Game on Mars 24, 2022 at 15:54, 6 players
1. 255 pts Mycophot
2. 209 pts queen66
3. 201 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 26 26 


G4 78 104 


H1 36 140 


F9 71 211 


15A 149 360 


14H 76 436 


O8 90 526 


5G 33 559 


I5 50 609 


2C 70 679 


3A 30 709 


1A 41 750 


13M 43 793 


A3 33 826 


K9 34 860 


L8 28 888 


N9 33 921 


1J 42 963 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Mycophot 2 4:37 -708 255 1.7875 Mycophot 2 4:37 -708 255
queen66 2 3:50 -754 209 2.7816 queen66 2 3:50 -754 209
moonmonkey 1 3:47 -762 201 3.7783 moonmonkey 1 3:47 -762 201
sicilianc5 1 1:20 -899 64 4.7628 sicilianc5 1 1:20 -899 64
5. -
YYYYYY1119 1 1:20 -937 26 Group: not rated
6. -
SSSSSS1111 1 1:46 -937 26 1. - YYYYYY1119 1 1:20 -937 26
2. - SSSSSS1111 1 1:46 -937 26
On 1st draw, EASILY H7 26 --- EASILY without difficulty [adv]
Other tops: AERILY H7 26, AYRIES H3 26, RELAYS H8 26
Other moves: AIERY H8 24, ARSEY H8 24, EARLY H8 24, LAIRY H8 24, LEARY H8 24
On 2nd draw, OVERDUB G4 78 --- OVERDUB to add sound to an existing recording [v]
Other moves: OVERDUB G1 74, OVERDUBS 9A 68, BOULDER 11E 40, OVERBUY 12B 30, OVERBY 12C 28
On 3rd draw, HOVE H1 36 --- HEAVE to lift forcefully [v] --- HOVE to swell [v]
Other moves: HE F6 29, HO F6 29, HOVE I5 28, HELO H1 27, HERN H1 27
HOVE H1 36 moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66
On 4th draw, SOLANIN F9 71 --- SOLANIN a poisonous alkaloid [n]
Other moves: LANOLINS 11H 66, SILVAN 5D 29, NIVAL 5E 27, NOVAS 5E 27, SILVA 5D 27
SLAIN 11G 24 queen66, Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 5th draw, LUCARNES 15A 149 --- LUCARNE a type of window [n]
Other moves: CAROUSEL 2E 64, AURICLES 14C 62, CENSUAL 15D 36, LACUNES 15B 36, CANERS 15D 33
LUCARNES 15A 99 moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66
On 6th draw, OUTSTAY 14H 76 --- OUTSTAY to surpass in staying power [v]
Other moves: VASTY 5G 33, YA F6 29, YO F6 29, YU F6 29, VATUS 5G 27
On 7th draw, DERIDE(S) O8 90 --- DERIDE to ridicule [v]
Other moves: HI(N)DERED 1H 89, DIEDRE(S) O8 87, (M)OIDERED 2G 76, DE(N)DRITE L8 74, REDDIE(S)T L7 70
On 8th draw, VAG(R)OM 5G 33 --- VAGROM wandering [adj]
Other moves: MUGWO(R)T L8 30, V(R)OUW 5G 30, W(H)AMO N6 30, MU(R)VA 5D 29, WO F6 29
On 9th draw, GAZE I5 50 --- GAZE to look intently [v]
Other moves: WANZE 4K 49, ZANTE 4K 49, WANZE 6K 46, WINZE 6K 46, ZATI 4K 45
GAZE I5 50 queen66
On 10th draw, HEMATOID 2C 70 --- HEMATOID resembling blood [adj]
Other moves: THAIM 4K 42, MEATH 4K 40, MEITH 4K 40, HAMED 4K 39, HAEM 4L 38
THAIM 4K 42 moonmonkey
On 11th draw, TRITON 3A 30 --- TRITON a marine mollusk [n]
Other moves: BIRO 3B 28, BITO 3B 28, IRON 3C 26, BORN 4K 24, BORT 4K 24
BORN 4K 24 Mycophot
On 12th draw, NEAP 1A 41 --- NEAP a tide of lowest range [n] --- NEAP to tend towards the tide of the smallest range [v]
Other moves: FAP 1A 32, FOP 1A 32, PEAN 1A 31, PIAN 1A 31, NAP 4C 29
PAN 4C 29 Mycophot
On 13th draw, JOE 13M 43 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other moves: JONG 4K 41, JOG 4K 39, JOIN 4K 39, JOL 4K 37, JOR 4K 37
JOE 13M 43 Mycophot
On 14th draw, TINKER A3 33 --- TINKER to repair in an unskilled or experimental manner [v]
Other moves: KEG 4K 30, KEIR 4K 30, KERN 4K 30, KEN 4K 28, KERNING 13A 28
KEG 4K 30 sicilianc5
On 15th draw, QIBLAS K9 34 --- QIBLA the direction Muslims face when praying [n]
Other moves: NIQAB 5A 32, QIBLA 12B 32, QIBLA D11 32, OBITAL 1J 30, BALTI 4K 28
QIBLAS K9 34 sicilianc5
On 16th draw, RIFE L8 28 --- RIFE abundant [adj]
Other moves: FEGARY 12C 26, TURFING 13A 26, GIF L8 25, FETING 13B 24, FEUING 13B 24
On 17th draw, FOX N9 33 --- FOX to outwit [v]
Other moves: NOX 4K 30, TUX 4K 30, OX B6 28, NOX N9 27, TUX N9 27
On 18th draw, INCEPT 1J 42 --- INCEPT to take into the body [v]
Other moves: GENIC 4K 33, GENIP 4K 33, EPIC 4L 30, ETIC 4L 26, NEPIT 4K 26
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