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Game on April 3, 2022 at 19:13, 6 players
1. 299 pts Pacific
2. 128 pts moonmonkey
3. 71 pts sicilianc5

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eiilrt   H8    64    64   nitrile
 2. aiilotz  14B    72   136   tailzie
 3. aegorst  15H    98   234   storage
 4. aeeinrt  12H    68   302   inertiae
 5. aaaeors  O11    42   344   aeros
 6. ?aegkny  14J    43   387   key
 7. ?mnoors   8H    83   470   norimons
 8. benootw  15A    34   504   town
 9. adefhsu   E8    88   592   headfuls
10. ehilnuw   F8    38   630   elhi
11. defimoo   K5    52   682   modifier
12. abgiprt   J4    30   712   tapir
13. aelnquv   L1    53   765   quena
14. acdeeny   N3    70   835   cayenned
15. bceijlo   8A    48   883   obeche
16. abilovw  13C    33   916   vau
17. bdgiruw   1L    42   958   quid
18. bgjlnou   7A    35   993   job
19. glnpuwx   O4    39  1032   xu

Remaining tiles: gglnprvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6163 FilePacific     3 13:57  -733  299     1.7809 moonmonkey  2  3:01  -904  128 
  2.7809 Filemoonmonkey  2  3:01  -904  128     2.7738 sicilianc5  1  1:11  -961   71 
  3.7738 Filesicilianc5  1  1:11  -961   71     3.7880 HollyIvy    0  2:52  -976   56 
  4.7880 FileHollyIvy    0  2:52  -976   56            Group: intermediate
  5.  -  FileQQQQQQ1121  1  1:55  -979   53     1.6163 Pacific     3 13:57  -733  299 
  6.  -  FileUUUUUU1118  1  1:43  -990   42            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  QQQQQQ1121  1  1:55  -979   53 
                                             2.  -  UUUUUU1118  1  1:43  -990   42 

On 1st draw, (N)ITRILE H8 64 --- NITRILE a chemical compound [n]
Other tops: LI(M)ITER H3 64, LI(M)ITER H4 64, LI(M)ITER H6 64, LI(M)ITER H7 64, LI(M)ITER H8 64, LI(N)TIER H3 64, LI(N)TIER H4 64, LI(N)TIER H6 64, LI(N)TIER H7 64, LI(N)TIER H8 64, RILIE(S)T H2 64, RILIE(S)T H3 64, RILIE(S)T H4 64, RILIE(S)T H6 64, RILIE(S)T H8 64, TIL(L)IER H2 64, TIL(L)IER H3 64, TIL(L)IER H4 64, TIL(L)IER H6 64, TIL(L)IER H7 64, TIL(L)IER H8 64, TI(L)LIER H3 64, TI(L)LIER H4 64, TI(L)LIER H6 64, TI(L)LIER H7 64, TI(L)LIER H8 64, (F)IRELIT H2 64, (F)IRELIT H3 64, (F)IRELIT H6 64, (F)IRELIT H7 64, (F)IRELIT H8 64, (F)ITLIER H2 64, (F)ITLIER H3 64, (F)ITLIER H6 64, (F)ITLIER H7 64, (F)ITLIER H8 64, (M)ILTIER H2 64, (M)ILTIER H3 64, (M)ILTIER H6 64, (M)ILTIER H7 64, (M)ILTIER H8 64, (N)ITRILE H2 64, (N)ITRILE H3 64, (N)ITRILE H6 64, (N)ITRILE H7 64, (S)ILTIER H2 64, (S)ILTIER H3 64, (S)ILTIER H6 64, (S)ILTIER H7 64, (S)ILTIER H8 64
Other moves: LI(M)ITER H2 62, LI(M)ITER H5 62, LI(N)TIER H2 62, LI(N)TIER H5 62, RILIE(S)T H5 62

On 2nd draw, TAILZIE 14B 72 --- TAILZIE a limitation of inheritance to certain heirs [n]
Other moves: ZOEAL 14F 36, AIZLE 14D 34, TOZIE 14D 34, ZATI 10F 33, ZITI 10F 33

On 3rd draw, STORAGE 15H 98 --- STORAGE a place for storing [n]
Other moves: GARROTES 11E 86, GLOATERS 13G 79, ESTRAGO(N) 8A 77, (N)EGATORS 8H 77, LEGATORS 13H 70

