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Game on April 7, 2022 at 12:30, 8 players
1. 357 pts Chelsea
2. 244 pts queen66
3. 237 pts Mycophot

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ceiiij   H4    42    42   juice
 2. aaiprsy   9F    78   120   pirayas
 3. ?aehntw  10A    80   200   wheaten
 4. aknsttu   8K    39   239   kutas
 5. denostz   B4    91   330   dozenths
 6. egilmno   K5    48   378   linkage
 7. abfimqs   J6    64   442   qi
 8. bdemnou   O1    92   534   embounds
 9. deenrty   A1    37   571   tyred
10. deiinot   D7    72   643   ideation
11. aalnorr  A10    32   675   worral
12. aacenpt   N1    30   705   neap
13. efghlox  13C    44   749   foxhole
14. cefortu  H12    39   788   floc
15. ablmruv   M3    31   819   lamb
16. aiiirsv  J13    29   848   sav
17. eegioru  15J    36   884   vogier
18. egortuv  N10    34   918   vertue
19. aegiiow   A7    26   944   wo

Remaining tiles: aegiiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7785 FileChelsea     3  8:19  -587  357     1.7785 Chelsea     3  8:19  -587  357 
  2.7796 Filequeen66     2  6:00  -700  244     2.7796 queen66     2  6:00  -700  244 
  3.7545 FileMycophot    4  4:45  -707  237     3.7545 Mycophot    4  4:45  -707  237 
  4.7733 Filesicilianc5  2  6:45  -725  219     4.7733 sicilianc5  2  6:45  -725  219 
  5.  -  FileQQQQQQ1121  1  1:49  -880   64            Group: not rated
  6.  -  FileJJJJJJ1127  1  1:26  -902   42     1.  -  QQQQQQ1121  1  1:49  -880   64 
  7.  -  FileCCCCCC1117  1  1:55  -902   42     2.  -  JJJJJJ1127  1  1:26  -902   42 
  8.  -  FileUUUUUU1118  1  1:47  -908   36     3.  -  CCCCCC1117  1  1:55  -902   42 
                                             4.  -  UUUUUU1118  1  1:47  -908   36 

On 1st draw, J(U)ICE H4 42 --- JUICE to extract the juice (the liquid part of a fruit or vegetable) from [v]
Other moves: J(U)ICE H8 28, J(U)ICE H5 26, J(U)ICE H6 26, J(U)ICE H7 26, JE(D)I H5 20
J(U)ICE H4 42 Chelsea, JJJJJJ1127, CCCCCC1117

On 2nd draw, PIRAYAS 9F 78 --- PIRAYA a ferocious, carnivorous South American fish [n]
Other tops: PIRAYAS 9B 78
Other moves: PIRAYAS G8 68, APIARY 9D 30, PRYS 9G 30, SPRY 9F 30, PRY 9G 29
JARPS 4H 28 sicilianc5, Chelsea

On 3rd draw, WH(E)ATEN 10A 80 --- WHEATEN a pale yellowish colour [n]
Other tops: WHAT(T)EN 10A 80, WHA(T)TEN 10A 80
Other moves: ENSWATH(E) L7 78, WHATNES(S) L3 78, WHEAT(E)NS L2 78, WH(E)ATENS L2 78, (E)NSWATHE L7 78
(S)HAW 10H 42 Chelsea
HAWE(D) 8K 41 sicilianc5, Mycophot

On 4th draw, KUTAS 8K 39 --- KUTA male dog (India) [n]
Other tops: KANTS 8K 39
Other moves: STANK 11C 37, TANKS 11D 36, TANKS 8K 35, ANKUS 11E 34, SANK 11D 34
KANTS 8K 39 Mycophot, Chelsea
KUTAS 8K 39 sicilianc5

On 5th draw, DOZENTHS B4 91 --- DOZENTH twelfth [n]
Other moves: TOWZED A8 60, TOWZES A8 57, TOWZE A8 54, Z(E)STED C9 50, DOZENTH B4 40
SOWED A8 33 Chelsea
ZOS I3 32 sicilianc5

