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Game on Mars 25, 2022 at 15:01, 1 player
1. 60 pts JJJJJJ1126

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aimqrst   H8    26    26   qats
 2. aeiiruv   I7    28    54   vire
 3. ahinoru  11B    20    74   unhairs
 4. deenosz   C7    56   130   enzoned
 5. ?aclnou   D1    74   204   courlan
 6. aaelosy   8A    34   238   yens
 7. ?adeilu   1A   140   378   dulcinea
 8. eknnosy  12A    42   420   knees
 9. aclortw   3C    86   506   outcrawl
10. abiiins  B10    41   547   bunias
11. adelotv   5D    98   645   lavolted
12. ehimnrt   6J    37   682   hitmen
13. abenoop  A12    36   718   kane
14. dgimoor   O1    42   760   dooming
15. eefipry  J10    41   801   fiery
16. aefgttu   K8    28   829   tuft
17. aeggipr  13I    28   857   prigger
18. abeijor  N10    60   917   jiber
19. aeoopwx  10E    53   970   ax

Remaining tiles: eoopw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  FileJJJJJJ1126  1  1:13  -910   60     1.  -  JJJJJJ1126  1  1:13  -910   60 

On 1st draw, QATS H8 26 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: QATS H5 26, QATS H6 26, QATS H7 26
Other moves: QAT H6 24, QAT H7 24, QAT H8 24, QIS H6 24, QIS H7 24

On 2nd draw, VIRE I7 28 --- VIRE to transfer funds [v]
Other tops: VIAE I7 28
Other moves: VAIRE I6 26, VIA I7 25, VIE I7 25, VAIR I6 23, AQUIVER 8G 20

On 3rd draw, UNHAIRS 11B 20 --- UNHAIR to remove the hair from [v]
Other tops: SOUARI 11H 20
Other moves: HATER 10F 18, HOTEN 10F 18, HOURIS 11C 18, RAHUIS 11C 18, RHINOS 11C 18

On 4th draw, ENZONED C7 56 --- ENZONE to engirdle [v]
Other moves: ENZONES C7 54, ZONED C9 50, ZONES C9 48, DZHOS D9 36, ZINES F10 36

On 5th draw, COU(R)LAN D1 74 --- COURLAN a wading bird [n]
Other tops: CO(R)NUAL D1 74
Other moves: (I)NOCULA D2 73, COU(R)LAN B1 72, (I)NOCULA B1 72, UN(V)OCAL D1 70, (I)NOCULA D1 68

On 6th draw, YENS 8A 34 --- YEN to yearn [v]
Other tops: LOOEYS 2B 34
Other moves: CLOYES 1D 33, COLEYS 1D 33, LOOEY 2B 32, SOOEY 2B 32, YOS 10B 32

On 7th draw, DULCI(N)EA 1A 140 --- DULCINEA a sweetheart [n]
Other moves: CAUDI(C)LE 1D 80, DECI(D)UAL 1B 80, (D)ECIDUAL 1B 80, DEA(S)IUL J9 70, U(N)ALLIED 5A 66

On 8th draw, KNEES 12A 42 --- KNEE to strike with the knee (a joint of the leg) [v]
Other moves: KUNE B10 39, KNEE 12A 38, KETE 10F 36, KUE B10 35, YESK 2F 35

On 9th draw, OUTCRAWL 3C 86 --- OUTCRAWL to surpass in crawling [v]
Other moves: TWAL J9 32, TWA J9 31, TWO J9 31, COTWAL J10 30, CROTAL 10A 30

On 10th draw, BUNIAS B10 41 --- BUNIA a Hindu merchant [n]
Other moves: BUNAS B10 39, BUNIA B10 39, KABS A12 30, *B*S 10A 29, BASIN K1 28

On 11th draw, LAVOLTED 5D 98 --- LAVOLT to dance with much leaping and turning [v]
Other moves: SOLVATED 15B 89, KADE A12 40, KALE A12 36, SALVOED 15B 36, SOLVATE 15B 33

On 12th draw, HITMEN 6J 37 --- HITMAN a professional killer [n]
Other tops: HERMIT 6J 37, MEITH 6J 37, MIRTH 6J 37
Other moves: HEMIN 6J 36, HINTER 6J 35, THETE 10E 34, HERM 6J 33, HEM 6J 32

On 13th draw, KANE A12 36 --- KANE a tax paid in produce or livestock [n]
Other moves: BONNE O4 30, PANNE O4 30, PENNA O4 30, POTEEN 10F 28, NANOBE O4 27

On 14th draw, DOOMING O1 42 --- DOOM to destine to an unhappy fate [v]
Other moves: ROOMING O1 39, DORMIN O1 36, DROMON O1 36, MONDO O4 33, MONGO O4 33

On 15th draw, FIERY J10 41 --- FIERY intensely hot [adj]
Other moves: YFERE J9 39, FEYER J10 35, FEY 7K 33, PYE N2 33, FIERE J10 32

On 16th draw, TUFT K8 28 --- TUFT to form into tufts (clusters of flexible outgrowths attached at the base) [v]
Other moves: AFT K9 26, EFT K9 26, FAE K11 26, FRATE 13I 24, FA K11 22

On 17th draw, PRIGGER 13I 28 --- PRIGGER a thief [n]
Other tops: PRIMAGE M3 28
Other moves: GRAMP M3 26, PYGARG 14I 26, GRAPIER 13I 24, PIA N2 24, PIE N2 24

On 18th draw, JIBER N10 60 --- JIBER one that jibes [n]
Other moves: JOE N2 44, JIRRE O11 39, JO N2 38, BAJREE N9 34, BAJREE N8 31

On 19th draw, AX 10E 53 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: EX 10E 53
Other moves: REX O13 32, WEXE N3 32, AREW O12 31, OWE 4G 29, WOE N2 28

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