Game on Mars 9, 2022 at 16:44, 7 players
1. 514 pts Pacific
2. 502 pts moonmonkey
3. 148 pts queen66
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


I7 53 75 


J8 37 112 


11E 44 156 


6A 68 224 


A1 84 308 


4A 32 340 


L7 100 440 


13G 36 476 


10B 31 507 


F1 62 569 


5E 34 603 


8A 36 639 


14F 39 678 


1D 42 720 


15H 40 760 


15H 27 787 


6J 28 815 


12A 32 847 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Pacific 2 18:21 -333 514 1.7829 moonmonkey 9 9:21 -345 502
moonmonkey 9 9:21 -345 502 2.7692 queen66 1 2:58 -699 148
queen66 1 2:58 -699 148 3.7755 Mycophot 2 1:11 -755 92
Mycophot 2 1:11 -755 92 Group: novice
5. -
MMMMMM1111 1 0:44 -825 22 1.5464 Pacific 2 18:21 -333 514
6. -
SSSSSS1111 1 1:07 -825 22 Group: not rated
7. -
rrrrrr1112 1 1:33 -825 22 1. - MMMMMM1111 1 0:44 -825 22
2. - SSSSSS1111 1 1:07 -825 22
3. - rrrrrr1112 1 1:33 -825 22
On 1st draw, MOROSE H4 22 --- MOROSE sullen [adj]
Other tops: MORELS H4 22, MORSEL H4 22
Other moves: MERLS H4 20, MOERS H4 20, MOLES H4 20, MOOLS H4 20, MOORS H4 20
MORELS H4 22 MMMMMM1111, SSSSSS1111, rrrrrr1112
MORSEL H4 22 Pacific
On 2nd draw, HOX I7 53 --- HOX to hock [v]
Other moves: POX I7 49, HEX I5 45, EXON I6 44, NOX I7 41, EXO I6 39
HOX I7 53 Mycophot, moonmonkey, queen66
HEX I5 45 Pacific
On 3rd draw, HOVING J8 37 --- HOVE to swell [v]
Other moves: HAVING G9 35, HOVING G9 35, HOAING G9 32, HOING G9 32, HANGI G9 31
HOVING G9 35 Pacific
NOH J8 27 queen66
On 4th draw, FI(M)BRIA 11E 44 --- FIMBRIA a fringe or fringe-like structure [n]
Other moves: FI(L)ARIA 11E 36, ABRO(S)IA 5E 32, A(E)ROBIA 5E 32, FAIR K11 29, FAIR(S) K11 29
FAIR K11 29 queen66
BOH(S) 7G 24 Pacific
On 5th draw, SUCKENER 6A 68 --- SUCKENER a tenant under the thirlage system [n]
Other moves: BECKE H11 42, BECKS H11 42, BUCKS H11 42, CUKES L8 40, KNEES L8 40
SEEK 10C 39 queen66
EKE 10E 39 moonmonkey
On 6th draw, YUTZES A1 84 --- YUTZ a stupid, foolish, or ineffectual person [n]
Other moves: ZESTY A4 81, BUAZE H11 51, TEAZED G2 43, YENTA 12H 39, MAZEY 4H 38
TEAZED G2 43 Pacific
On 7th draw, ZARF 4A 32 --- ZARF a metal holder for a coffee cup [n]
Other tops: FANNER L7 32
Other moves: FANON 5E 30, FRENNE L9 30, FEARE 12A 29, FRENA 12A 29, FAKEER D4 28
FREAK D2 24 Pacific
On 8th draw, VAQ(U)ERO L7 100 --- VAQUERO a cowboy [n]
Other moves: VAQ(U)ERO K2 93, QOR(M)A 12A 51, Q(U)ARE 12A 51, Q(U)AVER L7 46, B(U)RQA H11 45
Q(U)ARE 12A 51 moonmonkey
QI F10 31 Pacific
On 9th draw, WIDGEON 13G 36 --- WIDGEON a river duck [n]
Other tops: WAINED 12A 36, WAITED 12A 36, WANTED 12A 36
Other moves: TWINED 10A 34, WANED 10B 33, WINED 10B 33, WITED 10B 33, WAIDE 12A 31
WAINED 12A 36 moonmonkey
AWED 8L 24 Pacific
On 10th draw, PAGED 10B 31 --- PAGE to summon by calling out the name of [v]
Other tops: PAGOD 10B 31
Other moves: GAPED G3 30, PAGED G3 30, DOPA 10D 29, DOPE 10D 29, GAPED 10B 29
PODGE 12A 29 moonmonkey
DOPE 10D 29 Pacific
On 11th draw, MATERNAL F1 62 --- MATERNAL pertaining to a mother [adj]
Other moves: MALATE 12A 32, ATMA 12D 29, RAMATE 12A 28, METOL 5E 26, MALATE 14B 25
MALATE 12A 32 moonmonkey
BLITE H11 24 Pacific
On 12th draw, ORTOLAN 5E 34 --- ORTOLAN a European bird [n]
Other moves: MONTAN 1F 24, TOMAN 1D 24, TOLAN 9A 22, MANTO 1F 21, MATLO 1F 21
MALT 1F 18 Pacific
MONO 1F 18 moonmonkey
On 13th draw, DISCAL 8A 36 --- DISCAL pertaining to a disc [adj]
Other tops: CAMIS 1D 36, GAMIC 1D 36
Other moves: DICAST N9 35, TSADI 14K 35, MAGICS 1F 33, SAIC 14L 33, DICAST 12A 32
CAMIS 1D 36 moonmonkey
MAGICS 1F 33 Pacific
On 14th draw, JEDI 14F 39 --- JEDI a follower of Jedi philosophy (Star Wars film) [n]
Other tops: JUDGE 4J 39
Other moves: JEDI 4J 35, JET 14F 33, JIG 4J 33, JUD 4J 33, JUG 4J 33
JEDI 14F 39 moonmonkey, Mycophot
JET 14F 33 Pacific
On 15th draw, WOMAN 1D 42 --- WOMAN an adult female human [n] --- WOMAN to play the part of a woman [v]
Other moves: MIAOW 1F 30, WO 6J 28, MAWN 1F 27, MOWA 1F 27, MOWN 1F 27
WOMAN 1D 42 moonmonkey, Pacific
On 16th draw, STRIG 15H 40 --- STRIG to remove the stalks from [v]
Other moves: BRUST N10 39, BUIST N10 39, BURST N10 39, STUB 15H 34, GIUST N10 33
STRIG 15H 40 moonmonkey
BITS N10 25 Pacific
On 17th draw, STRIGINE 15H 27 --- STRIGINE owl-like [adj]
Other moves: BIN M8 23, BE 6J 22, NEBULE 4J 22, NUBILE 4J 22, BI M8 21
STRIGINE 15H 27 moonmonkey
BE 6J 22 Pacific
On 18th draw, YE 6J 28 --- YE you [pron]
Other tops: BY 6J 28, YO 6J 28, YU 6J 28
Other moves: ABLY 8L 27, ABYE 8L 27, YEBO 4J 25, BELAY J2 24, BUOY 4J 24
YO 6J 28 moonmonkey
ABLY 8L 27 Pacific
On 19th draw, POLITE 12A 32 --- POLITE showing consideration for others [adj]
Other moves: POL 9C 29, POLITE 4J 29, POTTLE 4J 29, PETIT 12A 26, PILOT 12A 26
POLITE 12A 32 moonmonkey
PO 15E 13 Pacific
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