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Game on Mars 10, 2022 at 19:15, 7 players
1. 472 pts Pacific
2. 389 pts HollyIvy
3. 158 pts queen66

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aegiln   H6    68    68   eanling
 2. abcemot  12C    28    96   camboge
 3. aamnoss  10C    64   160   anosmias
 4. addiprs  13I    81   241   disprad
 5. ahkoptt  13A    38   279   koha
 6. aeegnru   O6    83   362   renagued
 7. aeijttv   9C    39   401   jet
 8. cdeegir   N1    83   484   grieced
 9. beenowy  A11    39   523   woken
10. ?eiorru   4G    66   589   ouvriere
11. bdehotw   3C    39   628   theow
12. instuvx  14A    53   681   exist
13. ailnoty   1H   167   848   antilogy
14. aeltuvy   2D    34   882   uey
15. aiiprtv   1A    38   920   trip
16. abdituv   4B    32   952   via
17. deinotv   6A    66  1018   denotive
18. bfflluz   K3    38  1056   ziff

Remaining tiles: bllqu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5533 FilePacific     0 17:21  -584  472     1.7839 HollyIvy    4  8:08  -667  389 
  2.7839 FileHollyIvy    4  8:08  -667  389     2.7696 queen66     2  3:46  -898  158 
  3.7696 Filequeen66     2  3:46  -898  158     3.7862 Mycophot    1  4:36  -901  155 
  4.7862 FileMycophot    1  4:36  -901  155     4.7517 sicilianc5  0  1:34 -1020   36 
  5.  -  FileZZZZZZ1119  1  1:46 -1018   38            Group: novice
  6.  -  FilePPPPPP1116  1  1:57 -1018   38     1.5533 Pacific     0 17:21  -584  472 
  7.7517 Filesicilianc5  0  1:34 -1020   36            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  ZZZZZZ1119  1  1:46 -1018   38 
                                             2.  -  PPPPPP1116  1  1:57 -1018   38 

On 1st draw, EA(N)LING H6 68 --- EANLING the young of a sheep of goat [n]
Other tops: ALE(Y)ING H6 68, ANELI(N)G H6 68, ANGELI(C) H2 68, ANGLI(C)E H2 68, A(N)ELING H6 68, A(T)INGLE H8 68, EAGLIN(G) H2 68, EANLI(N)G H6 68, EA(G)LING H6 68, ELA(T)ING H6 68, ENG(R)AIL H2 68, GALENI(C) H4 68, GAL(L)EIN H4 68, GA(L)LEIN H4 68, GEALIN(G) H4 68, GELA(T)IN H4 68, GENI(T)AL H4 68, GE(M)INAL H4 68, LAE(R)ING H6 68, LEANI(N)G H6 68, LEA(D)ING H6 68, LEA(F)ING H6 68, LEA(K)ING H6 68, LEA(M)ING H6 68, LEA(N)ING H6 68, LEA(P)ING H6 68, LEA(R)ING H6 68, LEA(S)ING H6 68, LEA(V)ING H6 68, LIGNA(G)E H2 68, LINAGE(S) H8 68, LINEAG(E) H7 68, LIN(E)AGE H7 68, LIN(K)AGE H7 68, LI(G)NAGE H7 68, NEALI(N)G H6 68, NIGEL(L)A H2 68, NIGE(L)LA H2 68, (D)EALING H6 68, (F)EALING H6 68, (F)INAGLE H8 68, (G)EALING H6 68, (H)EALING H6 68, (M)EALING H6 68, (N)EALING H6 68, (P)EALING H6 68, (P)LEAING H6 68, (R)EALIGN H7 68, (R)EGINAL H2 68, (S)EALING H6 68, (T)AGLINE H2 68, (V)EALING H6 68, (Y)EALING H6 68
Other moves: ALE(Y)ING H2 66, ALE(Y)ING H3 66, ALE(Y)ING H4 66, ALE(Y)ING H7 66, ALE(Y)ING H8 66

On 2nd draw, CAMBOGE 12C 28 --- CAMBOGE a yellow gum resin [n]
Other moves: BEAM G7 27, CAMEO I5 26, COMAE G5 26, COMBE G4 26, COMBE I4 26
BACON 11D 18 Pacific

On 3rd draw, ANOSMIAS 10C 64 --- ANOSMIA loss of the sense of smell [n]
Other moves: SALAMONS 9F 63, MANNAS 11E 36, NAAMS 13D 35, MANNA 11E 34, MASSA 13E 33
SAMOSA J8 29 Pacific

On 4th draw, DISPRAD 13I 81 --- DISPRED to spread out (pa p DISPRAD) [v]
Other moves: DISPREAD 6C 72, DISPRAD G1 71, DISPRAD I1 71, RAIDS 13D 31, AIDS 13E 28
SIP J12 26 Pacific

