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Game on Mars 25, 2022 at 21:55, 5 players
1. 508 pts Pacific
2. 136 pts queen66
3. 126 pts moonmonkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bcdlosu   H4    24    24   clouds
 2. ahiiopt   9F    68    92   hospitia
 3. ehlmnot   M3    78   170   hotelman
 4. degiorr  10A    72   242   grodier
 5. eeilnos   D3    70   312   lesioned
 6. benoqst   N2    31   343   bones
 7. ??abetu   A8   140   483   baguette
 8. aeiiist   O1    29   512   sate
 9. efimrtz   C9    53   565   fozier
10. adegkrx  D12    38   603   drek
11. adepuvx   C3    45   648   apex
12. aaortuy  N10    47   695   yaourt
13. aadenwy   L1    46   741   yawn
14. defijmn   O8    46   787   fiend
15. ailrtuv   1G    36   823   vaulty
16. agijnor  15L    57   880   jato
17. cegiirv  11G    25   905   civie
18. agginqr  15D    30   935   kaing

Remaining tiles: gmqrw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6037 FilePacific     3 14:41  -427  508     1.7883 queen66     2  2:58  -799  136 
  2.7883 Filequeen66     2  2:58  -799  136     2.7788 moonmonkey  2  5:51  -809  126 
  3.7788 Filemoonmonkey  2  5:51  -809  126     3.7645 HollyIvy    2  4:28  -826  109 
  4.7645 FileHollyIvy    2  4:28  -826  109            Group: intermediate
  5.  -  FileJJJJJJ1126  1  1:53  -878   57     1.6037 Pacific     3 14:41  -427  508 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  JJJJJJ1126  1  1:53  -878   57 

On 1st draw, CLOUDS H4 24 --- CLOUD to cover with clouds (masses of visible vapor) [v]
Other tops: BLOCS H4 24, CLUBS H4 24
Other moves: BOLDS H4 22, BUDOS H4 22, CLODS H4 22, CLOUD H4 22, CLOUDS H8 22
CLOUDS H4 24 Pacific

On 2nd draw, HOSPITIA 9F 68 --- HOSPITIA places of shelter [n] --- HOSPITIUM a nursing home for the terminally ill [n]
Other moves: OPAH I6 37, PAH I7 34, POH I7 34, PHAT I6 33, PHOT I6 33
PAH I7 34 Pacific

On 3rd draw, HOTELMAN M3 78 --- HOTELMAN a hotel manager [n]
Other moves: MOLEHUNT 7C 71, METHANOL M5 64, HELM 8L 50, METH 8L 45, HELO 8L 44
THEM 8L 38 Pacific

On 4th draw, GRODIER 10A 72 --- GRODY sleazy [adj]
Other moves: GEOID N2 38, GORED N2 38, GODLIER 5E 36, RORID N2 36, DROGER L1 35
GIRO N2 19 Pacific

On 5th draw, LESIONED D3 70 --- LESION an abnormal change in the structure of an organ or tissue [adj] --- LESION to cause an abnormal change in the structure of an organ [v] --- LESIONED having a lesion [adj]
Other tops: ESLOINED D3 70
Other moves: NOSELITE K3 66, ELOINERS B4 60, OILMEN 8J 34, ELMEN 8K 29, LEONES N1 29
SINGLE A7 24 Pacific

On 6th draw, BONES N2 31 --- BONE to debone [v]
Other tops: BESOT N2 31, BOETS L1 31
Other moves: BONNES 8A 30, BONNET 8A 30, BOSTON C9 29, BOTONE C9 29, BEGOT A8 27
BEGOT A8 27 Pacific

On 7th draw, BAGUET(T)(E) A8 140 --- BAGUETTE a rectangular gemstone [n]
Other tops: BAGUE(T)T(E) A8 140
Other moves: BAGU(E)T(T)E A8 131, BAGU(E)(T)TE A8 131, BU(R)(S)ATE L1 87, (S)U(R)BATE L1 87, TABOU(L)E(H) C7 86
BATE(S) O1 37 Pacific

On 8th draw, SATE O1 29 --- SATE to satisfy to capacity [v]
Other tops: AITS O1 29, EATS O1 29, SITE O1 29, TAES O1 29, TAIS O1 29, TEAS O1 29, TIES O1 29
Other moves: AMIE 8L 24, AMIS 8L 24, SMIT 8L 24, AITS L1 22, ATES O2 22
TIES O1 29 Pacific

On 9th draw, FOZIER C9 53 --- FOZY lacking in freshness [adj]
Other moves: FORZE C9 51, RITZ C4 50, ZERO C7 50, FRITZ 6B 45, MIZ 8M 42
FRIZE J7 37 Pacific

On 10th draw, DREK D12 38 --- DREK rubbish [n]
Other moves: MAX 8M 36, DRAKE 11E 35, DREK 11E 33, AXED C1 31, RADIX J6 31
MAX 8M 36 Pacific

On 11th draw, APEX C3 45 --- APEX the highest point [n]
Other moves: EAUX C3 39, MAX 8M 36, MUX 8M 36, DUPE L4 34, EXUVIA J5 34
MAX 8M 36 Pacific

On 12th draw, YAOURT N10 47 --- YAOURT food made from fermented milk [n]
Other moves: YARTA N10 45, YARTO N10 45, YOURT N10 45, YURTA N10 45, KAURY 15D 36
MAY 8M 24 Pacific

On 13th draw, YAWN L1 46 --- YAWN to open the mouth wide with a deep inhalation of air [v]
Other moves: WAYED O7 45, YAWED O7 45, WANEY O7 44, WYTE 15L 42, KANDY 15D 39
YATE 15L 33 Pacific

On 14th draw, FIEND O8 46 --- FIEND a demon [n]
Other moves: KNIFED 15D 42, DEIFY 1H 36, EDIFY 1H 36, FENDY 1H 36, FENNY 10J 36
FIEND O8 46 queen66, HollyIvy, moonmonkey
MITE 15L 27 Pacific

On 15th draw, VAULTY 1G 36 --- VAULTY resembling an arched ceiling [adj]
Other moves: VAIRY 1H 33, VATU 15L 33, VITA 15L 33, ARTILY 1G 27, KAURI 15D 27
VITA 15L 33 moonmonkey, HollyIvy, queen66
VIA 2J 14 Pacific

On 16th draw, JATO 15L 57 --- JATO a takeoff aided by jet propulsion [n]
Other tops: JOTA 15L 57
Other moves: JANITOR K5 56, KANJI 15D 48, JAGIR J6 31, GAIJIN J7 30, JIAO B1 30
JOTA 15L 57 queen66, JJJJJJ1126
JAPER 4A 22 Pacific

On 17th draw, CIVIE 11G 25 --- CIVIE a civilian [n]
Other moves: VITRIC K7 22, CIVET K5 20, EVICT K5 20, ICER E10 19, CIVIE J6 18
GIVER J8 17 Pacific
CIVE J8 17 moonmonkey

On 18th draw, KAING 15D 30 --- KA to serve [v]
Other tops: KIANG 15D 30, KRANG 15D 30
Other moves: QUAG 7G 25, QUAIR 7G 25, QUINA 7G 25, QI 8J 24, QUAI 7G 24
KRANG 15D 30 Pacific, moonmonkey, HollyIvy

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