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Game on Mars 11, 2022 at 21:18, 9 players
1. 518 pts Pacific
2. 400 pts queen66
3. 271 pts HollyIvy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acehips   H3    34    34   chapes
 2. eikrttu   4H    24    58   hiker
 3. ??aenru   K4    74   132   enraunge
 4. aelorsy   8J    30   162   surely
 5. abdemnw   M7    34   196   bedeman
 6. aegnrtu  11D    68   264   gauntree
 7. abdeiot  13H    64   328   obtained
 8. aeflorr  N10    51   379   forel
 9. ciostvw  15K    45   424   ovist
10. aefhnru  H11    36   460   thorn
11. eiotuuv  12A    28   488   veto
12. acefloz  B10    68   556   zoeae
13. aegiimo  12L    26   582   mara
14. adeepux  10E    55   637   axe
15. denosuw   M1    31   668   dowse
16. egiinou   1J    27   695   guidon
17. eiittwy   2L    37   732   towy
18. adeijlt   6F    29   761   jape
19. dgiilou   7D    23   784   glode
20. ciilnpt   D1    30   814   cliping
21. fiiiqtu   2A    28   842   quilt

Remaining tiles: fii

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5550 FilePacific     2 25:41  -324  518     1.7675 queen66     5  9:38  -442  400 
  2.7675 Filequeen66     5  9:38  -442  400     2.7811 HollyIvy    3  7:55  -571  271 
  3.7811 FileHollyIvy    3  7:55  -571  271     3.7829 moonmonkey  4  6:03  -598  244 
  4.7829 Filemoonmonkey  4  6:03  -598  244            Group: novice
  5.  -  FileZZZZZZ1119  1  1:51  -774   68     1.5550 Pacific     2 25:41  -324  518 
  6.  -  FileCCCCCC1117  1  0:45  -808   34            Group: not rated
  7.  -  FileSSSSSS1111  1  1:09  -808   34     1.  -  ZZZZZZ1119  1  1:51  -774   68 
  8.  -  FileEEEEEE1116  1  1:39  -808   34     2.  -  CCCCCC1117  1  0:45  -808   34 
  9.  -  FilePPPPPP1116  1  1:56  -812   30     3.  -  SSSSSS1111  1  1:09  -808   34 
                                             4.  -  EEEEEE1116  1  1:39  -808   34 
                                             5.  -  PPPPPP1116  1  1:56  -812   30 

On 1st draw, CHAPES H3 34 --- CHAPE a part of a scabbard [n]
Other tops: CHEAPS H3 34, PHAEIC H3 34, PHASIC H3 34
Other moves: CHAPES H4 32, CHEAPS H4 32, CHEAPS H8 32, PEACH H8 32, PHAEIC H4 32
PEACH H8 32 Pacific

On 2nd draw, HIKER 4H 24 --- HIKER one that hikes [n]
Other tops: KURI G5 24, KUTI G5 24
Other moves: TUPEK 6F 23, TUPIK 6F 23, KUE G5 21, PIKER 6H 21, PUKER 6H 21
PIKER 6H 21 Pacific, moonmonkey

On 3rd draw, E(N)RAUN(G)E K4 74 --- ENRAUNGE to arrange [v]
Other tops: A(S)UN(D)ER M3 74, ENAU(N)(T)ER K4 74, ENA(C)(T)URE K4 74, ENRAU(N)(G)E K4 74, E(B)URNEA(N) K4 74, E(B)UR(N)EAN K4 74, E(N)AUN(T)ER K4 74, UN(S)A(F)ER M2 74, UN(S)(W)EAR M2 74, (D)AN(S)EUR M1 74
Other moves: ANEUR(I)(N)S 8A 71, ANURE(S)(E)S 8A 71, ANURE(S)(I)S 8A 71, ANUR(E)(S)ES 8A 71, AN(B)UR(I)ES 8A 71
UN(S)(U)RE M2 22 Pacific
URAN(I)(D)ES 8A 21 moonmonkey

On 4th draw, SURELY 8J 30 --- SURELY certainly [adv]
Other moves: ARSEY M2 29, LYASE M1 29, RESAY M2 29, OYERS G6 28, RELAYS 9C 28
EASY M2 27 Pacific
AYES M1 27 HollyIvy

On 5th draw, BEDEMAN M7 34 --- BEDEMAN one who prays for another [n]
Other moves: BEADMEN M7 32, BENAMED M7 32, BADMEN 12I 30, BEDAMN 12I 30, MAWED L11 30
MAWED L11 30 HollyIvy
DAWN 12K 24 Pacific

On 6th draw, GAUNTREE 11D 68 --- GAUNTREE a stand for barrels [n]
Other moves: GAUNTREE 7B 62, GAUNTREE 7A 61, RUGATE N10 31, AUGER N10 29, NUGAE N10 29
AUGER N10 29 HollyIvy
TANG 12L 14 Pacific

