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Game on Mars 30, 2022 at 20:53, 7 players
1. 443 pts Pacific
2. 178 pts roocatcher
3. 128 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?elorxy   H4    46    46   xylose
 2. airstty  10B    86   132   yttrias
 3. aeflorz   G5    58   190   faze
 4. abeesuw   F6    33   223   ba
 5. aaklmou   E8    24   247   karamu
 6. egiinos  12A    76   323   ignomies
 7. aeintuu   4H    24   347   xenia
 8. befnopu   3I    27   374   fop
 9. egiortw   C7    32   406   towting
10. jnorrtu   B6    30   436   jun
11. cdeorst   K1    78   514   depictors
12. ?diotuv  13H    80   594   oviduct
13. eilnosw   8A    48   642   snowk
14. abeeilr   N7    74   716   liberate
15. aeinoqt   O6    44   760   qat
16. aceilpr   1F    92   852   placider
17. deehlnr   2J    35   887   reheel
18. deehino  15L    48   935   hide
19. ennoruv   2A    28   963   unrove

Remaining tiles: dgmnno

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6154 FilePacific     0 14:53  -520  443     1.7014 roocatcher  1  6:23  -785  178 
  2.7014 Fileroocatcher  1  6:23  -785  178     2.7534 sunshine12  1  5:30  -835  128 
  3.7534 Filesunshine12  1  5:30  -835  128     3.7761 GLOBEMAN    1  5:33  -862  101 
  4.7761 FileGLOBEMAN    1  5:33  -862  101     4.7238 mousecat    1  0:56  -915   48 
  5.  -  FileJohubeca    0  3:44  -913   50     5.7435 WEASEL      1  1:58  -915   48 
  6.7238 Filemousecat    1  0:56  -915   48            Group: intermediate
  7.7435 FileWEASEL      1  1:58  -915   48     1.6154 Pacific     0 14:53  -520  443 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Johubeca    0  3:44  -913   50 

On 1st draw, XYLO(S)E H4 46 --- XYLOSE a type of sugar [n]
Other tops: OXY(M)EL H3 46, (P)EROXY H8 46
Other moves: XYLE(M) H4 44, XYLO(L) H4 44, XY(L)OL H4 44, (P)YREX H8 44, L(U)REX H8 38
(P)ROXY H8 36 Pacific

On 2nd draw, YTTRIAS 10B 86 --- YTTRIA a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: YTTRIAS I7 79, YTTRIAS G9 74, STRAITLY 6B 65, TASTY 10F 34, STYRAX 4C 32
TASTY 10F 34 Pacific

On 3rd draw, FAZE G5 58 --- FAZE to disturb the composure of [v]
Other moves: FEZ G5 56, ZOEAL G7 50, ZOEA G7 49, AZO G6 46, ZEAL 9G 45
ZA G7 43 Pacific

On 4th draw, BA F6 33 --- BA the eternal soul, in Egyptian mythology [n]
Other moves: BASE I6 31, SAB F6 28, EASE I6 27, BAS I6 26, BEEFY 5D 26
BEEFY 5D 26 Pacific
BREW E9 18 Johubeca

On 5th draw, KARAMU E8 24 --- KARAMU a small New Zealand tree with glossy leaves and orange fruit [n]
Other tops: YOKUL B10 24
Other moves: LAURA E7 23, AMATOL D7 22, ATOKAL C9 22, KAME(S) 8D 22, KARMA E8 22
MA 9B 15 Pacific
KA 9A 11 Johubeca

On 6th draw, IGNOMIES 12A 76 --- IGNOMY loss of one's good name [n]
Other moves: SNOEK 8A 30, IONISE 14A 29, NOISE 14B 27, ENS I6 26, SOIGNE 14E 24
EGOS 14B 23 Pacific
SINGE 14E 21 Johubeca

On 7th draw, XENIA 4H 24 --- XENIA the effect of pollen on certain plant structures [n]
Other moves: EN I6 23, UN I6 23, AUTUNITE C8 18, AUE 11A 15, AZOTE 7F 15

On 8th draw, FOP 3I 27 --- FOP to deceive [v]
Other tops: FOB 3I 27, FUB 3I 27
Other moves: FOB 13G 26, FOP 13G 26, PUBE 3I 26, ENUF 13C 25, FEN 5K 24
BOP 3I 23 Pacific

On 9th draw, TOWTING C7 32 --- TOWT to pout [v]
Other tops: ROWTING C7 32, WETTING C7 32, WOTTING C7 32
Other moves: TWIER 5K 31, TWIG 5K 31, TWIRE 5K 31, TWOER 5K 31, GREW 5K 30
GROW 5K 30 Pacific

On 10th draw, JUN B6 30 --- JUN a coin of North Korea [n]
Other tops: JUT B6 30, TRONK 8A 30
Other moves: JOY B8 27, JUNTO D3 26, YOGURT B10 25, OURN 5J 23, UN I6 23
JOY B8 27 Pacific

On 11th draw, DEPICTORS K1 78 --- DEPICTOR one that depicts [n]
Other moves: CONSORTED J2 74, ESCORTED 9H 63, COSTED M2 35, SCROD 5J 35, SCROTE 5J 35
COSTED M2 35 Pacific
TECS 5K 24 roocatcher

On 12th draw, OVIDU(C)T 13H 80 --- OVIDUCT a tube through which ova travel from an ovary [n]
Other moves: OUTVI(E)D L9 76, OUTVI(E)D 13H 74, OVIDU(C)T L9 74, OUTVI(E)D J8 70, OVIDU(C)T J9 70
DIVOT 1K 30 Pacific
DIV(E)D 1G 27 roocatcher

On 13th draw, SNOWK 8A 48 --- SNOWK to prowl or sneak about [v]
Other moves: OWSEN O11 47, WEELS 2J 46, WEENS 2J 46, WEILS 2J 46, WEISE 2J 46
WINDLES 1H 36 Pacific
SOW O13 29 roocatcher

On 14th draw, LIBERATE N7 74 --- LIBERATE to set free [v]
Other moves: BELIER 2J 39, BEARE 2J 37, BELAR 2J 37, BELEE 2J 37, BELIE 2J 37
BRIDLE 1H 30 Pacific, roocatcher

On 15th draw, QAT O6 44 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAID 1H 42, OATEN O8 35, QAT 14F 35, TINEA O8 35, ATONE O7 31
QAT O6 44 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
QI 12J 25 Pacific

On 16th draw, PLACIDER 1F 92 --- PLACID calm or peaceful [adj]
Other moves: REPLICA M1 91, CEILER 2J 39, CEREAL 2J 39, CERIA 2J 37, PLICA M3 37
CRAPED 1F 33 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
CRADLE 1H 30 Pacific

On 17th draw, REHEEL 2J 35 --- HEEL to supply with a heel (the raised part of a shoe) [v] --- REHEEL to replace the heels of [v]
Other moves: EDH 15M 33, REDE 15L 30, RELEND 2J 28, HIDER A11 27, HIRED A11 27
HIRED A11 27 sunshine12

On 18th draw, HIDE 15L 48 --- HIDE to conceal [v] --- HIDE to flog [v]
Other moves: EDH 15M 33, EIDE 15L 30, NIDE 15L 30, NODE 15L 30, NODI 15L 30
HIDE 15L 48 mousecat, WEASEL

On 19th draw, UNROVE 2A 28 --- UNREEVE to withdraw a rope from an opening [v]
Other moves: VROUW D4 25, RIVEN A11 24, VINER A11 24, VIREO A11 24, EN I6 23
VINER A11 24 roocatcher
RIVEN A11 24 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

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