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Game on Mars 12, 2022 at 18:11, 6 players
1. 416 pts Pacific
2. 190 pts queen66
3. 127 pts HollyIvy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaeilss   H7    66    66   aliases
 2. bnoostt   I7    30    96   boston
 3. degijrs   J2    39   135   jerids
 4. denortw   3G    32   167   towered
 5. ?aaehtu   4B    75   242   chateau
 6. aaimnnr   E4    90   332   trainman
 7. aegiitw   8A    33   365   aweing
 8. ?ikmnov   2B    46   411   invoke
 9. efilopr  13A    78   489   profiles
10. dnorttu   H1    32   521   odour
11. alnnort  A10    27   548   tarpon
12. cdehitu   4L    37   585   dich
13. efgilyy   O4    36   621   hyleg
14. aimntyz  12H    38   659   enzym
15. aeglqtv   M9    44   703   valet
16. ceeginu  14J    35   738   cunei
17. eefiotx   F8    56   794   gox
18. efgipqt  D10    35   829   fief
19. begptuu  11K    34   863   bulge

Remaining tiles: epqtu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5622 FilePacific     2 21:41  -447  416     1.7748 queen66     4  3:09  -673  190 
  2.7748 Filequeen66     4  3:09  -673  190     2.7806 HollyIvy    0  4:33  -736  127 
  3.7806 FileHollyIvy    0  4:33  -736  127     3.7887 moonmonkey  0  1:37  -766   97 
  4.7887 Filemoonmonkey  0  1:37  -766   97     4.7968 Mycophot    0  3:24  -783   80 
  5.7968 FileMycophot    0  3:24  -783   80            Group: novice
  6.  -  FileLLLLLL1118  1  1:43  -819   44     1.5622 Pacific     2 21:41  -447  416 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  LLLLLL1118  1  1:43  -819   44 

On 1st draw, ALIASES H7 66 --- ALIAS an assumed name [n]
Other tops: ALIASES H2 66, ALIASES H3 66, ALIASES H4 66, ALIASES H6 66, ALIASES H8 66
Other moves: ALIASES H5 64, AISLES H3 14, AISLES H4 14, AISLES H7 14, AISLES H8 14

On 2nd draw, BOSTON I7 30 --- BOSTON a card game [n]
Other moves: BOOST I7 27, BOON I7 24, BOOS I7 24, BOOT I7 24, BOTS I7 24

On 3rd draw, JERIDS J2 39 --- JERID a wooden javelin [n]
Other moves: DIGRESS 13C 32, JERIDS 13C 32, REJIGS 13C 32, JERID G3 31, GRIDES G9 30
JABS 7G 21 Pacific

On 4th draw, TOWERED 3G 32 --- TOWER to rise to a great height [v]
Other tops: JOWED 2J 32
Other moves: ENDOW J10 31, NOTED K1 31, ROTED K1 31, TONED K1 31, ENDOWS 13C 28
JOWED 2J 32 Pacific

On 5th draw, (C)HATEAU 4B 75 --- CHATEAU a large country house [n]
Other moves: (C)HATEAU 2A 74, ATHENAEU(M) 12E 72, (C)HATEAUS 13A 72, AJUTA(G)E 2I 38, JEHA(D) 2J 38
THOU H1 24 Pacific

On 6th draw, TRAINMAN E4 90 --- TRAINMAN a railroad employee [n]
Other moves: JARINA 2J 33, INARM 5C 32, AMIA 5C 27, AMIN 5C 27, AMIR 5C 27
MAIN G12 15 Pacific

On 7th draw, AWEING 8A 33 --- AWE to inspire with awe (reverential fear) [v]
Other tops: AWE F9 33, TAWING 8A 33, TEWING 8A 33, WAITE F10 33, WITING 8A 33
Other moves: WAGE F10 31, AW F9 30, WAG F10 30, WAIT F10 30, WATE F10 30
WITING 8A 33 Pacific

On 8th draw, INVOK(E) 2B 46 --- INVOKE to appeal to for help [v]
Other moves: MINK 4L 41, MONK 4L 41, M*cK 4L 39, MI(L)K 4L 39, MI(N)K 4L 39
JOM(O)N 2J 34 moonmonkey, HollyIvy
WOK(E)N B8 21 Pacific

On 9th draw, PROFILES 13A 78 --- PROFILE to draw an outline of [v]
Other moves: PROUL H1 34, FOP 1G 30, PILFER D10 30, PREFILE L1 30, PREIFS 13C 30
FOP 4L 29 HollyIvy
FIRE 4L 29 Mycophot
OPE 1A 21 Pacific

On 10th draw, ODOUR H1 32 --- ODOUR smell [n]
Other tops: UNTHRONED C1 32
Other moves: TROUT H1 28, UNTHRONE C1 24, UPDO A12 24, UDO 12B 23, DORT 4L 21
TROUT H1 28 Pacific
GOD F8 20 Mycophot

On 11th draw, TARPON A10 27 --- TARPON a marine game fish [n]
Other tops: NONPAR A10 27
Other moves: LOGAN F6 24, NONFAT D10 24, NOPAL A11 24, OPAL A12 21, ANON 14D 19
NOPAL A11 24 Pacific

On 12th draw, DICH 4L 37 --- DICH do it [interj]
Other moves: CHIDE G9 35, HEID 4L 33, HIED 4L 33, TECH 4L 33, TICH 4L 33
CHE 1A 31 Mycophot
CHI 1A 31 moonmonkey
HE G9 22 Pacific

On 13th draw, HYLEG O4 36 --- HYLEG the ruling planet at the hour of birth [n]
Other moves: IFFY D12 34, GEY F8 32, GELLY F10 30, YELL F10 30, IFFY D11 28
GEY F8 32 moonmonkey, HollyIvy
YE F10 28 Pacific

On 14th draw, ENZYM 12H 38 --- ENZYM a complex protein [n]
Other tops: MAZY 6D 38, ZAMAN 6B 38
Other moves: MANLY F10 36, MATZA 10G 36, GAMY F8 35, ZA 1A 35, MAZY N7 33
GAY F8 32 HollyIvy
YA F10 28 Pacific

On 15th draw, VALET M9 44 --- VALET to act as a personal servant to [v]
Other moves: GAVEL M9 42, TALAQ 6B 36, VEGA M11 36, AGLET M9 34, AVEL M10 34
VALET M9 44 queen66, LLLLLL1118
GAVEL M9 42 Pacific

On 16th draw, CUNEI 14J 35 --- CUNEUS part of the cerebral cortex [n]
Other moves: GERNE B11 23, NIECE 14K 23, RUNE 12A 22, CINE 14J 21, GUILE F10 21
CINE 14J 21 queen66
ZEE J12 14 Pacific

On 17th draw, GOX F8 56 --- GOX gaseous oxygen [n]
Other moves: XI N10 52, EXO 1A 41, EX 9B 39, OX 9B 39, EX 1A 36
GOX F8 56 queen66
FAX 10L 29 Pacific

On 18th draw, FIEF D10 35 --- FIEF a feudal estate [n]
Other moves: FELT 11K 34, TEFF D10 32, TIFF D10 32, TERF B11 28, PFFT D12 26
FIEF D10 35 queen66
QI 1B 24 Pacific

On 19th draw, BULGE 11K 34 --- BULGE to swell out [v]
Other moves: BELT 11K 30, BEL 11K 28, UPBY K9 22, JUG 2J 18, UPBEAT 6A 18
BULGE 11K 34 queen66
AB 10M 10 Pacific

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