 62, API(S)M O11 42
M(E)NU 15L 34 queen66
MINO(R) 8A 18 Pacific

On 9th draw, RUINATE E1 78 --- RUINATE to ruin [v]
Other tops: URANITE E1 78, URINATE E1 78
Other moves: INAURATE L3 66, PAINTURE 3D 62, RUMINATE O6 61, INAURATE 4B 59, INERT 15K 27
UTERI 15K 27 queen66
NAPE 3B 12 Pacific

On 10th draw, HERB 15L 52 --- HERB a flowering plant with a nonwoody stem [n]
Other moves: HERD 15L 49, BRIBED 1D 42, DRIBBER 1D 42, HEID F2 41, BRIBER 1D 39
HERB 15L 52 queen66
RIBBED 1E 33 Pacific

On 11th draw, KRAFT 1D 51 --- KRAFT a strong paper [n]
Other moves: FRANK 1D 48, FREAK 1D 48, KRANG 1D 45, KRENG 1D 45, ENGRAFT 1B 39
FREAK 1D 48 queen66
FAKER 1A 39 Pacific

On 12th draw, FOX 12D 47 --- FOX to outwit [v]
Other moves: BOX 12D 43, FOX B12 37, BOX B12 35, COX B12 35, TUX 12D 35
XU 7I 35 moonmonkey, Mycophot
FOX G1 21 Pacific

On 13th draw, ECHOS 8A 38 --- ECHO a repetition of sound by reflection of sound waves [n]
Other moves: BANISH L7 36, AHS F1 32, HISN 13L 32, CEBIDS C6 30, HES 13L 30
ECHOS 8A 38 Mycophot, moonmonkey
SHINE I1 22 Pacific

On 14th draw, WYN L10 35 --- WYN a rune denoting bliss [n]
Other tops: GYM L10 35, WYE L10 35
Other moves: WIMPING 3A 34, YMPING 3B 32, AMEN F1 30, WIMPY K5 30, GYM 9L 29
WYN 9L 29 moonmonkey, Mycophot
WINEY M6 13 Pacific

On 15th draw, STRAG F3 28 --- STRAG a straggler [n]
Other tops: GAMS F3 28, TROPISM 3A 28
Other moves: GROMA B11 27, AMA F1 26, RAMS F3 26, TAMS F3 26, AMORT B11 25
AMA F1 26 Mycophot, moonmonkey
SMOG I1 21 Pacific

On 16th draw, JOIN B12 33 --- JOIN to unite [v]
Other tops: JOTS B12 33
Other moves: SIJO I1 32, JOT B12 31, JOUST N6 30, JOCO B6 29, JOINER N10 29
JOUST N6 30 moonmonkey, Pacific, Mycophot

On 17th draw, STYMING M3 32 --- STYME to peer [v]
Other moves: MISTYPE K3 28, STYMIE I1 28, STYME I1 27, GIMPY K5 26, GYMPS K5 26
STYMING M3 32 Mycophot, moonmonkey
STYME I1 27 Pacific

On 18th draw, RADIUSES 3H 60 --- RADIUS a straight line from the center of a circle to the circumference [n]
Other moves: FUSED G1 26, ADIEU N1 21, DISA L2 21, SAD G3 21, SAIRED I1 21
SIDER I1 21 moonmonkey
DIETS 4J 12 Pacific

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