On 6th draw, LINKAGE K5 48 --- LINKAGE the act of linking [n]
Other moves: GENOM C3 45, WIGEON A10 38, LEMON C3 37, LEG(U)MIN 5E 36, MEO(U)ING 5E 36
JOLING 4H 28 Mycophot
ME A7 22 Chelsea

On 7th draw, QI J6 64 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: ASWIM A8 49, BIMAS C3 41, BIMAS A1 36, BIMA C3 34, SIMBA 12K 33
QI J6 64 Mycophot, Chelsea, QQQQQQ1121

On 8th draw, EMBOUNDS O1 92 --- EMBOUND to enclose [v]
Other moves: WOMBED A10 53, DEMOB A1 41, DEMON C3 39, BONED A1 34, UNBED A1 34
WOMBED A10 53 sicilianc5
EMBOUNDS O1 42 queen66
MOBE A1 31 Chelsea

On 9th draw, TYRED A1 37 --- TYRE to furnish with a covering for a wheel [v]
Other tops: TYNED A1 37
Other moves: RENEY A1 36, STYED 11B 34, DYNE A1 31, SEYEN 11B 31, TYDE A1 31
ENTRY 8A 27 Chelsea, queen66

On 10th draw, IDEATION D7 72 --- IDEATION the act of ideating [n]
Other moves: IODINATE D5 70, TAENIOID I8 62, WONTED A10 35, NODE C5 29, DONE C5 27
WONTED A10 35 queen66
NODE C5 29 Chelsea

On 11th draw, WORRAL A10 32 --- WORRAL a monitor lizard [n]
Other tops: WARRAN A10 32
Other moves: ROAN N1 24, TARNAL 11D 24, YARRAN 2A 22, AAL N2 20, TARN 11D 20
WARRAN A10 32 queen66

On 12th draw, NEAP N1 30 --- NEAP a tide of lowest range [n] --- NEAP to tend towards the tide of the smallest range [v]
Other tops: PEAN N1 30, PEAT N1 30
Other moves: PENTACT M2 28, PACTA L1 26, PEA N1 26, NEAT N1 24, PAC C13 24
PEAT N1 30 queen66

On 13th draw, FOXHOLE 13C 44 --- FOXHOLE a small pit used for cover in a battle area [n]
Other moves: EXO B13 42, FLEXO L1 40, EX B13 38, HEX C13 38, HOX C13 38
EXO B13 42 queen66

On 14th draw, FLOC H12 39 --- FLOC to aggregate into floccules [v]
Other moves: CURF M3 37, CLEF H12 36, ERF M1 36, ORF M1 36, EFT M1 33
CLEF H12 36 queen66

On 15th draw, LAMB M3 31 --- LAMB to give birth to a lamb (a young sheep) [v]
Other moves: MURVA L1 28, LAV M3 27, LUMA M3 27, LUV M3 27, ALBUM L11 26

On 16th draw, SAV J13 29 --- SAV short for saveloy, as in 'battered sav' [n]
Other moves: J(U)ICERS H4 28, WH(E)ATENS 10A 28, AIS J11 26, ARS J11 26, RAS J11 26
SAV J13 29 Mycophot

On 17th draw, VOGIER 15J 36 --- VOGIE vain [adj]
Other tops: VIGOUR 15J 36, VOGUER 15J 36
Other moves: GU L4 25, NIE 14D 21, EUGE 10I 19, GO C5 19, TEG 11D 18
VIGOUR 15J 36 Mycophot, UUUUUU1118

On 18th draw, VERTUE N10 34 --- VERTUE moral excellence [n]
Other moves: GU L4 25, YOGURT 2A 24, GROVET E2 22, OEUVRE N10 22, REVOTE N10 22

On 19th draw, WO A7 26 --- WO woe [n]
Other tops: WE A7 26
Other moves: WAGE 10I 25, TAW 11D 24, TEW 11D 24, TOW 11D 24, WAE M11 23
WO A7 26 sicilianc5

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