On 4th draw, INERTIAE 12H 68 --- INERTIA the tendency of a body to resist acceleration [n]
Other moves: INERTIAE 12C 66, RETAINER 11A 66, RETAINER 11H 66, RETAINER K8 66, TREENAIL E7 66

On 5th draw, AEROS O11 42 --- AERO air [n]
Other moves: EARS O12 39, ERAS O12 39, ERES O12 39, EROS O12 39, AS O14 33

On 6th draw, KEY 14J 43 --- KEY to provide with a key (a device used to turn the bolt in a lock) [v]
Other tops: KAY 14J 43
Other moves: KAYO 14L 41, K(A)Y 14J 41, K(E)Y 14J 41, KAN(A) 14J 39, KE(T)A 14J 39

On 7th draw, (N)OR(I)MONS 8H 83 --- NORIMON a Japanese palanquin [n]
Other moves: S(U)NROOM G3 71, SONO(G)RAM C8 70, (D)OORSMAN C8 70, ROM(A)NOS G3 65, ROM(A)NOS I3 65

On 8th draw, TOWN 15A 34 --- TOWN a center of population smaller than a city [n]
Other tops: NEWT 15A 34, NOWT 15A 34
Other moves: BENTO 15A 33, BOTONE 7I 31, BOW 15A 31, WENT 15A 31, WONT 15A 31

On 9th draw, HEADFULS E8 88 --- HEADFUL a great amount of knowledge [n]
Other moves: FASH 11J 36, FAE 13C 35, HAE 13C 35, HADES 7I 34, SHA 13C 32

On 10th draw, ELHI F8 38 --- ELHI pertaining to school grades 1 through 12 [adj]
Other moves: HIE F10 35, WHILE F6 32, WHINE F6 32, HEW 7K 30, HIE D10 30
EH F9 28 Pacific

On 11th draw, MOD(I)FIER K5 52 --- MODIFIER one that modifies [n]
Other moves: MOOED 7I 32, FOID 11J 30, MOFO I7 27, DEF 9K 26, DIF 9K 26
DOFF 12B 22 Pacific

On 12th draw, TAPIR J4 30 --- TAPIR a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: BAP J4 27, GRAB J3 27, GAB J4 26, GAP J4 26, PAGRI L1 26
RIP J8 26 Pacific

On 13th draw, QUENA L1 53 --- QUENA a bamboo flute [n]
Other moves: EQUAL L2 38, QUA L4 34, VAU 13C 33, QI 10J 31, QUA L3 29
QI 10J 31 Pacific

On 14th draw, CAYENNED N3 70 --- CAYENNE a hot seasoning [adj] --- CAYENNED containing cayenne [adj]
Other moves: DANCEY D5 38, YODE I7 32, ACED D7 31, YOD I7 29, CODA I7 28
ACED D7 31 HollyIvy
CANDY N6 25 Pacific

On 15th draw, OBECHE 8A 48 --- OBECHE a West African tree [n]
Other moves: ELICHE 8A 42, JIBED 10J 31, OLEIC D4 31, BIJOU 2H 30, CEL D8 28
JIBED 10J 31 Pacific
BICE D6 25 HollyIvy, moonmonkey

On 16th draw, VAU 13C 33 --- VAU the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet [n]
Other moves: BOW 7A 29, WAB 7A 27, AVO I6 26, BOLAS O4 26, LAW 7A 25
BOW 7A 29 moonmonkey, sicilianc5
WE N14 20 Pacific

On 17th draw, QUID 1L 42 --- QUID a portion of something to be chewed [n]
Other moves: BRIGUED C3 28, WUD O4 28, BOD I7 25, BRIDGE C3 24, BUD O4 24
QUID 1L 42 sicilianc5, Pacific, UUUUUU1118

On 18th draw, JOB 7A 35 --- JOB to work by the piece [v]
Other moves: JUNGLE C3 30, JIB 10J 28, JOB B6 28, JUG I3 28, JIG 10J 27
JOB 7A 35 moonmonkey, Pacific

On 19th draw, XU O4 39 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: LUX O4 28, XI 10J 25, PIX M11 24, NIX M11 20, WE N14 20
XU O4 39 moonmonkey, Pacific

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