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Game on Mars 20, 2022 at 19:03, 5 players
1. 434 pts Pacific
2. 190 pts queen66
3. 160 pts HollyIvy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aciilst   H7    74    74   italics
 2. aehorrs  12C    76   150   horsecar
 3. deiilmv   F5    74   224   midlives
 4. aceghot   8A    42   266   thecal
 5. ??aefnz   5D   130   396   feminazi
 6. eeilrtx   4K    41   437   telex
 7. adeioor   O3    45   482   exordia
 8. aenoquw   H1    45   527   quean
 9. ilnootu   4A    24   551   nooit
10. eimrsvw   K7    38   589   wivers
11. eggortw  13A    31   620   grow
12. alnstuu   L1    27   647   aunes
13. aefmnot  J10    39   686   foram
14. adegjnp  A10    54   740   jagged
15. deeinnu   N9    72   812   ennuied
16. bioprty  15L    39   851   body
17. bginopt   M9    38   889   point
18. gklrtuy   1K    36   925   kaury

Remaining tiles: bglpt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5923 FilePacific     2 20:27  -491  434     1.7739 queen66     3  5:56  -735  190 
  2.7739 Filequeen66     3  5:56  -735  190     2.7767 HollyIvy    2  5:57  -765  160 
  3.7767 FileHollyIvy    2  5:57  -765  160     3.7923 Mycophot    3  4:39  -766  159 
  4.7923 FileMycophot    3  4:39  -766  159            Group: novice
  5.  -  FileJJJJJJ1126  1  1:56  -871   54     1.5923 Pacific     2 20:27  -491  434 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  JJJJJJ1126  1  1:56  -871   54 

On 1st draw, ITALICS H7 74 --- ITALIC a style of print [n]
Other moves: ITALICS H2 70, ITALICS H3 70, ITALICS H4 70, ITALICS H6 70, ITALICS H8 70
CIST H8 12 Pacific

On 2nd draw, HORSECAR 12C 76 --- HORSECAR a streetcar drawn by a horse [n]
Other moves: HOARSER I3 74, SHARERS 13H 28, SHORERS 13H 28, RASH G6 26, RHEA G6 26
CHORES 12H 22 Pacific

On 3rd draw, MIDLIVES F5 74 --- MIDLIFE middle age [n]
Other moves: DEVILISM F6 70, IMIDE 13A 31, VIDE 13B 31, DIME 13A 30, DIME 13B 30
VIRED E10 18 Pacific

On 4th draw, THECAL 8A 42 --- THECA a protective anatomical covering [adj] --- THECAL resembling a theca [adj]
Other moves: GOTCHA E1 40, CHAO E4 37, CHEGOE 11A 36, TACHO E2 36, ECHO E3 34
SHE 13H 21 Pacific

On 5th draw, FEM(I)NAZ(I) 5D 130 --- FEMINAZI a woman who has an irrational and extreme hatred of men -- a derogatory term [n]
Other moves: (I)NFAM(I)ZE 5B 90, FANZ(I)(N)E G1 78, FA(N)Z(I)NE G1 78, FA(N)Z(I)NE I2 74, (G)EN(I)ZAH B2 74
HAZE B8 36 Pacific

On 6th draw, TELEX 4K 41 --- TELEX to send a message by a type of telegraphic system [v]
Other tops: ILEX 13A 41, TEX I7 41, TIX I7 41
Other moves: EX 9B 39, LEX 13B 39, REX 13B 39, TEX 13B 39, TIX 13B 39
TEX I7 41 Pacific

On 7th draw, EXORDIA O3 45 --- EXORDIUM a beginning [n]
Other moves: EXODOI O3 42, ORIXA O1 36, DARE 3L 28, DEAIR 4A 28, DERO 3L 28
OXIDE O3 13 Pacific

On 8th draw, QUEAN H1 45 --- QUEAN a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: WAQF D2 38, QUA 6B 37, QUA 13A 34, QUEEN N1 32, WANE 4A 32
AQUA 9L 23 Pacific

On 9th draw, NOOIT 4A 24 --- NOOIT (South Africa) expressing pleased or shocked surprise [interj]
Other tops: UNLIT 4A 24
Other moves: LOTI 6I 23, LOTO 6I 23, NOLO 6I 23, TOLU 6I 23, UNTIL 10K 23
QUILT 1H 15 Pacific

On 10th draw, WIVERS K7 38 --- WIVER in heraldry, a dragon with wings, the tail of a snake and two legs [n]
Other moves: SWEIRS 13H 37, VERISM K8 36, VERMIS K7 36, VIEWS K8 36, WIVES K8 36
WIVERS K7 38 HollyIvy, Mycophot, queen66
WHIMS C11 26 Pacific

On 11th draw, GROW 13A 31 --- GROW to cultivate [v]
Other tops: GREW 13A 31
Other moves: WERO J10 30, WERT J10 30, W*G 3B 30, WORE J10 30, WORT J10 30
GROW 13A 31 queen66, Mycophot
GREW 13A 31 HollyIvy
WRONG A1 27 Pacific

On 12th draw, AUNES L1 27 --- AUNE measure of length [n]
Other tops: ANTES L1 27, LANES L1 27, LUNES L1 27, LUTES L1 27, NATES L1 27, TALES L1 27, TULES L1 27, TUNES L1 27
Other moves: ALES L2 25, ANES L2 25, ATES L2 25, LEST L3 25, LUES L2 25
SAL 10M 21 HollyIvy
SQUAT 1G 14 Pacific

On 13th draw, FORAM J10 39 --- FORAM a marine protozoan [n]
Other moves: FORMAT J10 36, FORME J10 35, FORANE J10 34, FEM I7 33, FORTE J10 33
FORMAT J10 36 HollyIvy, queen66, Mycophot
MEANT A1 21 Pacific

On 14th draw, JAGGED A10 54 --- JAGGED having a sharply uneven edge or surface [adj]
Other moves: JAPED 1K 45, G*DJ* 1K 42, JAPAN 1K 42, GANJA 1K 39, JAPED N1 37
JAGGED A10 54 Mycophot, JJJJJJ1126
JEAN A1 33 Pacific

On 15th draw, ENNUIED N9 72 --- ENNUI to bore [v]
Other moves: INDUE 3B 28, INDENE N1 27, DENI I7 25, ERNED E11 25, ERNE E11 21
DEE 11D 19 queen66
DEEN A1 15 Pacific

On 16th draw, BODY 15L 39 --- BODY to give form to [v]
Other moves: BOOTY B2 36, ROOPY B2 36, POINTY A1 33, POUTY 2J 32, ROOTY B2 32
BODY 15L 39 queen66, Pacific

On 17th draw, POINT M9 38 --- POINT to indicate direction with the finger [v]
Other moves: TOING M9 30, BIG 3B 27, BOG 3B 27, PIG 3B 27, GOBO M12 25
PIG 3B 27 queen66
BOING A1 24 Pacific

On 18th draw, KAURY 1K 36 --- KAURY a timber tree [n]
Other tops: LARKY 1K 36, TALKY 1K 36
Other moves: GLORY B2 34, KY 3B 34, ALKY 1L 33, TYG 3B 33, GLAURY 1J 30
GLORY B2 34 Pacific, HollyIvy

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