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Game on Mars 31, 2022 at 17:22, 5 players
1. 294 pts Pacific
2. 118 pts moonmonkey
3. 82 pts queen66

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adeelu   H6    68    68   aemuled
 2. adehmos   9C    69   137   madhouse
 3. ceegnot   8A    34   171   ctene
 4. ?dijtuv  10B    37   208   juts
 5. aegilno  12A    74   282   galenoid
 6. addgist   K4    33   315   gaddis
 7. aaaertw  13B    31   346   water
 8. aehnorz   L1    52   398   zero
 9. aaceknu  14A    60   458   uncake
10. imnoprt   2G    78   536   orpiment
11. bbeinrv   1D    46   582   bribe
12. afhituy   3C    42   624   faith
13. egiinnr   M4    64   688   reining
14. afloosv   4A    35   723   foals
15. looruvy   A1    33   756   roofy
16. alopsxy   8K    60   816   ixias
17. eiilotw  N10    25   841   owlet
18. ipquvvy   J9    36   877   equip

Remaining tiles: ivvy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6106 FilePacific     2 11:15  -583  294     1.7824 moonmonkey  1  2:49  -759  118 
  2.7824 Filemoonmonkey  1  2:49  -759  118     2.7835 queen66     0  1:39  -795   82 
  3.7835 Filequeen66     0  1:39  -795   82     3.7714 Mycophot    0  1:56  -795   82 
  4.7714 FileMycophot    0  1:56  -795   82            Group: intermediate
  5.  -  FileKKKKKK1117  0  1:53  -820   57     1.6106 Pacific     2 11:15  -583  294 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  KKKKKK1117  0  1:53  -820   57 

On 1st draw, AE(M)ULED H6 68 --- AEMULE to emulate [v]
Other tops: DE(V)ALUE H4 68, E(Q)UALED H6 68, LEA(G)UED H6 68
Other moves: AE(M)ULED H3 66, AE(M)ULED H4 66, AE(M)ULED H7 66, AE(M)ULED H8 66, DE(V)ALUE H3 66

On 2nd draw, MADHOUSE 9C 69 --- MADHOUSE an insane asylum [n]
Other moves: HAMOSE I7 42, HAMED G7 40, HOMED G7 40, OEDEMAS 11E 40, HOMAS I7 38

On 3rd draw, CTENE 8A 34 --- CTENE a comb-like swimming organ [n]
Other moves: OGEE 8A 25, OGEE 10C 24, CAGOT D8 22, COAGENT D7 22, CONGEED 12B 22

On 4th draw, JUT(S) 10B 37 --- JUT to protrude [v]
Other moves: JIVED J6 36, J(I)VED J6 35, JUT 10B 34, JIVED 11E 32, JIVED E5 32

On 5th draw, GALENOID 12A 74 --- GALENOID pertaining to galena [adj]
Other moves: ENGAOL 8J 29, JANGLE B10 28, JINGAL B10 28, JINGLE B10 28, JOLING B10 28

On 6th draw, GADDIS K4 33 --- GADDI a hassock [n]
Other tops: GADIDS K4 33
Other moves: GADIS K5 29, GAIDS K5 29, ADITS K5 27, DITAS K5 27, GAITS K5 27
DASH F6 20 Pacific

On 7th draw, WATER 13B 31 --- WATER to sprinkle with water (a transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid) [v]
Other moves: WRATE J2 28, AREW 13C 27, WARE 13B 27, WATE 13B 27, GREW A12 24
GREW A12 24 Pacific

On 8th draw, ZERO L1 52 --- ZERO to aim at the exact center of a target [v]
Other moves: GRENZ 4K 50, ZONAE L3 42, HAZE J3 37, ZOEA L3 37, ZOEAE J5 37
GRAZE 4K 32 Pacific

On 9th draw, UNCAKE 14A 60 --- UNCAKE to break up a cake (a block of compacted matter) [v]
Other moves: ZACK 1L 57, CAKE 14C 32, UNCAKE J1 31, CAKE 14F 27, CAKE J3 27
ZACK 1L 57 Pacific, KKKKKK1117

On 10th draw, ORPIMENT 2G 78 --- ORPIMENT a yellow dye [n]
Other moves: ZORI 1L 39, IMPOT 8K 36, PIRNIT 8J 31, IMINO 8K 30, PLIM 10G 30
ZORI 1L 39 moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66
ZIP 1L 14 Pacific

On 11th draw, BRIBE 1D 46 --- BRIBE to influence by offering a reward [v]
Other moves: ZEIN 1L 43, RIBIBE 8J 41, BRINE 1D 38, VIBE 1E 37, VINE 1E 29
ZEIN 1L 43 queen66, Mycophot, moonmonkey
VIBE 1E 37 Pacific

On 12th draw, FAITH 3C 42 --- FAITH to believe or trust [v]
Other moves: HEFTY 11G 33, THUYA 3C 30, THUYA 3D 30, HIYA 3E 29, HEFTY J8 27
FAY 3E 25 Pacific

On 13th draw, REINING M4 64 --- REIN to restrain [v]
Other moves: ZEIN 1L 43, NIGIRI 8J 29, GREIN 4A 27, GIEN 4A 23, GREN 4A 23
GEN 4B 17 Pacific

On 14th draw, FOALS 4A 35 --- FOAL to give birth to a horse [v]
Other moves: ALF N4 34, FAS N6 31, FOAL 4A 31, OVALS 4A 29, ALOOF N4 28
FOALS 4A 35 Pacific

On 15th draw, ROOFY A1 33 --- ROOFY having a roof [adj]
Other moves: YOOF A1 30, IVY 8M 27, VLY G5 24, LORY 5D 23, LOOF A1 21
ROOFY A1 33 Pacific

On 16th draw, IXIAS 8K 60 --- IXIA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: LOX 10H 53, PYX I5 45, POXY 5D 43, PAX I5 39, LAX I5 37

On 17th draw, OWLET N10 25 --- OWLET a young nocturnal bird [n]
Other moves: TOZIE 1J 24, YOWE 5A 24, YOWL 5A 24, LOWE 5D 23, LOWT 5D 23

On 18th draw, EQUIP J9 36 --- EQUIP to provide with whatever is needed [v]
Other tops: QUAY 6F 36
Other moves: QUAI 6F 33, EQUIP 11H 32, PIQUE 13J 32, QUA 6F 32, QUEY 13L 32
EQUIP J9 36 moonmonkey

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