On 5th draw, KOHA 13A 38 --- KOHA a gift or donation when visiting a marae [n]
Other moves: KOHA 9C 36, HOKA 9C 34, KOHL 9E 34, ALKO 9G 32, HAO 13C 32
KOHA 13A 38 queen66, Mycophot
OAK N12 14 Pacific

On 6th draw, RENAGUED O6 83 --- RENAGUE to be a turncoat [v]
Other tops: UNAGREED O6 83, UNGEARED O6 83
Other moves: UNEAGER I1 65, RENAGUES F3 61, RENAGUES J3 61, ENRAU(N)GE 8C 59, E(N)RAUNGE 8G 59
RENAGUED O6 33 Mycophot, queen66
GARDEN O10 27 Pacific

On 7th draw, JET 9C 39 --- JET to spurt forth in a stream [v]
Other tops: JAI 9C 39
Other moves: TAJ G5 37, JA 9C 36, JA G7 35, TAJ 9A 35, JITTER 6J 31
JET 9C 39 queen66
JA 9C 36 Pacific

On 8th draw, GRIECED N1 83 --- GRIECED in heraldry, placed upon steps [adj]
Other moves: GRIECED G1 71, GRIECED I1 71, GECKED A10 51, DECKER A10 48, DICKER A10 48
DECKER A10 48 queen66, Mycophot
DICKER A10 48 HollyIvy, Pacific

On 9th draw, WOKEN A11 39 --- WAKE to rouse from sleep [v]
Other tops: BOGY 1L 39
Other moves: OWE 14A 36, OYE 14A 36, WEENY 5D 33, WEENY 5H 33, YEWEN 5H 33
OWE 14A 36 Mycophot
OYE 14A 36 HollyIvy
BOW F12 16 Pacific

On 10th draw, OU(V)RIERE 4G 66 --- OUVRIERE a worker (female) [n]
Other moves: ROU(P)IER I1 63, (C)OURIER I1 63, (L)OURIER I1 63, OU(V)RIER I1 62, OU(V)RIERE 6A 61
RE(A)WOKEN A8 42 Pacific
ROUGE 1K 21 HollyIvy

On 11th draw, THEOW 3C 39 --- THEOW a slave [n]
Other moves: DOETH 3C 35, HOED 14K 33, HOTBED 3B 33, WODGE 1K 33, BOWED 3C 31
WODGE 1K 33 HollyIvy, Pacific

On 12th draw, EXIST 14A 53 --- EXIST to have actual being, to live [v]
Other moves: SIX J12 41, UNTAX N10 37, EX 14A 36, OX B13 36, VIGS 1L 36
EXIST 14A 53 HollyIvy
SIX J12 41 Pacific

On 13th draw, ANTILOGY 1H 167 --- ANTILOGY a contradiction in terms of ideas [n]
Other moves: YAGI 1L 36, YOGA 1L 36, YOGI 1L 36, ANY 2D 34, ONY 2D 34
YOGA 1L 36 HollyIvy, sicilianc5
ANY 2D 34 Pacific

On 14th draw, UEY 2D 34 --- UEY a U turn [n]
Other moves: UVEAL 4A 32, AY 2E 28, HEAVY D3 28, UVAE 4A 28, UVEA 4A 28
UEY 2D 34 HollyIvy
AY 2E 28 Pacific

On 15th draw, TRIP 1A 38 --- TRIP to stumble [v]
Other tops: TARP 1A 38, TRAP 1A 38
Other moves: PUHA D1 24, ATRIP 15E 23, RAPT 1B 23, RIPT 1B 23, APT 1C 22
TARP 1A 38 HollyIvy, PPPPPP1116
PA G7 15 Pacific

On 16th draw, VIA 4B 32 --- VIA a way [n] --- VIA by way of [prep]
Other moves: AVID 15E 26, VAPID L11 26, DAVIT 5C 24, ABID 15E 23, ALB 9G 21
AVID 15E 26 HollyIvy
BAIT N12 16 Pacific

On 17th draw, DENOTIVE 6A 66 --- DENOTE to indicate [adj] --- DENOTIVE indicative [adj]
Other moves: DONATIVE 7E 64, DENOTIVE L3 63, OVINES F5 28, VINES F6 27, VOTES F6 27
OVINE 15E 26 HollyIvy
NAVE N12 16 Pacific

On 18th draw, ZIFF K3 38 --- ZIFF a beard [n]
Other moves: DUFF A6 33, FIZ K3 30, BAFF N12 28, BIZ K3 28, ZILL K3 26
ZIFF K3 38 HollyIvy, ZZZZZZ1119
DUFF A6 33 Pacific

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