On 7th draw, OBTAINED 13H 64 --- OBTAIN to gain possession of [v]
Other moves: BOLIDE N6 37, BALED N6 32, BILED N6 32, BETID 12A 31, BOLETI N6 31
BEAD L12 28 queen66, HollyIvy
TOTED H11 21 Pacific

On 8th draw, FOREL N10 51 --- FOREL a parchment used to cover books [n]
Other tops: FARER N10 51, FERER N10 51
Other moves: ALEF N7 35, FARE N10 34, FERE N10 34, FORE N10 34, FARDEL O10 33
FARER N10 51 HollyIvy
FERER N10 51 queen66
FOLDER O10 33 Pacific

On 9th draw, OVIST 15K 45 --- OVIST a believer that the ovum has the germ of all future generations [n]
Other moves: WIST 15L 42, WOST 15L 42, CIST 15L 36, COST 15L 36, VOWS 12C 33
WIST 15L 42 Pacific, queen66, moonmonkey
WOST 15L 42 HollyIvy

On 10th draw, THORN H11 36 --- THORN to prick with a thorn (a sharp, rigid projection on a plant) [v]
Other moves: ARUHE 12E 33, FAUGH D8 32, HARE 12L 30, RHINE I2 29, FAH G7 28
THORN H11 36 HollyIvy, Pacific, queen66, moonmonkey

On 11th draw, VETO 12A 28 --- VETO to forbid or prevent authoritatively [v]
Other moves: VIREO 14F 26, VOUGE D8 26, OUTGIVE D8 24, TIED O10 21, TOED O10 21
VETO 12A 28 moonmonkey, HollyIvy
VIRE 14F 19 Pacific

On 12th draw, ZOEAE B10 68 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other tops: ZOEAL B10 68
Other moves: FEZ G7 40, ZEAL 10B 39, ZOEA 10B 39, ZERO 14F 37, FOVEAL A10 36
ZOEAE B10 68 moonmonkey, ZZZZZZ1119
ZAP 6F 34 Pacific

On 13th draw, MARA 12L 26 --- MARA the so-called Patagonian hare [n]
Other tops: MARE 12L 26
Other moves: AMI 10E 25, EMO 10E 25, AMIGO C6 24, IMAGO C6 24, OGAMIC 3C 24
EMO 10E 25 queen66
ZOA 10B 16 Pacific

On 14th draw, AXE 10E 55 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: AX 10E 52, EX 10E 52, XU 10F 52, AX I6 38, EX I6 38
AXE 10E 55 queen66
TAX C12 33 Pacific

On 15th draw, DOWSE M1 31 --- DOWSE to search for underground water with a divining rod [v]
Other moves: OVENS A11 30, DEWS M1 29, DOWS M1 29, WEDS M1 29, WUDS M1 29
VEND A12 28 queen66
WOKE J2 20 Pacific

On 16th draw, GUIDON 1J 27 --- GUIDON a small flag [n]
Other moves: NUDGE 1K 24, INDIE 1K 21, INDUE 1K 21, IODIN 1K 21, NUDIE 1K 21
NUDGE 1K 24 Pacific, queen66

On 17th draw, TOWY 2L 37 --- TOWY resembling coarse hemp or flax fiber [adj]
Other moves: YEWEN G7 30, OWE N1 27, OYE N1 27, TYTE C12 26, TOEY 2L 25
YEWEN G7 30 queen66
YE A14 20 Pacific

On 18th draw, JAPE 6F 29 --- JAPE to mock [v]
Other tops: VADE A12 29
Other moves: JA C9 28, JAP 6F 28, DIALECT 3C 27, JAR 14F 26, VEAL A12 25
VADE A12 29 queen66
JAPE 6F 29 Pacific

On 19th draw, GLODE 7D 23 --- GLODE a past tense of glide [v]
Other moves: DOGE 7E 22, AIDOI 13B 21, LODE 7E 21, LOGE 7E 21, DHOL 12G 20
DOGE 7E 22 queen66
LIDO 7C 15 Pacific

On 20th draw, CLIPING D1 30 --- CLIPE to tell tales [v]
Other moves: PICNIC 3C 26, PILI 8A 25, TIPI 8A 25, CLINIC 3C 22, CLITIC 3C 22
CLIPING D1 30 queen66, PPPPPP1116
JOT F6 10 Pacific

On 21th draw, QUILT 2A 28 --- QUILT to stitch together with padding in between [v]
Other moves: QUIT 3B 26, QUIT 5B 26, FIT E3 25, QUIP 4A 25, IF E4 24
QUILT 2A 28 moonmonkey
QUIT 3B 26 Pacific

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