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Game on April 3, 2022 at 19:59, 9 players
1. 699 pts moonmonkey
2. 561 pts Pacific
3. 198 pts Hammer22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eghilo   H3    78    78   ghoulie
 2. aijnoty   3C    36   114   joying
 3. aaddeer   4A    41   155   deared
 4. eeinstu   A4    77   232   detinues
 5. aceorsy   7F    66   298   caloyers
 6. afilosw   L5    86   384   airflows
 7. abdekmp   2D    51   435   bake
 8. aadeopt   K2    35   470   adoptee
 9. innopsw   1F    42   512   swop
10. begimnr   G9    73   585   berming
11. eegilnv  13C    76   661   inveigle
12. adhoruz   J2    65   726   za
13. aeflort   D7    74   800   floreant
14. ?ahiimt  14J    49   849   hitman
15. acirrux  B10    52   901   xi
16. ainrrtv  O12    30   931   vint
17. cdnoquu  10J    34   965   quod
18. acnorru   M3    24   989   narcs

Remaining tiles: nortuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7798 Filemoonmonkey  8 11:57  -290  699     1.7798 moonmonkey  8 11:57  -290  699 
  2.6172 FilePacific     5 18:31  -428  561     2.7899 HollyIvy    2  4:07  -825  164 
  3.6772 FileHammer22    2  5:08  -791  198     3.7830 queen66     2  4:53  -825  164 
  4.6618 FileDiscus22    2  5:47  -791  198            Group: intermediate
  5.7899 FileHollyIvy    2  4:07  -825  164     1.6172 Pacific     5 18:31  -428  561 
  6.7830 Filequeen66     2  4:53  -825  164     2.6772 Hammer22    2  5:08  -791  198 
  7.6597 FileJavelin22   1  4:36  -869  120     3.6618 Discus22    2  5:47  -791  198 
  8.6435 FileShotPut22   0  1:39  -947   42     4.6597 Javelin22   1  4:36  -869  120 
  9.  -  FileAAAAAA1118  1  1:52  -948   41     5.6435 ShotPut22   0  1:39  -947   42 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  AAAAAA1118  1  1:52  -948   41 

On 1st draw, GHO(U)LIE H3 78 --- GHOULIE a demon [n]
Other tops: HOGLI(K)E H4 78
Other moves: GHO(U)LIE H4 74, HOGLI(K)E H2 74, GHO(U)LIE H2 72, GHO(U)LIE H6 72, GHO(U)LIE H7 72
GHO(U)LIE H3 28 moonmonkey
(W)EIGH H8 24 Pacific

On 2nd draw, JOYING 3C 36 --- JOY to rejoice [v]
Other moves: JA(U)NTY 6F 33, JOINTLY 7C 30, JONTY 5G 30, YOJAN 5G 30, JA(U)NT 6F 29
JOYING 3C 36 moonmonkey
JA(U)NTY 6F 33 Pacific

On 3rd draw, DEARED 4A 41 --- DEARE to injure [v]
Other moves: DADAH 4D 36, DARED 4B 35, DEARE 4A 34, EARED 4B 33, DADA 4B 32
DEARED 4A 41 moonmonkey, AAAAAA1118
JA C3 9 Pacific

On 4th draw, DETINUES A4 77 --- DETINUE an action to recover property wrongfully detained [n]
Other moves: NIES 5B 35, NITS 5B 35, SIEN 5B 35, TIES 5B 35, ITS 5C 31
ENE 5D 25 moonmonkey
TEENS 10D 18 Pacific

On 5th draw, CALOYERS 7F 66 --- CALOYER a monk of the Eastern Church [n]
Other moves: YEAS 5C 46, CAY 2D 42, COY 2D 42, CRY 2D 42, YEA 5C 40
CAY 2D 42 moonmonkey, Hammer22
COY 2D 42 Discus22
YES 5C 40 Pacific

On 6th draw, AIRFLOWS L5 86 --- AIRFLOW a flow of air past a moving vehicle [n]
Other moves: FOWLS B10 53, FILOS B10 47, FOALS B10 47, FOILS B10 47, FOLIA B10 47
FOWLS B10 53 moonmonkey, Pacific, Hammer22, Discus22

On 7th draw, BAKE 2D 51 --- BAKE to prepare food in an oven [v]
Other tops: KEP 5C 51, MAKE 2D 51
Other moves: MAK 2D 48, DAK 2D 46, APEDOM 5D 45, BAP 5C 45, MAP 5C 45
BAKE 2D 51 Discus22, Pacific, moonmonkey
MAKE 2D 51 Hammer22

On 8th draw, ADOPTEE K2 35 --- ADOPTEE one that is adopted [n]
Other moves: ADAPT B6 29, ADEPT B6 29, ADOPT B6 29, PATED 1G 29, POTED 1G 29
PATED 1G 29 Pacific
DEPOT 1G 28 moonmonkey

On 9th draw, SWOP 1F 42 --- SWOP to trade [v]
Other moves: POWS J2 38, INS 5C 36, WANION 2J 34, SOWPS M3 33, WISP 1G 33
SWOP 1F 42 Javelin22
WISP 1G 33 Pacific, moonmonkey

On 10th draw, BERMING G9 73 --- BERM to provide with a berm (a ledge) [v]
Other moves: MINGER B10 42, MINGE B10 40, MINER B10 38, INERM B6 35, BAGMEN 2J 34
MINGER B10 42 moonmonkey, Pacific, Javelin22, ShotPut22

On 11th draw, INVEIGLE 13C 76 --- INVEIGLE to induce by guile or flattery [v]
Other moves: LEVERING 11C 74, VEGGIE 15D 45, EVANGEL 2I 42, VENGE 15D 39, VAGILE 2J 36
VAGILE 2J 36 moonmonkey, Javelin22

On 12th draw, ZA J2 65 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other tops: ZO J2 65
Other moves: HAZARD 2J 54, ZHO I9 49, DOURAH K10 48, HOARD K10 48, HAUD K10 47
ZO J2 65 moonmonkey
ZA J2 65 Pacific, HollyIvy, queen66

On 13th draw, FLOREANT D7 74 --- FLOREANT
Other moves: FLOATIER C8 62, FALTER 14J 47, FLORAE 14J 47, FLORET 14J 47, FOETAL 14J 47
FLORET 14J 47 Pacific
FALTER 14J 47 moonmonkey, HollyIvy, queen66

On 14th draw, HITMA(N) 14J 49 --- HITMAN a professional killer [n]
Other moves: HA(K)IM 14J 47, HA(R)IM 14J 47, EMIT(S) 5A 44, HAIT(H) 14J 43, HAI(N)T 14J 43
(S)HIM B9 32 moonmonkey

On 15th draw, XI B10 52 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: AURIC K11 39, XU 15N 39, CRUX M2 38, RAX M3 32, AX L1 29
XI B10 52 moonmonkey, HollyIvy, queen66, Hammer22, Discus22
COAX 10K 29 Pacific

On 16th draw, VI(N)T O12 30 --- VINT to strip of grapes [v]
Other tops: VA(N)T O12 30, VI(N)A O12 30
Other moves: RAVIN E11 24, VAGI 15E 24, VANTS M3 24, VIGA 15E 24, VINTS M3 24
VI(N)A O12 30 moonmonkey
VA(N)T O12 30 Pacific

On 17th draw, QUOD 10J 34 --- QUOD a prison [n] --- QUOD to imprison [v]
Other tops: QUOD M2 34
Other moves: ODIC K12 23, DOUC M2 21, UNGOD 15E 21, COND M2 20, DO K10 19
QUOD 10J 34 moonmonkey, Pacific

On 18th draw, NARCS M3 24 --- NARC an undercover drug agent [n]
Other tops: ACORNS M2 24
Other moves: GAU H13 23, ARVO E11 22, CARNS M3 22, CORNS M3 22, CURNS M3 22
ACORNS M2 24 Pacific
NARCS M3 24 moonmonkey

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